Presenter Information
July 17 @8:00am | Symposium Presenter Registration & Mentor Approval Opens |
September 23 @11:59pm | Presenter Registration & Mentor Approval Closes |
September 30 | Accepted to Conference |
October 10 @11:59pm | Impact Talk Slide Deadline |
October 25 | Day 1: Impact Talk Prelims |
October 26 | Day 2: Impact Talk Finals |
Each participant will present for up to 3 minutes to groups of their peers with one-minute transitions. Presenters are allowed one slide, which will be submitted and approved beforehand. Impact Talk Sessions will be one hour, with 5-10 presenters in each session. Each session will conclude with Q&As and all presenters are required to stay until the end of their session. Presenters must review all of their peers in their session, in order to be considered for the finals and awards.
Presenter Expectations:
Before the Symposium
- Check your email inbox AND junk mail folders for Symposium updates.
- Work with your faculty mentor throughout the registration process.
- Submit your registration before the deadline.
- Work with your faculty mentor to submit any edits before the deadline.
- Work with your faculty mentor to create your impact slide.
- Submit your impact slide before the deadline.
- If you are assigned to presentation sessions that conflict with a scheduled course time, please notify your professor about the anticipated conflict and share the official university absence excuse letter provided in your Symposium Acceptance email.
At the Symposium
- Arrive 15 minutes prior to your presentation session time.
- Attend the entire Preliminary Session!
- Serve as a peer reviewer in the Preliminary Session. This means that you should listen to and engage with the other presenters in your assigned session. To be eligible for Symposium Finals, you must submit a review for each of your assigned peer presenters.
- Attend the Symposium luncheon on Saturday for the Symposium Finals announcement. Finalist present again in an Impact Talk Finals Session that afternoon.
- Plan to present Saturday afternoon in the Symposium Finals.
Notes for Presenters from Group Projects/Labs
- Each Symposium presenter must give their own 3-min Impact Talk. There are no group presentations allowed.
- Each Symposium presenter must submit their own registration and be approved/accepted to present individually.
- We welcome multiple presentations from the same URCA project, research group, or lab. As an individual competition, Symposium presenters should focus on succinctly presenting how they are making an impact through their individual contributions to the project.
Slide Requirements:
If the slide does not meet these requirements, the presenter will not have a slide to present with. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Each presenter is required to submit one static slide for display during their Impact Talk with the following requirements:
- Display the presenter's name.
- Display static information only (no transitions).
- No audio/video embedded on the slide: NO EXCEPTIONS.
- Prioritize readability and accessibility with no other design requirements.
- Format as an Adobe Acrobat PDF file (.pdf).
All presenter slides will be combined into a PDF file for each session. If you do not submit the correct file type, you will not have a slide to present with. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Note: We recommend designing your slide uisng a 16:9 aspect ratio to make the best use of the projector screen without distorting your content.
Evaluation Criteria & Rubric:
Presenters must fully participate in both session formats meaning prelims and finals to be eligible for an award. If a presenter moves on to the Top 10 Finalists they will give their same Impact Talk to a panel of faculty and staff judges. The Top 3 Impact Talks will be students who are positively impacting the community, state, and world!
Helpful Web Resources
- Impact Talk Tips from Matt Saldaña and PaCE Program
- University of Queensland 3MT
- 2019 Monash 3MT Winner (Great example using humor)
- Academic Classroom Building Map and Parking (More Information COMING SOON!)
Center for Transformative Undergraduate Experiences
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