Texas Tech University

A Journey Into Education Leads to a Love for Serving Students

By Joshua Blount, Senior Editor

A woman wearing a white shirt with the Texas Tech logo is centered between two children that are displaying the guns up symbol while smiling.

Kari poses with her children at a Texas Tech event.

A woman wearing a white shirt with the Texas Tech logo is centered between two children that are displaying the guns up symbol while smiling.

Kari poses with her children at a Texas Tech event.

Although Kari's journey did not begin in education, she developed a deep love for it and enjoys helping students to this day. Nothing is more satisfying for her than watching students take more control and understanding during their educational journeys. Today she helps students as a senior academic advisor for TTU K-12.

Kari's advising role is critical because she serves as the primary communication between TTU K-12 and their students and parents. Kari's guidance and advice helps families to ensure they are meeting all requirements and provides them with the next steps in all levels of their education.

During her freshman year as a student at Texas Tech University, Kari intended on becoming a physical therapist as a student at Texas Tech University. After a chance summer course, however, she discovered that she had an even greater interest.

A woman hugging two children, all wearing clothes and holding pinwheels with american flags and red, white, and blue.

Kari enjoys time with her children.

A woman hugging two children, all wearing clothes and holding pinwheels with american flags and red, white, and blue.

Kari enjoys time with her children.

"I attended a freshman summer course where I participated in a few personality and interest quizzes and took a more in-depth look into them. It gave me insight that I enjoy helping others and serving as a role model to teach others the skills that I have learned, to be the most fulfilling to me. My mother was a teacher for over 35 years, so it was a perfect fit, and I immediately changed my major to education."

Kari was determined to pursue a career at Texas Tech after attending for years as a student. TTU K-12 appealed to her because of their service to students and overall core values.

"The ability to be a part of the university in a way that serves early childhood education while being affiliated with a university that has strong mission and core values was the greatest appeal to me." Kari offers advice to students making their way through their educational journey.

"Never stop learning. There is always something that you can learn from someone else."

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