Student Organization Risk Management
Risk Management Requirement
In accordance with Texas Education Code, Section 51.9361, all registered student organizations are required to watch the Risk Management training in the Student Org Leader Orientation. The training will go over the risk management topics as it relates to individuals, organization functions, and/or activities. A minimum of the president should watch the training offered. If the president is not available, another officer can watch the training, but they will be responsible for educating the officers and members on the information learned.
After organizations have completed the Risk Management training during the Student Org Leader Orientation (SOLO), they must fill out the Risk Management Post-Assessment Questions section of the form for Re-Registration, Reinstatement and Intent to form Processes.This assessment cannot be completed by someone that has not watched the training.
Social fraternities and sororities are also required to attend the Clay R. Warren Memorial Risk Management Programming annually.
Training Dates
Student Organization Risk Management Training - This training complies with Texas Education Code 51.9361, as mentioned above, and organizations risk being deactivated if it is not completed by September 1st of the fall semester. All student organizations must watch the risk management training in the Student Org Leader Orientation.
Student Organization Advisor Risk Management Training - Student Involvement is pleased to offer student organization advisor trainings. This training is only required for advisors once, and it complies with the Texas Education Code 51.9361 and the 2017-2018 Texas Tech Student Handbook Provision (Part V, E. Faculty or Staff Advisor, 7).
Spring 2025 ADVISORS ONLY Training Dates:
- January 30th: 3pm- 4pm (zoom)
- February 4th: 12pm-1pm (zoom) & 3pm- 4pm (zoom)
- March 5th: 12pm-1pm (zoom) & 3pm- 4pm (zoom)
- April 7th: 3pm- 4pm (zoom)
For additional questions regarding risk management training, please contact Savannah Staugaard or at 806-742-5433.
Risk Management Topic Specific Presentations & One-on-One Advising Meetings
Student Involvement
203 Student Union Bldg MS 45014 -
806-742-5433 -