Texas Tech University

Cyber-Physical Systems Research Group


Cyber-physical systems are engineered systems where physical components are interconnected via the internet and interact by hierarchically controlled software programs that use computational algorithms. Examples of cyber-physical systems pervade our everyday lives and include the power grid, brain-machine interfaces, financial systems, healthcare systems, and natural resource surveillance systems. Unfortunately, cyber-physical systems are vulnerable to catastrophes ranging from faults in the power grid, seizures in the brain, economic downturn, life-threatening conditions for patients, and wildfires in forests. These catastrophes may occur for a variety of reasons, including cyber-attacks or improper monitorization and regulation of the cyber-physical system. The fundamental research question that my lab is interested in is How do we design safe, effective, and efficient cyber-physical systems? 

To answer this question, we need to develop a framework to monitor, detect, predict, and prevent catastrophes in cyber-physical systems. My work combines the following three research areas: 

1. Dynamical Systems and Control Theory

2. Cyber-Physical Systems Principles

3. Network Science

to provide answers to these questions in the context of cyber-physical systems.