Texas Tech University

Superintendent Letter

A headshot of Scott Lucas

Scott Lucas, M.Ed.

A headshot of Scott Lucas

Scott Lucas, M.Ed.

Greetings, TTU K-12 family and friends,

Summer is upon us already, and I am pleased to have completed my first full academic year leading the TTU K-12 program.

Two weeks ago we were honored to host more than 40 of our seniors and their families on the Texas Tech campus for our commencement ceremony. It was a delight to see students meet for the first time, call their names as they walked across the stage, and turn their tassels as 2023 graduates.

In his commencement address, Dr. Brian Still shared a few stories from our graduates and his personal story of getting to where he is today. You can watch the ceremony stream posted on the TTU K-12 Facebook page.

Like Dr. Still, I also believe there is great importance in telling our stories. Repeating them to ourselves and others helps us to remember what we overcame and how. Joshua 4 tells the story of the Hebrews leaving rocks as a reminder of what they had been through. Later, when their children asked, “What do these rocks mean?” they could tell the young ones of their journey.

Telling our stories can give encouragement to ourselves and to others during a tough part of a journey. Retelling them can help to celebrate accomplishments and allow us to give thanks to those who helped us during our journey. And telling our stories helps us identify and connect with others through universal truths of struggle and victory.

TTU K-12's story began in 1993. Since that time, we have worked to meet the needs of students around the globe. Every student, every staff member has a unique journey and story to tell. We are honored to play a role in your story.

Always remember, we are here to help! Our individual courses are perfect for summer catch-up or getting ahead. Don't hesitate to reach out.

Have a great summer,
Scott Lucas signature
Scott Lucas, M.Ed.
TTU K‑12 Superintendent

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