Texas Tech University

Naveen Senthil

Part-Time Instructor - Developmental Mathematics

I'm Naveen Senthil, a part-time instructor for College Readiness: TSI Mathematics, currently pursuing a PhD in Civil Engineering at Tech. Originally from India, I began my academic journey by completing my bachelor's in civil engineering back home. Seeking new challenges, I ventured to the United States, where I obtained a Master of Science in Civil Engineering from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

Currently, my PhD research focuses on addressing data limitations in the field of ground motion simulation using mathematical and statistical tools. It was during this research that I became captivated by the remarkable power of statistics, leading me to pursue another Master of Science, this time in Statistics, at Texas Tech University. Besides research and studies, you'll often find me on the soccer field or badminton court, or just relaxing with my friends.