Texas Tech University

Involvement Ambassadors

The Involvement Ambassadors aim to enhance student engagement at Texas Tech University by connecting new and current students with relevant student organizations, fostering a sense of community on campus. Through organizing student organization fairs and involvement events, the team promotes diverse opportunities for participation, while also sharing valuable information about campus resources. By collaborating with the Student Involvement Staff in the Center for Campus Life, the Ambassadors work to create a vibrant and inclusive environment that encourages all students to get involved and thrive during their time at Texas Tech.


Qualifications for Involvement Ambassadors:

Must be enrolled as a full-time student at TTU (Undergradaute-12 credit hours and/or Graduate 9 credit hours)

Minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA

Available for Involvement Ambassador Trainings

Available for bi-monthly meetings

Available to serve 2-4 hours a week in the office.

Based on completion of program requirements and expectations, upon semesterly evaluation, Ambassadors will receive a scholarship stipend at the end of two consecutive semesters of $1,400 ($700 per semster).

Involvement Ambassador Application

Involvement Ambassador Program Manager

For more information contact:
Stephanie LaMarr at stephanie.lamarr@ttu.edu or 806-742-5433