Texas Tech University

First Cancun Students Complete Dual Program

By Leslie Cranford, Section Manager

Since becoming a partner with TTU K-12 in October 2021, the staff of Instituto Césare in Cancun, Mexico, has been steadily building its enrollment. In mid-February, three students graduated from the concurrent diploma program with a certificate from both institutions.

Students in the dual program take a full course load from both their traditional school and TTU K-12, preparing them for attending universities in the U.S. or other countries.

Allison and Lay in front of the Instituto Césare in Cancun

Allison and Lay in front of the Instituto Césare in Cancun.

Allison and Lay in front of the Instituto Césare in Cancun

Allison and Lay in front of the Instituto Césare in Cancun.

Braxton Allison, TTU K-12's principal of instruction; and Jared Lay, director of Recruitment and International Partnerships, traveled to the school to participate in meetings and in the commencement ceremony.

The pair toured the campus on the first day and met the students and staff.

Families seated and waiting for commencement to begin

Families eagerly wait for commencement to start.

Families seated and waiting for commencement to begin

Families eagerly wait for commencement to start.

Lay visited the feeder campus, Alexandre, the next day while Allison met with different classes at Césare discussing the courses, showing them tips and tricks for studying and working through classes. Later that day, Lay talked to the current students at Césare about applying to college at Texas Tech University. Allison discussed involvement opportunities such as joining the National Honor Society.

“We're proud to have an international partner that values education and making a difference in students' lives,” Lay said. “Césare has great administration, teachers and students; it is an honor to work with them.”

Allison gives classes study tips

Allison gives students course study tips and other advice.

Allison gives classes study tips

Allison gives students course study tips and other advice.

The graduation ceremony held Feb. 16, recognized TTU K-12's first graduates from the program, as well as students from other grade levels in the TTU K-12 program. Only one of the graduates was able to attend the ceremony, but the other two students had someone stand in on their behalf to accept their diploma.

“We are hopeful that the students attending were able to visualize the end result of being in the concurrent program, by actively participating in the graduation and handing out diplomas to the students who graduated,” Allison said.

Allison also explained that students begin the program in 10th grade, but they're working with Alexandre to potentially begin students in 9th grade so they can get an earlier start.

Instituto Césare students showing TTU pride

Instituto Césare students showing Texas Tech pride.

Instituto Césare students showing TTU pride

Instituto Césare students showing Texas Tech pride.

“That could boost the overall participation in this program and would also allow for greater flexibility for the students to complete the graduation requirements with a lighter load each year,” Allison said. “Starting a year earlier would also allow more time for credit recovery, if needed, or provide more time for end-of-course completion, among other benefits.”

Claudia Boy Loecken, language coordinator at Instituto Césare, was grateful for the visit from its partner school.

“It's amazing to see how Braxton and Jared simply being here has made a difference in the pride our students have for TTU K-12,” Boy Loecken said.

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