Texas Tech University

TTU K-12 Welcomes More Leadership to Impact Students

By Joshua Blount, Senior Editor

A headshot of Natasha Newman.

Natasha Newman

A headshot of Natasha Newman.

Natasha Newman.

When it comes to collaborative effort, there is usually one essential piece that determines success: leadership. TTU K-12 helps to educate new leaders every day in hopes that they will make a significant impact in their future career and their community. The TTU K-12 team is full of leaders who are equipped to keep students on the right path. One such leader is Natasha Newman, a new assistant principal.

Natasha is a Texas Tech alumna with experience as an English teacher. While earning her master's degree, she served as the director of curriculum and instruction at South Plains College and later led as the principal of Pep High School.

Natasha joins TTU K-12 with a focus on student learning and team-oriented attitude for success. She spoke to the pedagogy of TTU K-12 as a motivation for joining the team.

"Online learning provides an accessible educational opportunity to all students regardless of educational need by connecting with individual students or through school districts," she said. "TTU K-12 does not discriminate, and the program is affordable and convenient for students that are trying to accelerate their education or catch up. TTU-K12 offers phenomenal technical, academic and administrative support to teachers and families."

As assistant principal, Natasha's duties strategically place her between faculty/staff and students/parents. She is responsible for facilitating the professional development of teachers and staff, while also collaborating with teachers, staff, parents and students concerning course completion ideas and challenges.

Natasha's hope in her new role is that she can support individual students and schools that are trying to further their education in a non-traditional setting. TTU K-12 welcomes Natasha's expertise and leadership to its growing team.


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