Texas Tech University

English Teacher Seeks to Change the World with Education

Shannon McMackin

By Leslie Cranford, Section Manager

Shannon McMackin

Inspired by her father, and the words of Nelson Mandela who said, "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world," Shannon McMackin chose to enter the education profession after a long corporate career.

“It was my desire to engage in purposeful and meaningful work where I could contribute to the development of future leaders. I wanted to help students discover the power of language, the ability to use their voice to make a difference, and the role education plays in providing the freedom to create the lives they desire and deserve,” McMackin said.

Texas Tech family and fans who think her last name sounds familiar are correct. Her father, Greg McMackin, was a college and NFL football coach for 48 years, including serving as the defensive coordinator for Texas Tech from 2000-2002. To be cited as her inspiration alongside Mandela is no small feat. She said thanks to her dad, the value of education runs deep throughout her family.

“Dad began his career as a middle school teacher and coach, and regardless of the level of achievement in his profession, he remained a teacher at heart – influencing countless lives, while instilling in us all his belief in the value of education,” McMackin said. “He is my inspiration and motivation as an educator as well as my greatest teacher.”

Shannon (center) with her son Taylor (left) and daughter Kayla (right).

Shannon (center) with her son Taylor (left) and daughter Kayla (right).

As an educator for 14 years, she is in her fifth year with TTU K-12 as an instructor in the English Department, primarily focused on English I and III. McMackin said she appreciates the concept of working with students all over the world and offering a first-class, rigorous education, while providing students with the flexibility to decide where and when they learn.

“Our program supports students as they pursue their dreams, live abroad, or just prefer another option to a brick-and-mortar campus,” she said. “Not only do I get to work with and get to know our outstanding students, but I also feel privileged to work with an exceptional team of administrators, teachers and staff who share in the commitment to provide our students with the most supportive educational experience possible.”

Seeing students grow and succeed, as well as the relationships developed throughout a course, are two of McMackin's favorite aspects about the work at TTU K-12.

“Encouraging students to think critically through the power of words as they develop as thinkers, readers and writers, then seeing the results of their growth over time is so rewarding,” she said.

Shannon and her grandson Braiden

Shannon and her grandson Braiden

McMackin also finds the growth and development of the program itself fulfilling.

“It's an exciting time to be part of TTU K-12 as we have experienced tremendous growth, which continues to provide outstanding opportunities for our students and families, not only in elementary and secondary education, but also as our students transition to higher education,” she said. “I know that we will continue to serve students worldwide with continued expansion and innovation.”

And even after all her years in education, everything she has learned and all the knowledge she has imparted, McMackin's advice to students is very simple.

“Believe in yourself,” she said emphatically. “Value your education while being kind to yourself and others as you navigate your learning. Learning can be messy – making mistakes and even failing are not the end, but just the beginning because it's in those moments when the most important lessons are learned. Like Dory says in “Finding Nemo,” just keep swimming.”

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