Texas Tech University

Kristin Hales, Ph.D., PAS

Professor & Thorton Distinguished Chair
Animal and Food Sciences

Email: Kristin.Hales@ttu.edu

Phone: (806) 834-5354

Kristin Hales


Dr. Kristin Hales, Thornton Distinguished Chair and Professor in the Department of Animal and Food Science at Texas Tech University, is an outstanding ruminant nutritionist who is making her mark on the beef industry.  Dr. Hales has used her skills as a nutritionist to impact several critical areas in the beef industry: energetics, enteric methane production, , and liver abscesses.  The beef industry is currently faced with the challenge of producing sustainable beef from healthy animals.  Dr. Hales has developed a highly productive and visible research program, which she has achieved by establishing an independent yet team-focused program.  A major testament to the beef industry’s acceptance of her research is her ability to secure financial support –  over $3.2 million in external funding since starting at Texas Tech 5 years ago.  The breadth of research funding support for Dr. Hales’ research highlights the impact and importance of her research.  Over the course of her relatively short career Dr. Hales has published 120 peer-reviewed publications and multiple book chapters.  She has served as the major advisor for 5 Ph.D. and 8 M.S. students and served on the committees of 18 other students, many from other universities who have sought her out as a source of knowledge and expertise in ruminant nutrition  research. 

Dr. Hales has given presentations both nationally and internationally.  Beyond her academic endeavors, she currently serves as Associate Editor and acting Editor-In-Chief for Applied Animal Science and is currently serving as Past-President of the American Society of Professional Animal Scientist and Past-President of the Plains Nutrition Council.  She has provided expert peer reviews for the USDA Methods for Quantifying Greenhouse Gas Fluxes in Agriculture and Forestry and the 8th revised edition of the Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle.  Dr. Hales has made a significant contribution to the beef industry through her research, training of graduate students, and through her continued service to her department, the university, American Society of Animal Science, American Registry of Professional  Animal Scientists, and the beef industry. 

Extending her own program, Dr. Hales collaborates with many other researchers.  She provides expertise in ruminant nutrition and overall beef cattle production and is a sought-after mentor for graduate students.  Her development of highly collaborative research teams to study national research priorities has already benefitted the beef industry greatly.  Her cooperative spirit and team-building skills have boosted her research productivity and are key to her success, quickly earning her  a reputation as a leader in the field of ruminant nutrition. 

Animal & Food Sciences