Involvement Ambassadors
Qualifications for Involvement Ambassadors:
Must be enrolled as a full-time student at TTU (Undergradaute-12 credit hours and/or Graduate 9 credit hours)
Minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA
Available for Involvement Ambassador Trainings
Available for bi-monthly meetings
Available to serve 2-4 hours a week in the office.
Based on completion of program requirements and expectations, upon semesterly evaluation, Ambassadors will receive a scholarship stipend at the end of two consecutive semesters of $1,400 ($700 per semster).
Involvement Ambassador Application
Involvement Ambassador Program Manager
For more information contact:
Stephanie LaMarr at or 806-742-5433
Student Involvement
203 Student Union Bldg MS 45014 -
806-742-5433 -