Texas Tech University

Fascination With Human Brain Lures Educator to Diagnostician Role

Paige Barnes

Paige Barnes, educational diagnostician.

By Leslie Cranford, Section Manager

Paige Barnes

Paige Barnes, educational diagnostician.

As long as she can remember, Paige Barnes was fascinated by how the brain works. As the educational diagnostician for TTU K-12, that early interest has served her well in assisting differently abled students.

“I have been in education for 25 years,” Barnes said. “As I look back on what motivated me to become an educational diagnostician, I believe it was my innate sense of supporting others and curiosity about how the brain works. I remember as a child watching documentaries about students with Autism. At the time, not much was known, and it was an emerging diagnosis. I was fascinated by the way each child was different and the gifts that were often present. The students in the documentaries struggled to communicate yet would have genius-level talents in other areas. It was absolutely fascinating, and I wanted to learn more.”

Paige Barnes with her mother.

Barnes credits her mom for teaching her empathy for differently abled people.

Paige Barnes with her mother.

Barnes credits her mom for teaching her empathy for differently abled people.

Barnes recalls her mother also heavily influencing her to have a positive impact on students with various differences.

“She is the most empathetic person I know,” Barnes explained. “She made me acutely aware of understanding differences in others and always being respectful, kind, and supportive.”

As an educational diagnostician, Barnes performs formal assessments of students to evaluate whether they have learning disorders and qualify for special education services. She also works with special education teachers and other school professionals, like school psychologists, to develop plans to help students with learning challenges succeed. Barnes provides diagnostic information and works cooperatively with instructional personnel and parents to provide the most appropriate programs for students with disabilities.

When Barnes came to TTU K-12, she was not originally looking for a new job and was very happy in her previous position. After a phone call to Principal Cari Moye, Barnes knew she could make a difference for many types of students. She says Moye had the biggest impact on her decision to join the team in that phone call.

“The school is appealing to me because I love Texas Tech,” Barnes said. “It is my alma mater, and I get to work in one of my favorite places. I love the option we provide students that don't flourish in a traditional brick-and-mortar setting. It's a great place to be!”

Paige Barnes with family

Barnes poses with her family; her oldest daughter (left) is a senior at Texas Tech and the younger (right) starts in the fall.

Paige Barnes with family

Barnes poses with her family; her oldest daughter (left) is a senior at Texas Tech and the younger (right) starts in the fall.

Barnes says she's most satisfied when students who have struggled in the past get the support they need to be successful in the classroom.

“It's amazing to see how a few changes can impact the future of each child,” Barnes explained.

For the future of TTU K-12, Barnes says she would love to see the school continue to grow and support students that need an alternative to brick-and-mortar school.

“Sometimes, our students just need our setting for a few semesters, and others need our program until graduation,” she said. “My hope is that we will be able to continue to grow to serve more students to meet the ever-changing needs of education.”

As a seasoned educator, Barnes has good advice for students who may be struggling at any given time in their schooling.

“Part of my job is to evaluate a student's IQ, but it isn't the most important aspect of a person's ability. I would like all students to understand that your level of intelligence is not the best indicator of future success. In my experience, if you have grit, work hard, connect to people and have a positive attitude, it will carry you further than intelligence alone.”

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