Center for Students in Addiction Recovery
Greetings family members and loved ones!
We are so grateful you are considering our program. We believe a recovery-friendly support network is valuable for students on a collegiate campus. Connecting with recovery professionals and with other students in recovery can assist one in the areas of strengthening recovery, personal growth, academic achievement and professional success. The Texas Tech University (TTU) Center for Students in Addiction Recovery (CSAR) is where students flourish in the miracle of recovery.
We know that choosing a collegiate recovery program can be difficult and we offer the following information for your consideration as you and your loved one make this important decision. Below is a list of suggestions when considering joining a collegiate recovery program and some information on how our program operates.
All our best,
Faculty and Staff of the CSAR
Considering a collegiate recovery program:
Ownership and Autonomy
Let your family member ask questions, fill out applications, and help determine which collegiate recovery program would be the best fit for his or her recovery growth and academic needs. Engaging in the admissions process provides a person with a sense of autonomy and ownership in the experience, which they will need further down the road when accepting professional positions in a place of employment.
Healthy Compromise
Typically, when recovering family members get to the point where they are considering education options, relational trust is still being built. Use this opportunity to work together on your relationship. What works for you may not work for your family member. Likewise, what works for your family member may not work for you. Be kind and firm, discussing all available options and possibilities. Together, you can come to a feasible compromise that works best for your entire family, considering the needs of all affected by this decision.
Collegiate Community Support
Collegiate recovery programs are not treatment centers. They are designed to focus primarily on recovery support. Community support is based on the health and connection of the community. It's crucial for our students to engage and be part of the community in order to receive the support they deserve. Recovery support offers a safe haven within the recovery community on college campuses. While sharing the goals of providing support, preventing a return to use, and promoting academic performance, individual collegiate recovery programs vary greatly in the services they offer students.A full list of collegiate recovery communities can be found at the Association of Recovery in Higher Education.
Important program information:
In general, students applying to the CSAR at TTU should have a year or longer of continuous recovery during the first semester they enter the program. Each student must also have earned a high school diploma or GED before they enter TTU.
The CSAR at TTU provides recovery-living dorms that are nested within the student population dorms. There are dedicated sections and apartments for recovering students. CSAR staff coordinates student living assignments to ensure that all students living in recovery housing are following the guidelines of recovery housing. For more information about housing, contact Anna Trevino by phone at (806) 742-2891 or by email at
The CSAR at TTU has 7 full time staff members who work with recovering students. Additionally, there are undergraduate Student Assistants, Peer Leaders, and Graduate Student Assistants to augment recovery support by providing peer-to-peer support.
Building Space
The CSAR at TTU has a 16,000 square foot building located conveniently in the center of campus. CSAR students have access to the basement that provides study space, a computer lab, a meditation room, a TV lounge, a game room and a break room with a small kitchen. We encourage our students to utilize the building space to make it feel more comfortable for them.
The CSAR at TTU offers scholarships to all eligible members of our community. The competitive scholarships waive out-of-state tuition and can be helpful with admission into TTU, with regard to grade point averages attained in previous schools.
For more information or any questions, feel free to contact us by phone at 806.742.2891.
Application Deadlines
Fall Semester - March 31
Spring Semester - October 31
Center for Students in Addiction Recovery
Texas Tech University, Box 41160, Lubbock, TX 79409-1160 -
806.742.2891 -