Texas Tech University

Superintendent Letter

A headshot of Justin Louder.

Justin Louder

A headshot of Justin Louder.

Justin Louder

Dear Texas Tech University High School Senior and family,

At TTU K-12, we know that high school graduation is a momentous occasion in any student's life. That is why we host an onsite graduation ceremony each spring, to be able to celebrate that milestone with family and friends.

A headshot of Cari Moye.

Cari Moye

A headshot of Cari Moye.

Cari Moye

We have made every effort possible this year to hold to that, by initially moving the event from May to July, hoping the circumstances around COVID-19 would lessen and allow us to move forward.

However, with cases still increasing locally, statewide, nationally, and internationally, it is only prudent that we cancel the 2020 commencement ceremony. We do not want to risk your and your family's health and safety, or that of our administrators and staff.

This was a terribly difficult decision, and we are devastated to have to deliver this sad news. However, we believe that under the circumstances, it is the wisest decision.

We appreciate each and every one of you and wish you well in your future endeavors.

Justin R Louder, Ed.D
Interim Superintendent
TTU K-12

Cari Moye, M.Ed.
TTU K-12

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