Staff Senate Bylaws
The Staff Senate shall hereafter be referred to as “Senate”, Staff Senator as “Senator”, Staff Senate Constitution as “Constitution”, Staff Senate Bylaws as “Bylaws”, Staff Senate President as “President”, Staff Senate President-Elect as “President-Elect”, Staff Senate Secretary as “Secretary”, Staff Senate Treasurer as “Treasurer”, and Staff Senate Executive Board as “Board.”
- Article I. Membership
- Article II. Budget and Finance
- Article III. Officer Duties, Vacancies, and Stipends
- Article IV. Executive Board
- Article V. Rules of Order
- Article VI. Standing Committees
- Article VII. Special Appointments
A Texas Tech University or Texas Tech University System Administration employee, excluding the chancellor, vice chancellors, president, and vice presidents, not represented by the Faculty Senate or Student Senate, interested in serving as a Senator shall be employed in a benefits-eligible full-time or part-time position for at least one (1) year of continuous service leading up to the time of nominations.
- Participation: Senators have the right to take part in the Senate meetings and to bring forth any concerns or suggestions.
- Voting: Senators have the right to vote on all motions raised in Senate meetings.
- Eligibility procedures for complimentary items: o If the timing of the event allows
distribution of the item(s) at the regularly scheduled Senate meeting, the Senators
present may take part in a drawing for the item(s).
- If the timing of the event does not allow distribution of the item(s) at the regularly scheduled Senate meeting, a lottery of all current Senators shall occur. If a Senator declines the item(s), the lottery shall be used to choose another recipient.
- If the items are tickets, each senator selected by the lottery shall receive two (2) tickets per event. If there are enough tickets to allow Senators to receive more tickets, the lottery shall occur again.
Senators shall attend and take part in all regularly scheduled and called meetings. Senators shall also serve on at least one (1) internal Staff Senate committee or represent Staff Senate on an external committee each year during their term.
A Senator has a commitment to attend all General Meetings. When absence cannot be avoided, Senators shall give notice of their absence, via email, to, before the expected absence. After a Senator has three (3) total absences in a Senate term year, the Secretary and/or Grievance Committee will reach out to the Senator for the purpose of supporting continued service in the Senate. After a Senator has five (5) total absences in a Senate term year, the Senator will be relieved of their Senator duties. The Secretary and/or Grievance Committee will inform the Senator of their expulsion and shall report the expulsion of the Senator to the Board.
Possible expulsion of a Senator or Alternate for matters other than absences will be reviewed by the Grievance Committee. After review of the Grievance Committee's findings by the Board, the Board may present a call for vote from the Senate to request expulsion of the Senator or Alternate.
When a Senator resigns or is removed because of absences or an expulsion ruling, an Alternate shall move up to the vacant position. The Alternate shall move up within the designated EEO classification in order of the earlier election results following Article III, Section 5 of the Constitution.
Alternates shall serve one-year (1) terms as alternates. Alternates moving up to fill an unexpired term will serve the remainder of that term. If an Alternate moves up to fill an unexpired term that has more than half its time remaining, the Alternate shall wait one (1) year before running for re-election. If the unexpired term to be filled has less than half its time remaining, no time off is needed before running for re-election. Alternate Senators are encouraged, but not required, to attend all meetings. An Alternate shall be allowed to function in meetings in the same way as an elected Senator other than having voting rights and proposing legislation or resolutions.
A pool of Alternates shall be kept for each EEO classification with half the number of elected Senators. To keep this number, replacements shall be chosen from the Alternate list (following Article III, Section 5 of the Constitution) in descending order by popular vote. In case of a tie vote, the Alternate will be placed by length of service at Texas Tech University. If the Alternate pool for an EEO classification is depleted:
- The Election Committee shall arrange one (1)special election with the approval of the Board if the term to be filled is at least eighteen (18) months or longer.
- The Board may ask for and fill vacated positions after the general election each year, once all Alternates have been moved into permanent positions, if the term to be filled is less than eighteen (18) months.
- If an EEO classification does not have a representative, the Board shall ask an existing Senator within that EEO classification to stay no more than one (1) year or until the special election is held and the position is filled.
If a Senator changes classification, they must inform the Board of the change in writing within a thirty (30) day period. At that time, the Senator may choose to remain as a Senator in the original classification or to resign. If the Senator resigns within this period, they shall be eligible to run in the new classification at the next general election. If the period has expired, the Senator may resign, but must then wait one (1) year before running in the new classification.
The Treasurer shall be established as the account manager with alternate signature authority assigned to the President and the President-Elect.
An annual budget shall be prepared by the Treasurer and presented to the Board for approval at the August Board meeting. Once approved, the budget shall be presented to the Senate for ratification at the September meeting. A year-to-date budget summary shall be presented to the Senate at the January and June meetings.
Requests for funding shall come through the committee chairs, in writing, to the Board for approval.
The fiscal year for the Senate shall be September 1 through August 31.
By July 15, an Ad Hoc Audit Committee composed of the incoming and outgoing President, the incoming and outgoing Treasurer, and the incoming President-Elect shall conduct an annual audit before the account is transferred to the next manager.
- The President shall preside at all Senate and Board meetings.
- The President-Elect shall understudy the President in conducting meetings and official business. The individual shall assume the duties of President when the President is absent. The next consecutive year, the individual shall serve as President. The following consecutive year, the individual shall serve as Immediate Past-President in an ex officio, non-voting capacity. The President-Elect shall handle securing the meeting room.
- The Secretary shall keep minutes of the meetings, publish the minutes of past meetings, keep a current record of membership, and archive Senate records following university policy. Previous meeting minutes shall be presented to the Senate for approval. After approval, minutes shall be modified and maintained for permanent record. Approved minutes shall be made available to the Senate.
- The Treasurer shall serve as account manager for the Senate account. The individual shall keep financial records, receive/disburse funds, and prepare a monthly report on the financial status of the account. The Treasurer shall also handle all budget and finance duties in accordance with Article II of the Bylaws. The Staff Senate Treasurer is the designated Reconciler for the Staff Senate Department Procurement Card. The Reconciler must attend required training within one month of being elected (the goal is for them to take all trainings before taking office). For additional information please reference “Staff Senate Procurement Card Guidelines” policy and procedures document.
- The Immediate Past-President serves to consult, advise, and provide information to the incoming officers as well as to enhance continuity within the Senate operations and structure. The Immediate Past-President shall serve ex officio in an advisory capacity only.
If the President resigns during their term of office, the President-Elect shall assume the duties of the President for the rest of that term. If the remaining term is less than half of the term, the President-Elect shall continue to serve a full term as President for the following year. If the remaining term is half or more of the term, the President-Elect shall assume the duties for the rest of that term only. For vacancy in any other office, the position shall be filled by an election at the next regular meeting and the individual shall serve for the rest of the term.
For any reason other than absence at Board meetings, any officer may be removed upon two-thirds majority vote of the Senate. A petition signed by fifteen (15) percent of the Senators shall be filed and attached to the agenda for the next meeting at which the vote shall be taken.
Staff Senate Officers will receive stipends per the April 1, 2022, signed memo by TTU President Lawrence Schovanec. The amounts and distribution of said stipends are outlined in the memo and are subject to change as directed by the TTU President. For additional information please reference “Staff Senate Officer Stipends” policy and procedures document.
- The Board shall consist of the four (4) officers and one (1) elected Senator from each EEO classification in the Texas Tech University's Affirmative Action Plan. Five members of the Board may hold special meetings at any time on the call of the President or on demand, in writing, to the Secretary. Board meetings shall be open to any member of the Senate.
- Each Staff Senate EEO classification representative may have one (1) alternate who can attend meetings when the representative is unable to attend and become the representative in case of a vacancy. The alternate must be a current senator within the same EEO classification and has full voting rights in Staff Senate Executive meetings only when their EEO representative is absent. Alternates only have to attend Staff Senate Executive meetings when their representative is absent. EEO classification alternates will be elected according to the same process used for EEO classification representatives following Article IV. B of the Bylaws.
- The Board shall have general supervision and control of all activities of the Senate and votes on confirmation of Senate presidential appointments. It shall oversee general operation of the Senate and receive reports for review and action. Six members of the Board shall form a quorum with a simple majority of the EEO classifications recognized by the senate being represented. The officers' classifications may be counted to make up the quorum. In the case of a tie, the President shall have the deciding vote. Proxy vote may not be assigned.
- If any recognized EEO classification is not represented, and therefore, no EEO class representative provided, the Staff Senate Executive Board duties shall be performed as prescribed, and quorum adjusted accordingly.
- Resignation of any officer may be accepted by a majority vote of the remaining Board members. A vacancy in the Board due to resignation may be filled by a majority vote of remaining Board members if six (6) months or fewer remain in the term. If the unexpired term is longer, the vacancy shall be filled by a special election. However, if more than one (1) such vacancy exists, a special meeting of the Senate shall be called, or a special election held, to fill the vacancies until the date of the next annual election. Any officer may be replaced after three (3) unexcused absences from Board meetings during a fiscal year.
- The Board shall meet at least one (1) week prior to the regular Senate meeting to hear proposed agenda items. The Board shall set the meeting agenda at that time.
- The Officers and Board positions of President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and an executive committee of one (1) representative from each designated classification shall be elected at the Senate meeting in June.
- Each EEO classification in Texas Tech University's Affirmative Action Plan shall elect a representative (and an alternate) to serve on the Board. That representative shall be a voting member on the Board. If the EEO representative cannot attend, the alternate shall attend and have voting rights on the Board.
- All voting members of the Board (President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer and EEO Representatives) shall attend each meeting. In the case of a necessary absence, a member shall notify the President or Secretary in advance of the meeting or no more than three (3) working days after. Only four (4) absences per year shall be excused for any reason. After the fourth absence the Secretary shall notify the Senator in writing that they have reached the limit. After the fifth absence, the President shall notify the Senator that they are being removed from the Board.
- If an officer is removed from the Board, the position shall be filled following Article III, Section B of the Bylaws. If the member being replaced is an EEO Representative, a special election of that EEO classification shall be held at the next Senate meeting to choose a new representative. The new member of the Board shall serve the rest of the year, with a prorated number of absences.
The following items shall be covered in each Senate meeting. The presiding President may decide the order of the items.
- Pledge of Allegiance
- If there is a flag present and the President feels the situation is suited for saying it, then the Pledge should be said.
- If there is not a flag present, or the President feels the situation is not suited for saying the Pledge, then the Pledge will not be said at the beginning of the meeting.
- Land Acknowledgement
- Roll call
- Minutes from previous meeting
- Treasurer's report
- Standing committees report
- President's report
- Reports of special committees
- Unfinished business
- New business
- Adjournment
- Senate meetings shall be held the first week of every month at a time, date, and location proposed by the President and voted upon by the Senate. Meeting times and dates shall be publicized through an official University announcement system.
- Exceptions: Any changes to the meeting schedule shall be chosen by the President and approved by the Senate. All changes shall be publicized though an official University announcement system.
- The President of the Senate (or the President-Elect in the absence of the President) may call a special meeting.
- A majority (six (6) members) of the Board may call a special meeting.
- A written petition, addressed to the presiding officer and signed by ten or more Senators, may call a special meeting.
All meetings shall be open meetings unless otherwise required by law, or unless the Senate by a two-thirds majority shall declare that a meeting or a part of a meeting shall be conducted in closed session. No vote shall be taken while a meeting is in closed session.
A quorum (required to have an official meeting and conduct business) shall be set at a majority of the duly elected and qualified senators.
Robert's Rules of Order shall serve as the parliamentary procedure.
Only voting Senators may propose legislation or resolutions. Senators may submit proposals, in writing, to the Board one (1) week before the Board meeting. All proposals shall be brought before the Senate. The Board shall be responsible for the final copy of any resolution. The President is responsible for sending the resolution to the proper authority.
- Majority vote shall be used for legitimate motions (not including those mentioned in 3: a-h) which require only a majority for their adoption. A majority vote consists of more than half of the votes cast, ignoring abstentions, at a legal meeting where a quorum is present.
- The following motions require a two-thirds majority of all Senators present for its adoption:
- Amend (annul, repeal, or rescind) any part of the Constitution, Bylaws, or rules of order previously adopted. This motion requires previous notice.
- Amend or rescind a standing rule, a program or order of business, or a resolution, previously adopted, without notice being given at a previous meeting or in the call of the meeting.
- Accept a question out of its proper order.
- Suspend the rules.
- Refuse to proceed to the orders of the day.
- Sustain an objection to the consideration of a question.
- Expel from membership. (This motion requires earlier notice and discussion between the parties.)
- Depose from office. (This motion requires earlier notice.)
- The Constitution and Bylaws shall be considered official and adopted after being presented to the Senate in general assembly for two (2) consecutive, scheduled meetings and then passed by a two-thirds vote of the Senate.
- Suspension of the Bylaws may be proposed by any Senator. The suspension shall be considered adopted upon approval by two-thirds vote of the Senate. Suspension shall be approved for each occurrence.
- Amendments to the Constitution shall be presented to the Senate in general assembly for two (2) consecutive, scheduled meetings and then passed by a two-thirds vote. Upon passage, an amendment shall become effective after ratification by the President of the University following Article VI, Section 2 of the Constitution.
- Amendments to the Bylaws shall be considered official and adopted after being presented to the Senate in general assembly for two (2) consecutive, scheduled meetings and then passed by a two-thirds vote.
- The Nominations Committee shall be composed of a minimum of five (5) senators. The duties of the Committee shall be to seek and recommend nominations for appointments to internal, external, and University committees, as deemed necessary following Article V, Section 1 of the Constitution.
- The Elections Committee shall be composed of a minimum of five (5) senators. The duties of the Committee shall be to handle all nomination and election procedures in accordance with Article III, Section 1 of the Constitution.
- The Grievance Committee shall be composed of a minimum of five (5) senators. The duties of the Committee shall be to handle Senate grievances or concerns that may be expressed by any Senator and/or the University community in accordance with Article IV, Section 2 of the Constitution. In addition, the Committee will work with the Staff Senate Secretary to maintain accurate attendance records and enforce the Senate Attendance policy as stated in Article I, sections D and E of the Bylaws.
- The Bylaws and Constitution Committee shall be composed of a minimum of five (5) Senators. The duties of the Committee shall be to accept proposed changes to the Bylaws and Constitution, study the proposals, and prepare recommendations to the Senate following Article VI of the Constitution. The chair of the committee shall advise the President on actions not following the Constitution or Bylaws.
- The Communications and Public Relations Committee shall be composed of a minimum of five (5) Senators. The duties of the Committee shall be to plan and coordinate activities at which University staff employees may meet their Senators and learn about Senate projects. The Committee shall serve as the public relations agent of the Senate, and work with the news media and human resources areas to publicize the Senate and its endeavors. The Committee shall serve as the editor and publisher of the Staff Insider (Senate Newsletter). The chair of the Committee shall serve as the public information officer of the Senate. As such, the chair shall approve public notices concerning the Senate or its activities, seeking advice from the Board or other Senators as proper to ensure consistency and accuracy of information. The Committee shall handle all acknowledgments sent from the Senators to members and others as specified.
- The Issues Committee shall be composed of a minimum of five (5) Senators. The duties of the Committee shall be to study issues that have been submitted to the Issues Committee by a Texas Tech University staff member, make recommendations back to the Board regarding handling and disposition of each issue, and notify the author of any action resulting from the committee's study. The chair shall be responsible for tracking issues submitted and the resolution of each issue. Approval from the Board shall be obtained for each resolution before notification to the author. Upon approval, the issue and resolution shall be reported to the Senate in the committee meeting report.
- The Scholarships and Awards Committee shall be composed of a minimum of five (5) Senators. The duties of the Committee shall be to update the information sheet and application yearly (before each fall semester), accept, review, and award applications for the Staff Senator Texas Tech University Employee Scholarship. The Committee chair shall coordinate with the Scholarship Office to verify each applicant before review by the Committee.
- The Technology Committee shall be composed of a minimum of five (5) Senators. The duties of the Committee shall be to maintain and update the Senate website, maintain the lottery system, and work in conjunction with the Communications and Public Relations Committee to obtain information needed to post TechAnnounce messages.
- The Red Raider Humanity, Impact, & Togetherness (HIT) Committee shall be composed of a minimum of five (5) members.
The mission of the HIT committee is to encourage robust and
informative discussions that celebrate and recognize all traditions and backgrounds of Texas Tech community members. We provide opportunities to engage in educational discussions and access resources that allow them to identify commonalities and make connections that will, in turn, have
lasting and positive impacts on our greater community.
- The OP Review Committee shall be composed of a minimum of five (5) members. The duties of the committee are to receive and review updates and/or changes to Texas Tech Operating Procedures that directly affect staff at the university. Any suggested concerns, edits or corrections will be submitted back to the Executive Board and/or the Issues Committee.
- The Staff Emergency Fund Committee (SEF) shall be composed of a minimum of five (5) Senators. The duties of the Committee shall be to review and decide funding for applications submitted to the SEF and provide the funding decision to HR following OP 70.47 Staff Emergency Fund. The chair of the committee shall manage and confirm that all applications are reviewed and responded to promptly and if further discussion is needed the Chair will provide the information to the executive board.
- The Caregiver Committee shall be comprised of a minimum of five (5) members of the Staff Senate. The duties of the committee shall be to raise awareness and provide a comprehensive response to caregiver needs for Texas Tech University Staff. This includes evaluating TTU designated Mother Friendly rooms across campus and partnering with Human Resources and other organizations to identify needs, seek funding, and support and execute caregiver initiatives.
- Any ad hoc committee may be called by the President and approved by the Board as deemed necessary. Members shall be appointed through the standard nominations process and be disbanded when the committee's purpose has been served. The Board shall decide any committee appointments and duties.
- Standing committees and their general jurisdiction may be proposed by Senators and/or created by the Board to fulfill specific goals, as the Board deems necessary. All proposed legislation shall be referred by the President either to the Board or to the proper standing committee, subject to approval by a majority vote of the Senate.
- The Board shall annually appoint the full membership of the standing committees, as specified, subject to the Nomination Committee's recommendations.
- The members of each committee shall appoint their committee chair except for the Nominations Committee. The President shall appoint the chair of the Nominations Committee.
- If a vacancy or resignation occurs on a standing committee, the Board shall appoint a new member according to the Nomination Committee's recommendations. These new members shall complete the designated term of their predecessor.
- If any EEO classification as required by the committee description is not represented on the committee, the committee duties shall be performed as prescribed.
- Robert's Rules of Order shall govern standing committee meetings as specified following Article V, Section 2 of the Constitution.
- The chair of each standing committee shall have the responsibility for the effective administration of the committee. The chair shall be responsible for the upkeep of the Committee Binder. The Committee Binder shall be used to record committee membership, meeting notes, attendance at each meeting, and any other information appropriate for the committee. The Committee Binder shall be passed on to the President-Elect at the Senate meeting in June.
- If the chair or a member of the committee has a problem with a committee member's attendance, they may submit a formal grievance in writing to the Grievance Committee detailing the frequency of absences and the impact on the committee. The Grievance Committee shall then gather information and make a formal recommendation to the Board.
- The chair of each standing committee shall appoint all subcommittees and decide the number of Senators to serve on each subcommittee, as deemed necessary.
- Committee and/or subcommittee meetings shall be decided by the committee chair.
- The chair shall be responsible for matters referred to the committee.
- The chair shall preside over all meetings, deliberations, and activities.
- The chair shall have a committee meeting report to be presented at all Board and Senate meetings. The chair shall prepare a written yearly summation of the committee's activities to be presented at the May Board and June Senate meetings. These reports shall be made available to all Senators and filed in the Committee Binder.
- Committee functions may be changed when needed with Board approval.
A. Parliamentarian
This is a special assignment by the President for a one-year (1) term. The Parliamentarian:
- Shall know Bylaws and parliamentary procedures;
- Shall send all questions that may arise according to Bylaws and parliamentary procedure to appropriate committee;
- Shall advise the President on actions not following parliamentary procedures or the Bylaws;
- Shall rule on “point of order” questions raised during a Senate session;
- Shall be an ex officio member of the Bylaws committee.
B. Historian
This is a special assignment appointed by the President for a one-year (1) term. The Historian:
- Shall collect copies of all Senate records (e.g., minutes, correspondence, reports, photographs, etc.);
- Shall organize and maintain the Senate Archives;
- Shall produce Senate historical reports as necessary;
- Shall be an ex officio member of the Public Relations committee.
August 4, 1999
April 5, 2000
June 6, 2000
October 3, 2000
March 5, 2003
October 1, 2003
November 5, 2003
December 5, 2003
December 1, 2004
January 5, 2005
February 2, 2005
March 2, 2005
April 6, 2005
May 4, 2005
June 1, 2005
September 7, 2005
April 5, 2006
October 4, 2006
February 7, 2007
April 4, 2007
June 7, 2007
February 1, 2008
June 4, 2009
April 7, 2010
May 5, 2010
September 6, 2017
September 5, 2018
February 6, 2019
March 2, 2022
April 6, 2022
November 2, 2022
January 4, 2023
August 2, 2023
March 6, 2024
April 4, 2024
TTU Staff Senate
Box 45040, Texas Tech University, 2500 Broadway, Lubbock, TX 79409 -