Texas Tech University


specimens in cabinet

Before requesting a loan, all potential borrowers should carefully review the current Loan Policies and Procedures of the NSRL. (revised 19 July 2016).

Vertebrate Loans

people working with speciments in cabinetTo download the appropriate application for your loan please use the following links:

Voucher loan application

Genetic resources loan application

Once completed, loan applications for the Genetic Resources should be submitted to the Curator of Genetic Resources, Dr. Caleb Phillips and specimen-based loan applications should be submitted to the Director of the NSRL, Dr. Robert Bradley for approval.

For help preparing the vertebrate loan application, specimen information, or questions about loan procedures, please contact the Curator of Collections, Mr. Heath Garner, (806) 834-7641 or (806) 742-2486.

Invertebrate Loans

To request a loan from the Invertebrate Zoology collection, please contact the Curator, Dr. Jennifer Giron.

Natural Science Research Laboratory