Texas Tech University

Campus Safety


Will you get the message? If you have not already done so this semester, update cell phone, home phone or text message information at www.ttu.edu/emergencyalert. Up to four phone numbers can be entered, with TTY/TDD for hearing impaired and text messaging options. The system is used to alert the university community of emergency situations or class cancellations or delays.

Event Security Request

Non-Texas Tech University departments and Texas Tech University Student Organizations are required to complete the Police Services Request for Non-TTU Departments and Student Organizations form no less than 2 weeks prior to the event date in order to allow for sufficient planning.

General Emergancy Procedures

Emergency 9-911: Ambulance, Fire, Police

Texas Tech Campus Police: 806-742-3931 (non-emergency)

Physical Plant
Maintenance Emergencies
806-742-3328 (after 5 pm)

Information Technology
Server-related issues 806-742-3649 

Crime Prevention Tips from Texas Tech Police

Helpfull information to keep you and your property safe while you are on the Texas Tech University or Texas Tech Health Science Center campus. Topics include:

  • Bicycle Security
  • Theft Prevention
  • Robbery
  • Phone or Email Harassment
  • Stalking Prevention
  • Pedestrian Safety
  • Sexual Assault Prevention

Crime Prevention Programs

The Texas Tech Police Department have full time Police Officers who are available to give presentations and discuss crime prevention topics to any student, faculty, or staff

Blue Phones

Ninty-one blue phones are placed at strategic locations throughout the campus. These phones are direct lines to the Texas Tech Police Department. The Blue Phones in the parking lots can be easily recognized. A blue light is mounted above the metal phone boxes. The Blue Phones in the academic buildings can be easily recognized by a metal box with the word "EMERGENCY" printed in bold red letters. You may use these phones for obtaining information and reporting emergencies. If you find a phone that is not working properly, please report it to the Texas Tech Police Department. We recommend that you become acquainted with the locations of these phones.

Campus Safety Report

Report incident reports here

Texas Tech University annually makes several reports and statistics available to its community and to prospective students and employees. These statistics provide information on campus safety including several items for which fedral law requires disclosure including:

  1. campus policy regarding the reporting of criminal activity;
  2. campus policy concerning facility safety and access;
  3. campus policy concerning law enforcement;
  4. information regarding safety and crime prevention programs;
  5. campus policy for the recording of off-campus criminal activity;
  6. campus policy regarding the sale, possession and use of alcohol and illegal drugs;
  7. information regarding drug and alcohol education programs;
  8. campus policy regarding sexual assault programs to prevent sex offenses;
  9. crime statistics for the three most recent calendar years.

Campus safety information is available upon request from:

Texas Tech Police Department
Box 43041
Lubbock TX 79409-3041
(806) 742-3931 


TTU now offers anonymous reporting of any student concern through Real Response. Your name and phone number will not be revealed. Use a mobile device with texting capabilities to text the number or scan the QR code below to begin your anonymous report. A staff member will guide you through the anonymous reporting process.

Please do not submit an anonymous report through any of the other Raiders Report reporting options (e.g. Student Org Misconduct, Hazing, Student Conduct, etc.). Doing so will limit our ability to address your concern.

To begin, text the number or scan the QR code below:

+1 806-454-7867
