Texas Tech University

Estimated Costs of Attendance

*Amounts listed below are estimated amounts only for Academic Year 2023-24

Tuition and fees are based on the minimum full-time load of 18 hours per academic year (9 hours per long term). The actual cost of attendance will vary based on hours taken per semester and additional course- and program-specific fees. It is the student's responsibility to confirm with their department how many hours will be required to take each semester and to plan accordingly.

For more term-specific & college-specific estimates, we encourage all students to utilize the TTU Student Business Services Tuition Estimator. 

Business Programs

  Tuition & Fees Living Expenses Insurance* Total
Resident $13,836 $14,170 $3,246 $31,352
Non-Resident $21,180 $38,596
Master TA/RA/GPTI $7,337 $24,753 
Doctoral TA/RA/GPTI $6,877 $24,293 

Engineering Programs

  Tuition & Fees Living Expenses Insurance* Total
Resident $9,804 $14,170 $3,246 $27,220 
Non-Resident $17,512 $34,928
Master TA/RA/GPTI $2,567 $19,983
Doctoral TA/RA/GPTI $2,107  $19,523

All Other Programs

  Tuition & Fees Living Expenses Insurance* Total
Resident $8,504 $14,170 $3,246 $25,920 
Non-Resident $15,848 $33,264
Master TA/RA/GPTI $2,509  $19,925
Doctoral TA/RA/GPTI $2,049  $19,465

F2 Dependent Estimated Cost:
Spouse - $4,870
Child - $2,435

*Student insurance is required for international applicants. For more information, please visit the Student Health Services Health Insurance FAQ web page.

TA/RA/GPTI Information:

Teaching, Research & Graduate Part-Time Instructor Assistantship Information

Employee Tuition Assistance Waiver

Texas Tech employees may qualify for an Employee Tuition Assistance waiver, which will waive tuition and fees for one course per semester for fall, spring, and summer terms for a fee of $150.

More information on the waiver.

For More Information 

Student Business Services at
(806) 742-3272 or sbs@ttu.edu.

Student Financial Aid at (806) 742-3681 or finaid.advisor@ttu.edu for general financial aid assistance.