Texas Tech University

Student Life at Texas Tech

Texas Tech Student LifeTexas Tech StudentsTexas Tech StudentsTexas Tech StudentsTexas Tech StudentsTexas Tech Students

Student Life embodies the student experience here at Texas Tech University. Student Life staff work to enhance the student experience outside the classroom by delivering robust programs and services, opportunities to connect with fellow students, and promoting responsible citizenship as a member of the Red Raider Community. Our desired outcome is to guide students toward accomplishing academic, personal and professional goals.

While on campus, students have the opportunity to get involved in any of our over 600 student organizations, form lifelong friendships, make lasting memories, and have fun! There are a variety of ways to get involved on campus, including the Student Government Association (SGA), becoming a member of a fraternity or sorority, cheering for the Red Raiders along with our TTU Spirit squads, and so much more. We encourage you to explore all that TTU has to offer!


If you have any questions about Student Life, please contact our 
office at 806.742.2977 or studentlife@ttu.edu.


Student Life