Texas Tech University

Ethical and Accessible Design: Interior Design Alumna Leads Firm with Human-Centered Approach

Ryan McCullar

April 23, 2024

Sarah Lambert

Sarah Lambert brings Texas Tech's Interior Design training to life at Lambert Home

Sarah Lambert earned her Bachelor of Interior Design in 2008. Today, she is the co-owner and principal designer at Lambert Home, a firm she runs with her sister.

Lambert Home specializes in blending contemporary design with practical functionality. The firm is known for its approach to interior spaces, prioritizing aesthetic appeal and client-specific needs. 

Sarah Lambert holds NCIDQ, RID, and ASID certifications. Her role encompasses overseeing creative processes, including the design and layout of the retail store, client design projects from inception through construction, and staff development in design.

Initially attracted to Texas Tech for a scholarship opportunity, Lambert chose to pursue the Interior Design bachelor's degree for the growth opportunities it presented. 

“I had room to grow and discover who I was at Texas Tech,” Lambert said. "The freedom I experienced was pivotal to my development into the leader I am today."

Her education at Texas Tech prepared her for a diverse range of responsibilities in her current role. Lambert cites skills such as CAD (Computer-Aided Design) and materials knowledge as daily aspects of her work.

Ethical sourcing and accessibility in design are priorities for Lambert Home. Lambert expressed a commitment to these principles, focusing on the impact of purchasing decisions and the importance of accessible design.

“I'm passionate about leading a firm that doesn't support slavery or forced labor around the world,” Lambert said. “Where we buy things, and how they are made, is often overlooked in the real world. As designers, we lead the charge in what our clients are buying and placing in their homes—we get to change how the world manufactures with our purchasing power.”

Lambert advises current students to focus on personal growth alongside their professional development. 

"Be creative, work hard, but prioritize figuring out who you are and how you fit into the world," Lambert said. “You may have to sacrifice a lot for the sake of your business. Its failure or success hinges on your ability to live cheap, work hard, be endlessly creative, and be there when you're needed. It is so worth it, but in the moment you may wonder, ‘Why am I doing this?' If you can't remember why you're sacrificing, this career path isn't for you.”

Sarah Lambert's dedication to ethical and accessible design at Lambert Home demonstrates the profound impact that thoughtful, human-centered design can have on both professional achievements and broader societal improvements.