Texas Tech University

Superintendent Letter

A headshot of Scott Lucas

Scott Lucas, M.Ed.

A headshot of Scott Lucas

Scott Lucas, M.Ed.

Greetings TTU K-12 Family!

Time is flying, as I reflect on already being here, leading TTU K-12 for a full semester! There are great things happening in our district, and we're glad you're a part of them.

Our administrators have been busy traveling the past couple months, representing us at various conferences to different audiences around the state. We offer solutions for anyone from individual students who want supplemental solutions, to whole classrooms, rural schools and even entire districts to help with teacher shortages and more. Find out more in this publication.

There are two items of interest to our full-time graduating seniors. Our on-site commencement ceremony is May 20 on Texas Tech's Lubbock campus. If you haven't heard from your advisor on the details, you can find out more here. We would love for you to join us for this milestone celebration!

Also, if you're a graduating senior considering or planning on attending Texas Tech University, there are scholarship opportunities for you. We have implemented different application deadlines, so be sure to read more details in this publication.

Please don't hesitate to reach out if you need something or if we can help with your student's success in any way.

Scott Lucas signature
Scott Lucas, M.Ed.
TTU K‑12 Superintendent

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