Texas Tech University



The Texas Tech Center for Biotechnology and Genomics administers the Master of Science in Biotechnology, with an emphasis in bioinformatics as a new option.

The degree is a two-year program, with the first two semesters consisting of required and elective coursework. The second year (nine to 12 months) is devoted to research (and possibly additional advanced coursework). Students may satisfy the research requirement in either of two ways: (1) complete an M.S. thesis, based on research carried out in the laboratory of a participating faculty member, or (2) complete a non-thesis internship in a research laboratory on campus, an industrial research laboratory, a government laboratory, or a not-for-profit foundation laboratory. Students who select a non-thesis option must pass a comprehensive final exam during their fourth (or final) semester. Options should be carefully discussed with the director and/or graduate advisor of the center.

Students interested in the program should have an undergraduate degree that provides a sound background in biological sciences, preferably from a molecular perspective. A limited number of scholarships will be available at the start of the fall semester for outstanding first-year students. Students awarded these competitive scholarships will be eligible to pay tuition at the in-state rate.

Biotechnology, JD/M.S

The dual degree candidate must choose to pursue both degrees by the end of the third or fourth semester in law school and must meet admission requirements for the M.S. degree. Students in the dual degree program cannot take any courses outside the School of Law during their first year. Typically, if all prerequisites are met, both degree programs can be finished in a maximum of four and one-half years, including summer sessions. Separate applications for the J.D. and M.S. portions of the dual degree are required. LSAT scores that are satisfactory for admission to the School of Law will eliminate the requirement that the student take the GRE.

The dual degree program is designed principally for the student with an interest in intellectual property law in the area of biotechnology. A candidate for the J.D./M.S. in biotechnology may credit up to 12 non-law hours of approved courses toward the J.D. degree, and 12 law hours may be credited toward the M.S. degree.


Dr. Yehia Mechref
Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry;
Director of Center for Biotechnology and Genomics

Graduate Advisor Biotechnology:

Dr. Jatindra Nath Tripathy
Research Associate Professor
Center for Biotechnology and Genomics