Texas Tech University

Technology Services

Computer Lab General Rules

  1. Be Courteous to others. Violators will be asked to leave!
    • Do not use offensive language.
    • Keep noise level down.
  2. Food or Drink is not allowed in any of the Computer Labs.
  3. Do not install software. Additional Software must be approved by the Technology Services Staff.
  4. Classes have priority in the labs (Scheduled and Unscheduled).
  5. Payment must be made prior to printing. Please see the staff in 306B.
  6. Log off the computer when you leave. Your security is in danger as well as your printing account.
  7. Credit will be given only for printing errors that are NOT the user's fault. Please submit proof of printing error to the staff in 306B.

The Technology Services Staff reserves the right to remove anyone who violates these rules!