Center for the Study of Addiction and Recovery
The success of the CSAR's efforts in replicating the Collegiate Recovery Community program across the country has presented an important opportunity. The field of recovery-based research is relatively young with few peer reviewed journal articles existing in the current literature. Even scarcer are articles which consider the impact and influence of recovery from addiction on college students, their peers, and their campus communities. The CSAR is committed to developing a National Recovering Student Database.

The purpose of the National Recovering Student Database is to collect data from recovering students in order to assess the effectiveness of Collegiate Recovery Community programs and also gain information regarding the process of recovery in young adult populations. The documentation of student progress over time provides an opportunity to modify and improve the Collegiate Recovery Community program and treatment interventions in the broader spectrum of the addiction field. These modifications will provide important insights into more effective means of recovery support for college students and also provide institutions of higher education with information regarding recovery on college campuses.
Currently thirteen institutions of higher education are participating in the National Recovering Student Database Project. They include:
- Texas Tech University
- The University of Texas-Austin
- Augsburg College
- Georgia Southern University
- Kennesaw State University
- The University of Mississippi
- Southern Oregon University
- Tulsa Community College
- Vanderbilt University
- Ohio University
- University of Vermont
- University of Michigan
- Penn State University
Center for Students in Addiction Recovery
Texas Tech University, Box 41160, Lubbock, TX 79409-1160 -
806.742.2891 -