School of Music
Ph.D. in Fine Arts
Ph.d. in Fine arts in music
The Fine Arts PhD provides students the opportunity to develop skills working across the fields of music, art, theatre, and philosophy and in support of interdisciplinary research. FADP recipients are employed in the fields of music scholarship, pedagogy, public-sector arts, and arts administration, among other concentrations. The degree is especially suitable for those candidates whose research interests necessitate the development of an integrated set of tools uniquely suited to their particular topics of investigation.
The Fine Arts PhD provides students the opportunity to develop skills working in interdisciplinary research. Candidates complete a core of 5 VPA courses (including theatre history, art history, philosophy, music history, and "The Arts in Contemporary Culture"), but are encouraged to develop unique additional expertise and skills in service of specific dissertation projects. In addition, there are courses in Arts Practice-Led Research, Arts Administration, and a range of complementary secondary skills.
The PhD in Fine Arts (Music / Musicology) degree is an effective preparation for university-level teaching, both within Music and across the disciplines, and also for a range of professional opportunities in arts administration, public scholarship, library and museum studies, and related fields.
In order to apply for admission into the Graduate School and the School of Music, follow these instructions.
Department of Interdisciplinary Arts
School of Theatre & Dance Building | Box 45060 | 2812 18th Street STE 222 | Lubbock TX 79409 -