Graduate Advising and Registration
Advising Information
Each student accepted to graduate studies in IMSE will be assigned a graduate advisor before the start of their admission term. Accepted students who have advising questions or have not received their advisor assignment by the first day of classes in their admission term should contact lead academic advisor Timothy Spees ( or 806.834.7878)
As indicated, upon entering the program, each student will be assigned a graduate advisor. Each semester, the student should consult with their graduate advisor, if needed, on their course selections and plan of study. The graduate advisor is also typically the first person whom currently enrolled students should contact if they have any questions regarding their plan of study or other aspects of their IMSE graduate program. For more details on the degree requirements, please consult the IMSE graduate handbook.
Texas Tech University Graduate School
Phone: 806.742.2787
Box 41030
Lubbock, Texas 79409−3121
Texas Tech University Financial Aid Office
Phone: 806.742.3681
Box 45011
Lubbock, Texas 79409−5011
See the Graduate School's website for complete details regarding graduation procedures. The following information is particularly useful for satisfying the requirements for M.S. and Ph.D. students.
Plan of Study
Graduate students should work with a graduate advisor to develop a Plan of Study to submit to the Graduate School. Plans of Study are required for both M.S. and Ph.D. students.
Intent to Graduate
Intent forms and instructions for submission are available at the Graduate School's website. Intent to Graduate forms are typically due very early in the semester you intend to graduate, so be careful not to miss these deadlines.
Last Day to Change Grades
If you have an incomplete in any course on your degree plan, you must complete this work at least 1 month prior to the grades due deadline for your graduation semester (refer to academic calendar or graduate website for current semester deadlines). Please see the professor you took the course with for any questions you have regarding course completion and to let the professor know when you believe you have completed the missing course work. Your professor will request a change of I or CR grade once the professor confirms that you have satisfactorily completed the course.
M.S. Final Evaluation
All non-thesis masters' level students are required to pass a final comprehensive evaluation. Notices are posted each long semester for students expecting to graduate in that semester (summer students should sign up for the evaluation in the spring semester) and will provide details of the evaluation dates and deadlines.
Thesis/Dissertation Defense
You must schedule your final thesis/dissertation defense with your advisory committee and with Timothy Spees ( at least three weeks in advance (but preferably more). Bianca will help you reserve a room for the defense, if needed, and will submit your completed Defense Notification form to the graduate school on your behalf. (Note: before you submit the Defense Notification form to Bianca, it must be signed by both you and your advisor, and you must also list your dean's representative.) All defenses are open to the public and must be advertised two weeks in advance; thus, you must also provide a copy of your defense advertisement to Bianca at least two weeks prior to the defense. See your advisor for a sample defense advertisement. The graduate school publishes the last day to defend each semester, as well as other defense-related deadlines. Students wishing to graduate in a given semester must consult the graduate school's website and adhere to these deadlines.
Industrial, Manufacturing, & Systems Engineering
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806.742.3543 -