Texas Tech University

Languages Teacher Hopes to Impart Skills to Help Students Be Successful

By Leslie Cranford, Section Manager

A headshot of Donna Black.

Donna Black

A headshot of Donna Black.

Donna Black.

Raised in El Paso, Texas, hearing many of her friends conversing in Spanish was normal for Donna Black, TTU K-12's lead teacher for Languages Other Than English. She believes that was a major motivator of her desire to learn the language.

"In elementary school I was unable to understand most of what many of my friends said, and my family did not speak Spanish," Black said. "I loved hearing them, and I believe that is what inspired me to learn the language."

Black has been an instructor with TTU K-12 five years, after retiring from teaching in public school for 26 years. Currently, she teaches Spanish 1A & B and Spanish 2A & B. She has taught Spanish 3 and has also taught reading and English, holding degrees in both languages.

"When I retired from public school, I thought about substituting in order to continue to be able to communicate with students in Spanish," Black explained. "When I was approached about TTU K-12, I recognized an opportunity to help students learn at their own pace."

She admitted, though, that it has been an adjustment not to be able to see students daily.

A group of men and women stand next to one another closely while some demonstrate the guns up symbol and others simply stand and smile with the Jones AT&T stadium field in the background

Donna Black, front row, second from right, at the 2019 teacher orientation on the Texas Tech campus.

"I try to communicate with them in a way that they know they are not just a name and a bunch of assignments," she said. "Students have different styles of learning, and our program is able to meet the needs in ways that are beneficial to each student."

One reason Black enjoys teaching Spanish is that she likes learning about the differences in Hispanic cultures and histories and how they are related to that of the U.S.

A group of men and women stand next to one another closely while some demonstrate the guns up symbol and others simply stand and smile with the Jones AT&T stadium field in the background

Donna Black, front row, second from right, at the 2019 teacher orientation on the Texas Tech campus.

"In teaching the language, culture and customs of other people, my goal is to help students learn something that will help them realize that in society, although we are all different, in some ways we are also alike."

As with most teachers, she also has advice for her students.

"Always do your best; don't settle for 'just passing' in order to earn a credit," she said. "Set goals and use your best efforts in order to learn what will benefit you in the future. Do not be afraid to ask questions and never stop learning!"

Black says her biggest reward is when a student or ex-student tells her they have been able to communicate in Spanish with another person outside of the classroom.

"It's always rewarding to hear that our students have learned skills that have helped them become successful!"


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