Work Control

Work Control
Work Control is responsible for achieving good communication with university departments
through the use of departmental work coordinators and Operations personnel. Conducting
training sessions as needed for all assigned departmental work coordinators. These
sessions will provide a communication network to keep work coordinators informed of
their responsibilities, changes in operation policies, and to answer any questions
the work coordinators might have. Incumbent work coordinators are also encouraged
to attend these sessions.
Providing customer feedback opportunities through the use of the online Work Control Satisfaction Survey. These surveys are sent to the requester of the work order after the work is completed
and the work order is closed.
Receive All Service and Maintenance Requests
Service are emergency and urgent requests
- Should be accepted and processed into a work order within two hours.
- Work should be completed within 48 hours.
- Safety issues
- Anything that can cause property damage
Maintenance are non-emergency repairs
- Whenever possible, completed within 30 days
- Replace light bulbs
- Minor painting touch-ups or repairs
- Smaller dollar amount or shorter time period
- Equipment repairs or replacements
Receive All Project Requests
- Area renovations
- Painting of offices and classrooms
- Carpet replacement
- Replacement of equipment
- Repairs to equipment or mechanical rooms
Other Responsibilities
Coordinate all campus utility shutdowns.
- Administer elevator contract and billing
- Assist inspector with all paperwork
- Administer fire testing and certification contract and billing
- Assist inspector with all paperwork
Building Access Service Center
806.742.4OPS (4677)
Physical Plant Building
3122 Main Street
Lubbock, TX 79409
Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Operations Division: Business Services
3122 Main Street. Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.742.4677 -