Skyviews Facelift: Student Projects offer Unique Designs for Campus RestaurantJun 5, 2018 Hospitality and Retail Management (HRM) and the Department of Design (DOD) collaborate for Skyviews renovationtags: HS Faculty, Dod, HS Undergraduate, Hrm
Lori Guerrero Awarded Elo and Olga Urbanovsky Fellowship for work with OLE!May 16, 2018 Environmental Design Ph.D. student Lori Guerrero has been awarded the Elo and Olga Urbanovsky Fellowship for her work with the Outdoor Learning Environments (OLE!) initiative.tags: Dod, HS Graduate
Department of Design Creative Work Accepted into International CompetitionMay 1, 2018 Congratulations to Assistant Professor Rachel Anderson, M.F.A. and Department of Design Research Assistant, Sahand Abbassi.tags: Dod, HS Faculty, HS Graduate
Design Students Embark on Field Tour in New York CityApr 13, 2018 Students in the Department of Design (DOD) at Texas Tech University have the unique opportunity to attend field tours in locations across the globe.tags: Hrm, Dod, HS Undergraduate