Tabitha Rendon serves as Director of Community Outreach at CASA of the South Plains
Tabitha Rendon graduated from the College of Human Sciences in the Fall of 2023 with her Bachelor of Science in Human Sciences with three interdisciplinary concentrations; Human Sciences, Human Development and Family Sciences, and Restaurant, Hotel, and Institutional Management.
Rendon has a professional background mainly in the hospitality industry, specifically through her various on-campus dining positions at Texas Tech University where she worked for 13 years.
In 2021, Rendon entered the non-profit arena and began her work as director of community outreach for CASA, Court Appointed Special Advocates, of the South Plains.
“As Director of Community Outreach, I participate in various activities and events that result in recruiting trusted community members that will make a commitment to legally advocate for the best interests of children in foster care,” Rendon said. “Each of these children have been removed from their home for abuse and/or neglect and placed into the foster care system.”
As Rendon entered college, she sought to find a degree that satisfied her passion for serving those in need.
“When I originally began my higher education journey my vision was not clear on what path I wanted to take, but I knew that it would need to be one that allowed me to improve the conditions of vulnerable or at-risk populations,” Rendon said.
Once she began the Human Sciences interdisciplinary program, she knew that it was the perfect fit for her. Today, Rendon sees the way that her education has helped her connect with others in her current role at CASA.
“I learned soft skills such as professional communication etiquette and hard skills such as research and computer literacy,” Rendon said. “The degree gave me a foundation of knowledge and skills to equip me for this career.”
The Human Sciences program allows students to customize their degree to fit their future career, by picking three different concentrations. Like Rendon, graduates from this interdisciplinary program cultivate skills that have value to impact the community they serve.
Always searching for ways to help those in need, Rendon is currently looking to expand upon her education by applying for the Clinical Mental Health Program as a graduate student with the hopes of becoming a licensed professional counselor.
“With this license, I hope to serve the families and volunteers of CASA of the South Plains in deeper capacities and connections,” Rendon said.