Texas Tech University

Writing Groups

Writing groups provide you with the time, space, and support to complete your writing projects. The UWC typically hosts several writing groups each fall and spring semester.

Honors College Thesis Project Writing Group

Writing groups are a tool you can use to maintain consistent and productive writing processes. You also support your colleagues in their writing as they support you. This writing group provides Honors College students who are working on their thesis with structured, protected writing time. Each group meets once a week for 90 minutes. The format consists of 10-15 minutes of goal setting and discussion at the beginning of the session, followed by protected writing time, and culminates in a 10-minute discussion of your progress and advice for future writing sessions. 

If you are interested in participating in an Honors College writing group, please fill out this sign-up form. Feel free to email us at writingcenter.undergrad@ttu.edu if you have any questions.

McNair Scholars Writing Group 

Writing is a journey: It takes time, practice, and the occasional detour. Writing alongside others via a guided writing group is one way writers succeed because writing groups build community and accountability. The purpose of writing groups is to provide you with the time, space, and support to complete your writing projects. The McNair Scholars Writing Group (MSWG) provides upper-level students in the McNair Scholars program with dedicated writing time to complete their research papers. The MSWG meets for 90 minutes weekly for goal setting, independent writing time, and reflection on writing progress. 

Feel free to email us at writingcenter.undergrad@ttu.edu if you have any questions.