Nutritional Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Nutrition with Secondary Teacher Certification in Hospitality, Nutrition & Food Science (8th-12th Grade)
Overview of the Degree
This option offers a career path for those interested in teaching nutrition at the junior high school and high school levels. Students complete a broad base of nutrition courses along with those that lead to teacher certification. Graduates will be eligible for a Specialized Certificate in Hospitality, Nutrition, and Food Science. Students seeking certification must meet all requirements outlined in the College of Education section of this catalog. Admission requirements for the teaching program include the completion of approximately 60 hours with an overall 2.5 GPA or better and a satisfactory level of performance on the THEA test or equivalent. Other requirements include a 2.5 GPA or better in professional education courses and the teaching field and a grade of C or better in all required concentration and support courses. To be recommended for certification, graduates must achieve a satisfactory level of performance on the TExES examination prescribed by the State Board of Education.
Admission Information
Bachelor of Science in Nutrition with a Concentration in Secondary Teacher Certification
Degree Plan
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Contact the Office of Recruitment and Visitor's Center
Phone: (806) 742-1941
Nutritional Sciences
Texas Tech University, P.O. Box 41270, Lubbock, TX 79409-1270 -
806.742.5270 -