Texas Tech University


Student Life Leadership Team

Matt Gregory

Matt Gregory, Ph.D.

Dean of Students & Vice Provost for Student Life


Thornton, Kimberly

Thornton, Kimberly, Ed.D.Assistant Vice Provost for Campus Lifekimberly.thornton@ttu.edu

Stangl, Jill

Stangl, Jill, J.D.Assistant Vice Provost for Student Wellbeingjill.stangl@ttu.edu

Legako, Stephanie

Legako, Stephanie, Ed.D.Associate Dean of Studentsstephanie.legako@ttu.edu

Green, Deborah

Green, DeborahDirector of Business & Financedeborah.green@ttu.edu


Student Life Directors

Green, JaWana

Green, JaWanaAssistant Dean of Students & Senior DirectorOffice of Student Conductjawana.green@ttu.edu

Guerra, Gracie

Guerra, GracieDirectorMilitary & Veteran ProgramsGracielaTorres.Guerra@ttu.edu

Gunn, Micheal

Gunn, MichealDirectorStudent Government Associationmicheal.gunn@ttu.edu

Hill, Lauren

Hill, LaurenDirectorStudent Involvement lauren.d.hill@ttu.edu

LeRette, Joie

LeRette, JoieDirectorOffice of Fraternity & Sorority Lifejoie.hutchison@ttu.edu

O'Brien, Daniel

O'Brien, Daniel, LTC.Professor of Aerospace Studies,

Department Head, Air Force ROTCdaniel.obrien@ttu.edu

Onischuk, Alex

Onischuk, AlexChess Grandmaster & Director & Head CoachChess Programalex.onishuk@ttu.edu

Philippe, Larry

Philippe, Larry, Ed.D.Managing DirectorStudent Disability Serviceslarry.phillippe@ttu.edu

Rhode, Stephanie

Rhode, StephanieDirectorSpirit Programstephanie.rhode@ttu.edu

Salter, Shanae

Salter, Shanae, J.D.Managing DirectorStudent Legal Servicesshanae.salter@ttu.edu

Sauer, Peyton

Shade, Serena, Ph.D. 

Senior DirectorRisk Intervention & Safety Education (RISE) Officeserena.shade@ttu.edu

Viator, Lisa

Stevenson, Thomas, LTC , FAChair and Professor of Military Science,

TTU ROTC Red Raider Battalionthomas.stevenson@ttu.edu

Viator, Lisa

Viator, Lisa, Ph.D. Managing DirectorStudent Counseling Centerlisa.viator@ttu.edu



Student Life