Texas Tech University

D Patterson

Senior Instructor – Developmental Literacy


“I want to touch the heart of the world and make it smile.” Charles de Lint


D Patterson

I am the Senior Instructor for College Readiness: TSI Literacy, which is a fancy way of saying that I like to read and write, and I do my best to help others to do the same.

I was a nontraditional student and had to take a TSI Math course when I returned to college at 24. I earned my B.A. in English from Lubbock Christian University, my M.A. in Literature, Creative Writing, and Linguistics, with a minor in Linguistics, from Texas Tech University, my M.F.A. in Popular Fiction and Publishing from Emerson College, and I am currently working towards my Ed.D. in Instructional Technology back at Texas Tech University.

I enjoy reading horror, urban fantasy, dark fantasy, and light science-fiction when I have the time. I also enjoy video games. Currently, I am working my way through The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

Ask me about:

My favorite color.

Yellow. Which is unusual and why I like answering this question.

How many languages I can say 'hello'.

9: English, Spanish, German, Italian, Japanese, Anglo-Saxon (Old English), Korean, Hawaiian, and Portuguese.

My pets

I have 2 Pit Bulls, Gus-Gus and Layla, and a Betta fish named French's (because he's a Mustard Betta).

Being an early bird or a night owl

I am a permanently exhausted pigeon.