Texas Tech University


This page contains a repository of videos, recordings, and other media, generated in part to communicate the work that we do at the NSRL.


 NSRL 50 year report cover

January 2023. The NSRL marked its 50-year anniversary (1973–2023).




Read the report here.



October 2022. Dr. Jennifer Girón presented about the reactivation of the Invertebrate Zoology Collection at the Department of Biological Sciences Seminar Series.

December 2022. Undergraduate student Shelby Hernandez presented a talk about her beetle-related project at the NSRL's Invertebrate Zoology Collection during the Third (Virtual) Symposium and Annual General Meeting of The Coleopterists Society.


August 2020. A walk-through of the NSRL-based exhibit, Frozen in Time: Genetic Resource Collections.

Click here for additional information about the exhibit.

February 2020. Dr. Robert Bradley talks about the Mammal Collection of the NSRL.

February 2017. Discover Texas Tech: Natural Science Research Laboratory.

May 2016. Dr. Robert Bradley talks about his work as an Integrated Scholar.

August 2015. NSRL: A Look Inside video produced by Daniel Tyler with NSRL staff, that provides an overview of what the NSRL is all about.

May 2013. The Mammal collection and the Genetic Resources collection of the NSRL were key to understanding the source of Hantavirus and its mode of transmission to humans.

November 2010. Learn about pseudoscorpions and the work of James Cokendolpher, former Curator of Invertebrate Zoology, describing a new species from granite rockfall caves in Yosemite National Park in California.

This discovery was documented in the following paper:
Cokendolpher, J. C. and J. K. Krejca. 2010. A New Cavernicolous Parobisium Chamberlin 1930 (Pseudoscorpiones: Neobisiidae) from Yosemite National Park, U.S.A. Occasional Papers of the Museum of Texas Tech University, 297: 1–26.

Natural Science Research Laboratory