Texas Tech University

Current Members

Name:  Morgan Overstreet

Major: Agribusiness

Classification: Senior

Hometown: Sunray, Texas 

Extracurricular Activities: USDA Sorghum Research 

Hobbies: I love to watch Red Raider Football and fly airplanes

Plans After College:  When I graduate, I plan on moving to Stratford, Texas, where I have been working for the past several years to be a spray pilot.

Favorite Thing About Davis College: When I think about the Davis College, I think about community. I have made some amazing friends and made connections and it all has to come from the Davis College. One of my best friends as well as my roommate grew up only an hour from me, where we grew up playing football against each other our whole lives. I had never met him before until we started having class together where we learned that we have the same career path. We may have never met if it weren't for the Davis College, and crazy things like that happen all the time.