Faculty & Staff Support
Recognizing & Responding to Students of Concern
Mild/Low Behavioral Concerns
- Causing Discomfort or Annoyance
- Mild Classroom Disruption (talking loudly, interrupting, asking a lot of questions
- Disrespectful/Rude
- Standing w/in personal space boundaries
- Talking off topic & not related to class
- Poor academic & classroom performance
- Answering phone, texting on computer in class
- Threatening to speak to supervisors or chair
- Absences
Classroom Management & Addressing Low-Level Situations
- Identify the best time & address individually with the student
- Reestablish expectations, communicate clearly, provide resource referrals as appropriate
Supervisor or Department Chair
- Emotionally Troubled
- Depressed
- Anxious
- Not coping/adapting
- Situational Stressors
- Traumatic events
- Excessive Absenteeism
- Changes in hygiene, sleeping, inattentive, crying
- Injury or Illness for more than a week
- Changes in academic performance, attendance, transportation
- Observed self-injurious behavior (cutting, burning, eating disorders
Conversation & Resource referrals
- Identify the best time & talk with the student individually to assess the situation and offer resources
- Submit an online report at www.ttu.edu/studentsofconcern
Student Counseling Center – (806) 742.3674
Office of the Dean of Students (806) 742.2984
- Disruption of educational process
- Violation of rules
- Vague and indirect threats
- Substance misuse and abuse
- Refusing to leave or cooperate
- Destruction of property
- Not complying with instructions
- Escalating mild/low-level behaviors
Documentation, Reporting & Accountability
- Communicate expectations early (Syllabus, Code of Conduct
- Document what occurred
- Report online to the Office of Student Conduct
Office of Student Conduct (806) 742.1714
- Threats to self
- Threats to others
- Violent/aggressive behavior
- Mention of weapons or violence to solve problems
- Writing/online posting that convey intention to harm self or others
- Unable to care of self
- Profoundly disturbed, detached view of reality
- Deficient in skills that regulate emotion/behavior
Report & Seek Assistance
If immediate danger:
- Call Police (911)
- Address the immediate concern by protecting self and others, clearing or locking down location
If not immediate danger:
- Assist student in seeking help
- Document what occurred
- Report to police and submit online report at www.studentsofconcern
Texas Tech Police Department (806) 742.3931
Office of the Dean of Students (806) 742.2984
Other Reporting
Upon notice of these situations, a report is required to the appropriate unit:
- Sexual Assault & Sexual Violence -Title IX Administrator (806) 742.7233
- Discriminatory or Sexual Harassment -Title IX Administrator (806) 742.7233
- Criminal Activity on or adjacent to Campus- Texas Tech Police (806) 742.3931
- Missing Students-Texas Tech Police Department (806) 742.3931
When in doubt.. Report!
When in doubt .. report a concern at the link below or call (806) 742.2984.
Below is a listing of resources/support options for faculty and staff.
Student Academic Resources | Absences | Dropping a Course |
Withdrawal from the University | Incompletes | Academic Integrity |
Emergency Alerts | TTU Human Resources | Operating Policies and Procedures |
QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) training provides the life saving skills necessary to effectively and directly ask someone if they are suicidal, persuade them to get help and refer them to the appropriate professional. Contact: Student Counseling Center (806) 742-3674 |
Residence Life Staff on duty 24/7 to assist residence hall students. Contact USH Residence Life Staff (806) 742-4996 |
Toward the maintenance of a caring, inclusive, and safe community, TTU offers Raiders Report, our online reporting system to help students, faculty, staff, families, and friends submit reports detailing observed or known concerns. |
Dean of Students Office
Suite 203, Student Union Building -
806.742.2984 -