Texas Tech University

Technology Services


Education Hands Sculpture

Technology Services

Technology Services strives to provide expert, responsive, sustainable, and consistent technology deployment and support to Operations teams in achieving their mission:

Provide building and service environments conducive to achieving the highest standards of excellence in teaching, research and public service activities while meeting our own needs for well-being and professional development.


Technology Purchases or Requests

For technology purchases or requests, reach out to Operations.it@ttu.edu or submit a request through the iService desk with a minimum lead time of three weeks. Qualified purchases include items over $200, for example: monitors, computers, or TVs, requiring Technology Services support.

Software purchases or requests

To request software purchases or installations, contact Operations.is@ttu.edu or submit a request through the iService desk with a minimum lead time of three months. Qualifying purchases include any software not previously approved by Operations or the University.

Internal Software development

For internal software development inquiries, contact Operations.is@ttu.edu or submit a request through the iService desk with a minimum lead time of six months. Internal software development encompasses creating customized solutions tailored to address specific tasks or needs within our organization's operations. This includes scenarios where existing software options meet less than 70% of the required criteria. Please reach out to initiate discussions or for any questions you may have for tailored solutions.

Software licenses renewals and additional licenses

For software license renewals and additional licenses, contact Operations.it@ttu.edu or submit a request through the iService desk with a minimum lead time of 30 days. Renewals cover approved software with expiring contracts or associated costs, while additional licenses pertain to new users with associated costs. If updates are needed with the renewal, refer to the Upgrade guidance section
for instructions.

Upgrades (Software & Technology)

For software or technology upgrades, contact Operations.it@ttu.edu or submit a request through the iService desk with a minimum lead time of three weeks. Qualifying situations include equipment not meeting user expectations or needing internal component replacements. Regarding software, reach out with a 7-day lead time for upgrades prompted by the software or desired version changes. Initiate the request through contacting Operations.it@ttu.eduor submit a request through the iService desk.





Building Access Service Center
806.742.4OPS (4677)

Physical Plant Building
3122 Main Street
Lubbock, TX 79409

Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Admin Support TTU Logo



Operations Division: Business Services