Al Sacco Jr., "Investigation of Characteristics of Urea and Butyrylcholine Chloride Biosensors
Based on Ion-Selective Field-Effect Transistors Modified by the Incorporation of Heat-Treated
Zeolite Beta Crystals," Esin Soy, Valentyna Arkhypova, Sergei Dzyadevych, Juliusz
Warzywoda, and Burcu Akata, HH.35 poster MRS Boston (2011).
A. Sacco Jr., "Titanosillicates, are they natural host for quantum wires?," 2011 EUFP Workshop
on Biosensors and Advanced Materials, Jeju Island South Korea (2011).
A. Sacco Jr., "Leaving and working in space perspectives of a teacher, scientist and Engineer,"
Sogang University, Seoul South Korea (2011).
Al Sacco Jr., "Synthesis and Characterization of Ag-ETS-10@ETS-10 Core-Structured-Photocatalyst,"
Mariam N. Ismail, Zhaoxia Ji, Juliusz Warzywoda, American Institute of Chemical Engineering,
Annual Meeting, Tennessee (2009).
Al Sacco Jr., "Characterization of Quantum Wires in Engelhard Titanosilicates ETS-4 and ETS-10,"
Nina Bordeaux, Onnaz Ozkanat, Juliusz Warzywoda, Albert Sacco, Jr., American Institute
of Chemical Engineering, Annual Meeting, Nashville (2009).
Al Sacco Jr., "Synthesis of Nano-Anatase to Produce Small ETS-10 Crystals for Enhanced Textile
Properties," Shihara Shafeque, Juliusz Warzywoda, American Institute of Chemical Engineering,
Annual Meeting, Nashville (2009).
Al Sacco Jr., "Resumption of Bioluminescent Gene Expression in Whole-Cell Bacterial Biosensors
After Performing High Temperature Switch," Stephanie Fernandez, Frank Marealle, Jinyi
Han, Dennis M. Callahan, Jr., Kostia Bergman, Jacqueline Piret, Katherine S. Ziemer,
American Institute of Chemical Engineering, Annual Meeting, Nashville (2009).
A. Sacco Jr., "Silver ions and nanoparticles; there role in the visible light sensitization of
methylene blue," (with Zhaoxia Ji, Mariam Ismail, and Juliusz Warzywoda), Texas Tech
University, Department of Chemical Engineering, Lubbock TX (2009).
A. Sacco Jr., "In search of a visible light photo catalyst: the effect of silver modification
of titanosilicate ETS-10," (with Zhaoxia Ji, Mariam Ismail, and Juliusz Warzywoda),
University of Alberta, Edmonton Canada (2009).
A. Sacco Jr., "Flying in space: One man's first steps into Galileo's universe," Symposium Galileo's
Telescope and the Beginning of the Scientific Revolution and Space Exploration, Harvard
University (2009).
A. Sacco Jr., "Science in Manned Space from a teacher, scientist and engineer's perspective,"
Yeditepe University, Istanbul turkey (2009).
A. Sacco Jr., "Science in Manned Space from a teacher, scientist and engineer's perspective,"
Middle East Technical University, Astronomy Dept., Ankara, Turkey (2009).
A. Sacco Jr., "Manned Space: What's it like, and how to train for it," Turkish Air force Academy,
Istanbul; Turkey (2009).
Al Sacco Jr., "Integration of Titanosilicate ETS-10 Crystals with Organosilane Functionalized
Gallium Nitride Substrates," M.N. Ismail, T.L. Goodrich, Z. Ji, K.S. Ziemer, J. Warzywoda,
American Institute of Chemical Engineering, Annual Meeting, Philadelphia (2008).
Al Sacco Jr., "Photocatalytic Degradation of Methylene Blue on Multifunctional Titanosilicate
ETS-10," Z. Ji, D.M. Callahan Jr., M.N. Ismail, J. Warzywoda, American Institute of
Chemical Engineering, Annual Meeting, Philadelphia (2008).
Al Sacco Jr., "Probing the "Quality" of Intrinsic Semiconducting –O–Ti–O–Ti– Chains in Titanosilicate
ETS-10," Z. Ji, Morag Murdoch, Dennis M. Callahan Jr., Juliusz Warzywoda, Russell
F. Howe, American Institute of Chemical Engineering, Annual Meeting, Philadelphia
O. Ozkanat, Peter Ryan, Wei Yi, Jiangdong Deng, Nicol McGruer, American Institute
of Chemical Engineering, Annual Meeting, Philadelphia (2008).
A. Sacco Jr., "Don't let your fears get in the way of your dreams – chemical engineering in space,"
October 2008 international chemical engineering conference, ChemEng08, Birmingham,
UK (2008).
A. Sacco Jr., "Transferable skills – how to widen your career horizons," October 2008 international
chemical engineering conference, ChemEng08, Birmingham, UK (2008).
A. Sacco Jr., "Natural Quantum Wire Arrays: Why? What? and How do you know you have one?," 1st
IEEE International Workshop on Design and Test of Nano Devices, Circuits and Systems
NDCS 2008 Boston (2008).
A. Sacco Jr., "Performing Science in Low Earth Orbit: What is it like, what has been learned and
what is the potential," The Technical University of Munich (2008).
A. Sacco Jr., "The Growth of Aluminosilicates in Low Earth Orbit; What has been learned?," The
Technical University of Munich (2008).
Al Sacco Jr., "Electrosynthesis of TiO2 and Au Nanoparticles for Solar Applications," J. Elhajj,
J J. Warzywoda, E. J. Podlaha, 213th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society (ECS)
Phoenix, AZ, Abstract #37 (2008).
Al Sacco Jr., "Electrogenerated TiO2-Au Composites: Examination of Au Nanopartciles Electrodeposition,"
J. Elhajj, M. Ismail, J. Warzywoda, A. Sacco Jr., E.J. Podlaha Research & Scholarship
Expo 2008, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, poster (2008).
A. Sacco Jr., "Performing Science in Low Earth Orbit: What is it like, what has been learned and
what is the potential," Sigma Xi lecture, Natick Soldier Research, Development &
Engineering Center (2008).
Older than 2008
N.S. Wijeratne, Karlene Hoo, "Modeling and Analysis of Non-Newtonian fluid flow in
flexible structures," American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, Session:
Mathematical Modeling of Transport Processes, paper, Salt Lake City, Utah (2007).
C.D. Buescher, Karlene Hoo, and H.F. Janssen, "Experimental characterization of in
vitro venous valve and venous tissue," American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual
Meeting, Session: Bioengineering Poster Session, poster 515bl, Salt Lake City, Utah
J. Zhang, Karlene Hoo, "Design and Control of a High Purity N-Heptane Distillation
System," American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, Session: Integrated
Design and Control, paper, Salt Lake City, Utah (2007).
A. Sacco Jr., "On the trail of quantum wire arrays: Why? What? And how do you know you have one?,"
ECE Distinguished Lecture Series, Northeastern University (2007).
Al Sacco Jr., "Investigation of In-situ Growth of Carbon Nanotubes via Chemical Vapor Deposition
for Field-Effect Transistor (CNTFET) Applications," poster, Eko A. Pandowo, Katherine
S. Ziemer, Jonathan G. Leong, Dennis M. Callahan, Jr., Materials Research Society
Fall Meeting, Boston, MA (2007).
Al Sacco Jr., "Quantum Wires in the Framework of ETS-4 and ETS-10," Onnaz Ozkanat, Jiangdong Deng,
Annual American Institute of Chemical Engineers Meeting Salt Lake City, UT (2007).
Xi Zhang, Karlene Hoo, "Experimental Feedback Control Studies of an Integrated Biological
Reactor System," ISA EXPO, Houston, TX, (2007).
Al Sacco Jr., "First Unseeded Synthesis of Large-Pore Vanadocilicate AM-6 Crystals," Mariam N.
Ismail, Onnaz Ozkanat, Zhaoxia Ji, Juliusz Warzywoda, American Chemical Society, 234th
National Meeting & Exposition, Boston, MA (2007).
Al Sacco Jr., "Size and Morphological Control, and Spectroscopic Characterization of Open Framework
Titanosilicate ETS-10 crystals for Quantum Wire Applications," Zhaoxia Ji, Juliusz
Warzywoda, Trevor Goodrich, Zhuhua Cai, Katherine Ziemer, 234th ACS National Meeting,
Boston, MA (2007).
Al Sacco Jr., "A Faculty Team Approach to Chemical Engineering Unit Operation's Laboratory," R.
Willey, R. Carrier, D. Burkey, S. Murthy, C. Lee-Parsons, K. Ziemer, ASEE Annual Meeting:
ChE: Innovations in the Laboratory Hawaii (2007).
A. Sacco Jr., "Materials Science Experiments on the Shuttle and ISS," Department of Aeronautics
and Astronautics, MIT (2007).
Al Sacco Jr., "Center For Advanced Microgravity Materials Processing (CAMMP): Materials for Demanding
Environments," Molecular Engineering Industrial Advisory Board, University of Newcastle,
Newcastle on Tyne (2007).
A. Sacco Jr., "On the trail of quantum wire arrays," Physical Chemistry Seminar series, Department
of Chemistry, The University of Utah (2007).
Al Sacco Jr., "Synthesis and Engineering of Microporous Titanosilicate ETS-10 for Quantum Wire
and Photocatalytic Applications," poster, Zhaoxia Ji, Juliusz Warzywoda, The Materials
Links Intercollegiate Symposium on Interdisciplinary Graduate Research, Boston, MA
Al Sacco Jr., "Quantum Wires in Titanosilicate ETS-4," Bilge Yilmaz, Juliusz Warzywoda, (poster)
Annual American Institute of Chemical Engineers Meeting San Francesco, CA (2006).
Al Sacco Jr., "Controlling the Quantum Wire Quality in Crystalline Titanosilicates ETS-4 and ETS-10,"
Bilge Yilmaz, Juliusz Warzywoda, (poster) American Institute of Chemical Engineers
Meeting San Francesco, CA (2006).
Al Sacco Jr., "Effect of Temperature, Analyte Concentration and Cell Growth Phase on the Luminescence
of Pseudomonas Putida TVA8 Induced by Trichloroethylene," Jinyi Han, Kostia Bergman,
Bruce Applegate, Katherine S. Ziemer, Annual American Institute of Chemical Engineers
Meeting San Francesco, CA (2006).
Al Sacco Jr., "Simulation of Adsorption in a Modified Zeolite Y Used for Separating Chiral Compounds,"
Siricharn S. Jirapongphan, Juliusz Warzywoda, David E. Budil, Annual American Institute
of Chemical Engineers Meeting San Francesco, CA (2006).
Al Sacco Jr., "Fabrication and Characterization of Polymeric Surfaces for Bacteria Adhesion in
Whole Cell Biosensor Using PECVD," Aneesha Sharma, Daniel D. Burkey, Katherine S.
Ziemer, Annual American Institute of Chemical Engineers Meeting San Francisco, CA
Al Sacco Jr., "Studying the Human Intestinal Mucin (Muc2) Using Molecular Modeling Approaches
for Drug Transport Study," Vatsala D. Sadasivan, Stefano Gulla, David E. Budil, Rebecca
L. Carrier, Annual American Institute of Chemical Engineers Meeting San Francisco,
CA (2006).
Al Sacco Jr., "Device Integration of the ETS-4 Quantum Wire Arrays," Bilge Yilmaz, Juliusz Warzywoda,
Annual American Institute of Chemical Engineers Meeting San Francisco, CA (2006).
Al Sacco Jr., "Thermal Analyses of ETS-4 Crystals Grown from Synthesis Mixtures of Different Alkalinity,"
B. Yilmaz, J. Warzywoda,the International Symposium on Zeolites and Microporous Crystals
(ZMPC), Yonago, Japan (poster) (2006).
Al Sacco Jr., "Titanosilicate ETS-10 as a Lewis acid catalyst in the Meerwein-Ponndorf-Verley
Reaction," B. Akata, B. Yilmaz, The International Symposium on Zeolites and Microporous
Crystals (ZMPC), Yonago, Japan (poster) (2006).
Al Sacco Jr., "Titanosilicate ETS-10 Thin Film Preparation on Fused Silica Optical Fibers," Z.
Ji, J. Warzywoda, The International Symposium on Zeolites and Microporous Crystals
(ZMPC) Yonago, Japan (Oral presentation) (2006).
Al Sacco Jr., "ETS-10 as a Lewis acid catalyst for Hydrogen Transfer Reactions," B. Akata, B.
Yilmaz, The 5th Tokyo Conference on Advanced Catalytic Science and Technology (TOCAT
5), Tokyo, Japan (2006).
Al Sacco Jr., "Role of Adsorbates in Determination of Adsorption Sites in Zeolite HY: A Theoretical
Study," S.S. Jirapongphan, J. Warzywoda, D.E. Budil, The International Symposium on
Zeolites and Microporous Crystals (ZMPC), Yonago, Japan (poster) (2006).
Y. P. Koh, G. McKenna, S.L. Simon , "Calorimetric Glass Transition Temperature And Absolute Heat Capacity of Polystyrene
Thin Films," Proc. NATAS 34th Annual Conference (2006).
Al Sacco Jr., "Structural Prediction of the C-Terminal End of Human Intestinal Mucin (MUC2) Using
Molecular Modeling," Sadasivan, V., Budil, D., Carrier, R. 2006 NSTI Nanotechnology
Conference and Trade Show, Boston, MA (2006).
P. Badrinarayanan, S.L. Simon , "Dilatometric Glass Transition Behavior of Polystyrene: Experiments and Modeling,"
Proc. NATAS 34th Annual Conference (2006).
R. Pitchimani, W. Zheng, S.L. Simon , L. Hope-Weeks, A. K. Burnham, B. L. Weeks, "Thermodynamic Analysis of Pure and Impurity
Doped Pentaerythritol Tetranitrate Crystals Grown at Room Temperature," Proc. NATAS
34th Annual Conference (2006).
Q. Li, S.L. Simon , "The dependence of Shear response on the crosslink density of Polycyanurate networks,"
Proc. NATAS 34th Annual Conference (2006).
W. Zheng, S.L. Simon , "Confinement Effects on Tg: Thermodynamics versus Dynamics," Proc. NATAS 34th Annual
Conference (2006).
Al Sacco Jr., "Molecular Modeling of the Human Intestinal Mucus for Advanced Oral Drug Delivery,"
Sadasivan, V., Budil, D., Gulla, S., Carrier, R., poster American Association of Pharmaceutical
Scientists North East Regional Discussion Group 9th Annual Meeting, Rocky Hill, CT
Al Sacco Jr., "Molecular Modeling of the C-terminal End of Human Intestinal Mucin (MUC2) Predicts
a Cysteine-knot Tertiary Structure," Sadasivan, V., Budil, D., Carrier, R. 231st American
Chemical Society National Meeting, Atlanta, GA (2006).
Al Sacco Jr., "Improved docking method for organics adsorbed in zeolite catalysts," S.S. Jirapongphan,
J. Warzywoda, D.E. Budil, Sacco Jr., A., 231st American Chemical Society National
Meeting, Atlanta, GA (2006).
Al Sacco Jr., "The evolution of Chemcial Engineering: The Next Twenty Years," 2006 ASEE New England
Section Annual Conference, Worcester, MA (2006).
C.D. Buescher, N.S. Wijeratne, Karlene Hoo, H.F. Janssen, "Determining Diffusion Parameters
of Rat Tumor Tissue Using Fluorescent Visualization Methods," American Institute of
Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, paper 427c, Cincinatti, OH (2005).
V.S. Shabde, Karlene Hoo, "Modeling and Design of a Spray Dryer for the Manufacture
of Hollow Microparticles," American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting,
paper 284e, Cincinatti, OH (2005).
Al Sacco Jr., "Microporous Titanosilicate ETS-10 as a Lewis acidic catalyst for Hydrogen Transfer
Reactions," Akata, B., Yilmaz, B., Poster, North American Catalysis meeting, Philadelphia
Al Sacco Jr., "Control of product selectivity over terrestrial/control and flight zeolite Beta
in the Meerwein-Ponndorf-Verley-Oppenauer Reactions," Akata, B., Oral presentation,
Extended Abstract North American Catalysis meeting, Philadelphia (2005).
Al Sacco Jr., "Increasing cis-4-TBCHL selectivity over zeolite Beta in the Meerwein-Ponndorf-Verley
reduction," Akata, B., Oral presentation, North American Catalysis meeting, Philadelphia
Al Sacco Jr., "Self-orienting growth of ETS-4 films," Yilmaz, B. and A. Sacco, Jr., Poster, Gordon
Conference (2005).
Al Sacco Jr., "Self-orienting growth of ETS-4 films," Yilmaz, B., Oral Presentation, Gordon Conference
Al Sacco Jr., "Engineering the Natural Quantum Wires in ETS-4," Yilmaz, B. and A. Sacco, Jr.,
MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA (2005).
Y. Meng, S.L. Simon , "A New Pressurizable Dilatometer for Measuring the Time-Dependent Bulk Modulus of
Thermosets," Proc. NATAS 33nd Annual Conference (2005).
Z. Tian, Karlene Hoo, "State-Shared Model for Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Systems,"
1006th AMS Meeting, paper 1006-93-50, Lubbock, TX (2005).
W. Zheng, S.L. Simon , "Polystyrene Freeze Dried from Dilute Solution: Tg Depression and Residual Solvent
Effects," Proc. NATAS 33nd Annual Conference (2005).
V.S. Shabde, S.V. Emets, U. Mann, G.M. Gladsyz, Karlene Hoo, "Modeling of a Hollow
Microparticle Production Process," Symposium on Modeling Complex Processes, College
Station, TX (2005).
E.M. Vasbinder, Karlene Hoo, "A Decision Based Methodology for Plantwide Control Structure
Synthesis," Annual Fall Meeting-American Institute of Chemical Engineers, paper 406a,
Austin, TX (2004).
Z.I. Stefanov, Karlene Hoo, "Modeling and Control of A Multiple Effect Falling Film
Evaporator Plant," Annual Fall Meeting-American Institute of Chemical Engineers, paper
416d, Austin, TX (2004).
V.S.Shabde, Karlene Hoo, U. Mann, "Numerical Solution of a Model Associated with the
Production of Hollow Micro-Particles," Annual Fall Meeting-American Institute of Chemical
Engineers, paper 169l, Austin, TX (2004).
C.D. Buescher, B. Nachiappan, J. Brumbaugh, H.F. Janssen, Karlene Hoo, "Experimental
Evaluation of The Physiologic Response of the Venous Valve," Annual Fall Meeting-American
Institute of Chemical Engineers, paper 223i, Austin, TX (2004).
J. Sun, S.L. Simon , "Thermal Behavior of Aluminum Nanoparticles," Proc. NATAS 32nd Annual Conference
Y. Meng, S.L. Simon , "Relation between Mobility and Diffusion Factors for Thermoset Cure," Proc. NATAS
32nd Annual Conference (2004).
Al Sacco Jr., "Synthesis of Titanosilicate ETS-4 Utilizing Organic Precursors," B. Yilmaz, K.G.
Shattuck, P.Q. Miraglia, J. Warzywoda, The 14th International Zeolite Conference Cape
Town South Africa (2004).
Al Sacco Jr., "Zeolite Crystal Growth on the International Space Station," M. P. Manning, R.P.
Miller, G. McLaughlin, B. Akata, S. Bazzana,S.S. Jirapongphan, A.M. Mendonza, B. Yilmaz,
J. Warzywoda, The 14th International Zeolite Conference Cape Town South Africa (2004).
Al Sacco Jr., "MCM-41 mesoporous molecular sieve synthesis using two-level factorial design,"
A. Mendonza, J. Warzywoda, 227th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Anaheim,
CA (2004).
Al Sacco Jr., "The nature of Lewis Acid sites and their effect on Meerwein-Ponndorf-Verley selectivity,"
with B. Akata, Oral presentation, 2003 American Institute of Chemical Engineering
Conference (AIChE) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA (2003).
M. Merzlyakov, Y. Meng, S.L. Simon , G. McKenna, "Evaluation of Different Methods of Measurement for the Isotropic Stress Development
in Curing Thermosets," Proc. 31st Annual Conference of the North American Thermal
Analysis Society (2003).
D. Huang, S.L. Simon , G. McKenna, "Chain Length Dependence of the Thermodynamic Properties of Linear and Cyclic Alkanes,"
Proc.31st Annual Conference of the North American Thermal Analysis Society (2003).
L. Banda, M. Alcoutlabi, G. McKenna, "The Physical Aging Response of a Polymer Glass after CO2 Pressure Jumps," Proc.
31st Annual Conference of the North American Thermal Analysis Society (2003).
Al Sacco Jr., "Characterization of acid sites in zeolite Beta by FT-IR and Meerwein-Ponndorf-Verley
reaction," with B. Akata, J. Warzywoda, A.H. Weiss, 18th North American Catalysis
Society Meeting, Cancun, Mexico (2003).
Al Sacco Jr., "Synthesis of Multiwalls carbon nanotubes on a nickel thin-film by a CVD process,"
with S. Bazzana, P. Miraglia, 18th North American Catalysis Society Meeting, Cancun,
Mexico (2003).
P. A. O'Connell, G. McKenna, "The Non-Linear Viscoelastic Response of Polycarbonate in Torsion: An Investigation
of Time-Temperature and Time-Strain Superposition," Proc. 12th Int. Conf. on Deformation,
Yield and Fracture of Polymers, IOM Communications, Inc., London, 191-194 (2003).
G. McKenna, Y. Zheng, M. Alcoutlabi and L. Banda, "Physical Aging and Structural Recovery in
Polymers after Plasticizer Jumps," Proc. 12th Int. Conf. on Deformation Yield and
Fracture of Polymers, IOM Communications, Inc., 137-140 (2003).
G. McKenna, A. Flory, "Finite Rate Step Corrections in Stress Relaxation Experiments," Proc.
12th Int. Conf. on Deformation, Yield and Fracture of Polymers, IOM Communications,
Inc., London, 195-198 (2003).
D.M. Rondinone, L. Pruitt, G. McKenna, "A Three Dimensional Nonlinear Viscoelastic Constitutive Model for Orthopaedic Grade
UHMWPE," Proc. 12th Int. Conf. on Deformation, Yield and Fracture of Polymers, IOM
Communications, Inc., London, 205-208 (2003).
Al Sacco Jr., "Formation of carbon nanotubes on nickel films/particles using CVD," (With S. Bazzana,
A.) 2002 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA (2002).
Al Sacco Jr., "Synthesis of zeolite Y nanocrystals from clear solutions," (with Y. Shen, M.P.
Manning, and J. Warzywoda) 2002 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA (2002).
Williams, J., Hilliard, M., Karlene Hoo, Parker, H., Lan, W., T. F. Wiesner, "The Virtual Chemical Engineering Unit Operations Laboratory," Annual Fall Meeting-American
Institute of Chemical Engineers. Indianapolis, IN (2002).
Z. Tian, Karlene Hoo, "A State-Shared Model Predictive Control Approach to Transition
Control," American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, Indianopolis, IN,
Session 10B01 (2002).
E. M. Vasbinder, Karlene Hoo, "Integration of Process Design and Plant-wide Control
Structure Synthesis," American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, Indianopolis,
IN, Session 10B10 (2002).
D. Zheng, Karlene Hoo, "QDMC using a Reduced-Order SVD-Karhunen-Loeve Model of a Distributed
Parameter System," American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, Indianapolis,
IN, Session 10D06 (2002).
Smith, C., Gaur, N., Györke, S., T. F. Wiesner, "Applications of Sensitivity Analysis to Calcium Cycling in Cardiac Myocytes," Annual
Fall Meeting-American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Indianapolis, IN (2002).
Icli, B., Hegde, J., James, D., Manderson, M., D'Alise, M., T. F. Wiesner, "Experimental and Theoretical Temperature Profiles in a Model of Spinal Revision
Surgery," Annual Fall Meeting-American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Indianapolis,
IN (2002).
Al Sacco Jr., "Observations of layer growth in synthetic zeolites by field emission scanning electron
microscopy," (with S. Bazzana, S. Dumrul, and J. Warzywoda, L. Hsiao, L. Klass, M.
Knapp, J.A. Rains, E.M. Stein, M.J. Sullivan, C.M. West, J.Y. Woo) 2nd FEZA Conference,
Italy (2002).
Al Sacco Jr., "Direct synthesis of ZSM-5 crystals on gold modified by zirconium-phosphonate multilayers,"
(with Dumrul, S., and Warzywoda J.) 2nd FEZA Conference, Italy (2002).
Al Sacco Jr., "Catalyst structure dependent selectivity using zeolitic materials for ketone reduction,"
(with B. Akata, J. Warzywoda, and A.H. Weiss) Third International Conference on Inorganic
Materials, Germany (2002).
Al Sacco Jr., "High-resolution scanning electron microscope imaging of zeolite Beta," (with S.
Bazzana, S. Dumrul, J. Warzywoda, and R.R. Biederman) Third International Conference
on Inorganic Materials, Germany (2002).
Al Sacco Jr., "Effect of Gravity Level on the Particle Shape and Size During Zeolite Crystal Growth,"
with Hong Wei Song, Olusegun J. Ilrgbusi, Material Research Meeting Huntsville, Alabama
Al Sacco Jr., "Effect of Gravity Level on the Particle Shape and Size During Zeolite Crystal Growth,"
with Hong Wei Song, Olusegun J. Ilrgbusi, Material Research Meeting Huntsville, Alabama
Z. I. Stefanov, Karlene Hoo, W. McAdams, and M. Champagne, "Monitoring and Diagnosing
Cockle Formation in Coated Magazine Paper Production," American Institute of Chemical
Engineers Spring Meeting, New Orleans, LA, Session 145 paper g (2002).
A. Sacco Jr., "Materials Science in Space, What Has Been Learned, What Will the 21st Century Bring?,"
The Minerals, Metals, & Materials Society 2001-2002 Lecture Series (2002).
D. Zheng, Karlene Hoo, and M. J. Piovoso, "The Development of Reduced-Order Models
for Implementable Control Solutions of Distributed Parameter Systems," American Institute
of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, Reno, Nevada, paper Session 10D02 (2001).
Icli, B., Pfarr, C., T. F. Wiesner, "AP-1 Signaling in Skeletal Muscle Differentiation," Annual Fall Meeting-American
Institute of Chemical Engineers. Reno, NV (2001).
D. Zheng, Karlene Hoo, "System Identification of a Class of Distributed Parameter
Systems Using an SVD-KL Approach," Texas Systems Day, Control Session, paper 2, Lubbock,
TX (2001).
D. Zheng, Karlene Hoo, "Low-order Control-relevant Models for a Class of Distributed
Parameter Systems," 51st Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Al Sacco Jr., "Zeolite Crystal Growth Facility on The International Space Station," (with N. Bac)
AIAA Annual Symposium on International Space Station utilization (2001).
Al Sacco Jr., "Static zeolite MCM-22 synthesis using two-level factorial design," (with Warzywoda,
J., Dumrul, S., and Bazzana S.) Zeolites and Mesoporous Materials at the Dawn of the
21st Century, 13th International Zeolite Conference, France (2001).
Al Sacco Jr., "Modeling of Silicalite crystallization from clear solution," (with Carlsson, K.A.,
and Warzywoda J.) Zeolites and Mesoporous Materials at the Dawn of the 21st Century,
13th International Zeolite Conference, France (2001).
Al Sacco Jr., "Interaction/synergistic effect of Mg2+ and Ba2+ on the size and morphology of the
zeolite L crystals," (with Ferchiche, S., and Warzywoda J.) Zeolites and Mesoporous
Materials at the Dawn of the 21st Century, 13th International Zeolite Conference,
France (2001).
Al Sacco Jr., "Synthesis of zeolite Sr,K-ZK-,5," (with Russell, P.C., Stuhler, S.L., Kouli, A.L.,
and Warzywoda J.) Zeolites and Mesoporous Materials at the Dawn of the 21st Century,
13th International Zeolite Conference, France (2001).
F. Horkay, G. McKenna, Geissler E, "Structural hierarchy in polyisoprene/toluene gels," ABSTR PAP AM CHEM
S 221: 139-POLY Part 2 (2001).
Al Sacco Jr., "The Growth of Aluminosilicates In Low Earth Orbit Future studies on the ISS," (with
N. Bac), AIChE Spring National Meeting, Houston Texas (2001).
Al Sacco Jr., "Zeolite Crystal Growth Facility for Solution Crystal Growth on ISS," (with N. Bac,
J. Harpster, and R. Maston), AIChE Spring National Meeting, Houston Texas (2001).
N. Gaur, V. Lukyanenko, S. Gyorke, T. F. Wiesner, "A Novel Control Framework to Interpret Luminal Calcium-Induced Calcium Release,"
Biophysical Society Annual Meeting, Boston, MA (2001).
N. Gaur, A. Smirnov, V. Lukyanenko, S. Gyorke, T. F. Wiesner, "Dynamic Regulation of SR CA Content by Lumenal Ca-sensitive Leak through RYRs in
Rat Cardiomyocytes," American Society of Chemical Engineers Winter Annual Meeting,
Los Angeles, CA (2000).
B. Icli, C. Pfarr, T. F. Wiesner, "Jun Protein Function in Myogenesis," American Society of Chemical Engineers Winter
Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA (2000).
S. Subramanian , S. Viatchenko-Karpinski, V. Lukyanenko, S. Gyorke, T. F. Wiesner, "The Underlying Mechanisms of Circular Ca2+ Wave Propagation in Rat Ventricular
Myocytes," American Society of Chemical Engineers Winter Annual Meeting, Los Angeles,
CA (2000).
Al Sacco Jr., "The Role of The Scientist-Astronaut in Material Science Research," 51st IAF meeting
Brazil (2000).
P. Prasatya, G. McKenna, S.L. Simon , "Evolution of Viscoelastic Properties and Residual Stresses during Thermoset Cure,"
Proc. NATAS 28th Annual Conference, 548-553 (2000).
S.L. Simon , G. McKenna, "Development of Isotropic Residual Stresses During Thermoset Cure: Effects of Cure
History and Resin Properties," Proceedings American Society for Composites (2000).
S.L. Simon , G. McKenna, "Temperature-Modulated DSC: Applications and Interpretation," Proc. NATAS 28th
Annual Conference, 476-481 (2000).
A. Sacco Jr., "Be an Astronaut; See the World-What's it Really Like!," Department of Civil Engineering
and the Department of Environmental Engineering the University of Nevada at Reno (2000).
A. Sacco Jr., "The Center for Advanced Microgravity Materials Processing: What is it? How does
it function?," NJ-NSCORT Rutgers University (2000).
A. Sacco Jr., "The Growth of Aluminosilicates In Low Earth Orbit: What Has Been Learned," Department
of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, North Carolina State University (2000).
A. Sacco Jr., "The growth of Aluminosilicates in Low Earth Orbit: Is there a Difference?," Center
for Macromolecular Crystallography, University of Alabama at Birmingham, AL (2000).
V. Lukyanenko, A. Smirnov, N. Gaur, T. F. Wiesner, S, Gyorke, "Dynamic Regulation of SR CA Content by Lumenal Ca-sensitive Leak through
RYRs in Rat Cardiomyocytes," Biophysical Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans LA (2000).
Al Sacco Jr., "A low Temperature Furnace for Crystal Growth on the International Space Station,"
(with N. Bac, J. Harpster, and R. Maston), Space Technology and Applications International
Forum, 3rd Conference on Commercial Development of Space, Albuquerque, NM (2000).
Al Sacco Jr., "The Center for Advanced Microgravity Materials Processing: A Partnership Between
NASA Northeastern University and Industry," (with N. Bac), Space Technology and Applications
International Forum, 3rd Conference on Commercial Development of Space, Albuquerque,
NM (2000).
Karlene Hoo, R. Gundala, "An Adaptive Controller Design Using Multiple Models," American
Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX, paper 229g, Session Application
of Process Control (1999).
N. Mahadevan, Karlene Hoo, "A Multiscale Approach to the Development of Reduced-Order
Models of Distributed Parameter Systems," American Institute of Chemical Engineers
Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX, paper 235d, Session Fundamnetal Advances in Applied Mathematics
K. J. Tvarlapati, Karlene Hoo, "A Method of Robust Multivariate Outlier Replacement,"
American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX, paper 231a, Session
Controller and Process Monitoring (1999).
Al Sacco Jr., "Hydrothermal Synthesis of Lead Doped Barium Titanate: A Poster Session," Vold,
R.E., G.A. Rossetti, Jr., A. Sacco, Jr., 1999 Annual AIChE Meeting, Dallas, TX, Materials
Science and Engineering Student Poster, Session 08002 (1999).
T. F. Wiesner, M. Iyer, D. Wunsch, "Dynamic Re-optimization and Control of a Fed-Batch Fermentor
Using Adaptive Critic Designs," American Society of Chemical Engineers Winter Annual
Meeting, Dallas Texas (1999).
T. F. Wiesner, S. Subramanian, V. Lukyanenko, S. Gyorke, I. Gyorke, "The role of Luminal Ca2+ in
Generation of Calcium Waves in Rat Ventricular Myocytes," American Society of Chemical
Engineers Winter Annual Meeting, Dallas Texas (1999).
A. Sacco Jr., "Be an Astronaut; See the World-What's it Really Like!," EMC Corporation, Fitchburg,
MA (1999).
S. Dhir, R.R. Rhinehart, K. J. Morrow, T. F. Wiesner, "On-line Optimization of a Fed-Batch Bioreactor," American Control Conference, San
Diego, CA (1999).
A. Sacco Jr., "The Nucleation and Growth of Zeolite Crystals: Results From Low-Earth Orbit," Departments
of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY (1999).
T. F. Wiesner, B. Guinn, "Multimedia Engineering Education on the World Wide Web," American Society
of Civil Engineers, Local Section, Odessa, TX (1999).
V. Lukyanenko, S. Subramanian, A. Smirnov, T. F. Wiesner, and S. Gyorke "Inhibition of Ca2+ sparks by ruthenium red in permeabilized rat ventricular
myocytes," Biophysical Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD (1999).
S. Subramanian, T. F. Wiesner, V. Lukyanenko, and, S. Gyorke, "A Mathematical Model for the Mechanism of Calcium
Wave Propagation in Cardiac Myocytes," Biophysical Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore,
MD (1999).
A. Sacco Jr., "Growth of Zeolite A and Zeolite X in a Microgravity Environment," Technical Seminar,
Boston University, Boston, MA (1999).
Al Sacco Jr., "Zeolite Crystal Growth in Space," Materials Research Society, 1998 Fall Meeting,
Boston, MA (1998).
Al Sacco Jr., "Solution Crystal Growth: Commercial Opportunities," 49th International Astronomical
Congress, IAA-98-IAA.12.1.03, Melbourne, Australia (1998).
Al Sacco Jr., "Research Opportunities at CAMMP: Expanding the Horizons of Materials Science and
Technology," (with N. Bac, G. Rossetti, Jr., and J. Warzywoda), Centennial Poster
Session: Celebrating the Diversity of Northeastern Scholarship, Northeastern University
A. Sacco Jr., "Nucleation and Growth of Zeolite Crystals," the John McClanahan Henske Distinguished
Lecture in Chemical Engineering, Yale University, New Haven, CT (1998).
Al Sacco Jr., "Sedimentation of Heavy Crystal Particles Under Microgravity Conditions," (with
A. Alexandrou, N. A. Gatsonis, and H. Shi), AIAA 36th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and
Exhibit, Reno, NV (1998).
Al Sacco Jr., "Investigating the Nucleation and Growth of Zeolite Crystals in Space," Space Technology
and Applications International Forum, 3rd Conference on Commercial Development of
Space, Albuquerque, NM (1998).
A. Sacco Jr., "Investigating the Nucleation and Growth of Zeolite Crystals—Results From Low-Earth
Orbit," Fall Colloquia, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV (1997).
Al Sacco Jr., "Status of Industrial/Academic/Government Partnership Aboard the International Space
Station and Beyond," Workshop, 29th Annual ECC Conference, San Diego, CA (1997).
A. Sacco Jr., "Zeolite Crystallization in Low Earth Orbit—What Has Been Observed?," 1997 Gordon
Conference, Plymouth State College, Plymouth, NH (1997).
Al Sacco Jr., "Be an Astronaut; See the World-What it's really like!," 15th North American Catalysis
Society Meeting Chicago, IL (1997).
A. Sacco Jr., "Investigating the Nucleation and Growth of Zeolite Crystals—Results from Low-Earth
Orbit," Engelhard Corporation, Iselin, NJ (1997).
A. Sacco Jr., "Living and Working in Space—From the Perspective of a Scientist/Astronaut," Catalysis
Society, New Jersey/New York/Pennsylvania Sections Joint Meeting, Lehigh University,
Lehigh, PA (1997).
A. Sacco Jr., "Materials Processing in Space," Spring Colloquia, Lehigh University, Lehigh, PA
A. Sacco Jr., "Zeolite Crystal Growth—Low Earth Orbit," Spring Seminar Series, Connecticut College,
New London, CT (1997).
Al Sacco Jr., "Zeolites," 35th Goddard Memorial Symposium, American Astronautical Society, Greenbelt,
MD (1997).
Al Sacco Jr., "The Use of Electro-Optic Interferometry to Study Carbon Deposition on Transition
Metal Surfaces: A Preliminary Study," (with H. Van Dongeren), AIChE 1997 Spring National
Meeting, Houston, TX (1997).
A. Sacco Jr., "Investigating the Nucleation and Growth of Zeolite Crystals--Results from Low-Earth
Orbit," Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand (1997).
A. Sacco Jr., "Establishing a National Space Agency," Technical Conference, National Research
Council of Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand (1997).
A. Sacco Jr., "Zeolite Crystal Growth in Microgravity--USML-2," Chieng Mai University, Chiengmai,
Thailand (1997).
A. Sacco Jr., "Materials Processing in Space," Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment,
Bangkok, Thailand (1997).
A. Sacco Jr., "USML-2: Living and Working in Space," Prince of Songkla University, Pattani, Thailand
A. Sacco Jr., "Studies on the Nucleation and Growth of Zeolite Crystals Aboard the Space Shuttle
Columbia," Complex Fluids Seminar Series, Department of Chemical Engineering, Princeton
University, Princeton, NJ (1996).
Al Sacco Jr., "Modeling Multicomponent Diffusion and Reaction in a Zeolite Membrane," (with J.
Harris and A. Dixon), AIChE 1996 Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL (1996).
A. Sacco Jr., "Investigating the Nucleation and Growth of Zeolite Crystals--Results from Low-Earth
Orbit," Fall 1996 Seminar Series, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge,
MA (1996).
A. Sacco Jr., "Living and Working in Space: A Scientist/Astronaut's Perspective," Fall 1996-1997
Arts and Humanities Seminar Series, Framingham State College, Framingham, MA (1996).
Al Sacco Jr., "Modeling of Macroscopic/Microscopic Transport and Growth Phenomena in Zeolite Crystal
Solutions Under Microgravity Conditions," (with A. Alexandrou, N. A. Gatsonis, and
W. Durgin), Poster Presentation, Microgravity Materials Science Conference, Huntsville,
AL (1996).
A. Sacco Jr., "Zeolite Crystal Growth in Microgravity," Spring 1996 Seminar Series, New Jersey
Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ (1996).
Al Sacco Jr., "The Influence of Silicon on Carbon Deposition Rate," (with H. Van Dongeren and
Fred W. A. H. Geurts), The Catalysis Society of New England, 1995 Symposium (rescheduled
from fall, 1995), Worcester, MA (1996).
Al Sacco Jr., "The Use of Electro-optic Interferometry to Study Carbon Deposition on Transition
Metal Surfaces," (with H. VanDongeren and R. J. Pryputniewicz), Society for Experimental
Mechanics and Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA (1996).
A. Sacco Jr., "Materials Processing in Microgravity," Astronaut Candidate (ASCAN) Class of 1995,
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Houston,
TX (1996).
A. Sacco Jr., "Scientific Research in Space," 1995-1996 Class of White House Fellows, President's
Commission on White House Fellowships, Washington, DC (1996).
A. Sacco Jr., "Zeolite Crystal Growth in Space--What Has Been Learned," Advanced Materials and
Fluid Processes Technology Group, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute
of Technology, Pasadena, CA (1996).
Al Sacco Jr., "Zeolite Crystal Growth in Microgravity," (with Nurcan Bac), Space Technology &
Applications International Forum (STAIF-96), Albuquerque, NM (1996).
Al Sacco Jr., "The Influence of Silicon on Carbon Deposition Rate," (with H. VanDongeren and Fred
W. A. H. Geurts), The Catalysis Society of New England, Worcester, MA (1995).
Al Sacco Jr., "The Influence of Silicon Contamination of Carbon Deposition Rate," (with H. VanDongeren),
210th ACS National Meeting, Chicago, IL (1995).
A. Sacco Jr., "Zeolite Crystal Growth: The Growth of Large Defect-Free Crystals in Space," NSTA
1995 National Convention (Invited Speaker), Shell Science Seminar, Philadelphia, PA
Al Sacco Jr., "Carbon Deposition Over (FeNi) and (FeCo) Alloys," (with F. W. A. H. Geurts), 1994
Fall Symposium, The Catalysis Society of New England, Worcester, MA (1994).
A. Sacco Jr., "Zeolite Crystal Growth in Space--What Has Been Learned?," Vanderbilt University
Symposium Series (1994).
A. Sacco Jr., "Zeolite Crystal Growth in Space--Preliminary Results," Clemson University Symposium
Series, Dow Lectureship Award (1994).
Al Sacco Jr., "Carbon Deposition Over the Transition Metal Alloys: (FeNi) and (FeCo)," (with F.
W. A. H. Geurtz), AIChE Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO (1993).
Al Sacco Jr., "Zeolite Crystal Growth (ZCG), Support to Crystal Growth (SCG), and Investigations
into Polymer Membrane Processing (IPMP)," (with F. Jelinek and L. McCauley), SPACEHAB
Mission 1 (STS-57) Experiments Symposium, Washington, DC (1993).
Al Sacco Jr., "Zeolite Crystal Growth Experiments: A Comparison Between Ground Based Controls
and Flight Results," (with R. W. Thompson, A. G. Dixon, and J. Warzywoda), 44th International
Astronautical Congress, Graz, Austria (1993).
A. Sacco Jr., "Zeolite Crystal Growth in Space--Results from the USML-1 Shuttle Mission," Iowa
State University Symposium Series (1993).
Al Sacco Jr., "USML-1: Zeolite," (with R. W. Thompson and A. G. Dixon), Joint "L+1" Science Review
for USML-1 and USMP-1, 1993 AIAA Space Programs and Technologies Conference and Exhibit,
Huntsville, AL (1993).
Al Sacco Jr., "USML-1: Glovebox Investigation 16," (with R. W. Thompson and A. G. Dixon), Joint
"L+1" Science Review for USML-1 and USMP-1, 1993 AIAA Space Programs and Technologies
Conference and Exhibit, Huntsville, AL (1993).
Al Sacco Jr., "Zeolite Crystal Growth," (with L. McCauley), USML-1 Science Results II, 1993 AIAA
Space Programs and Technologies Conference and Exhibit, Huntsville, AL (1993).
Al Sacco Jr., "Zeolite Crystal Growth in Space--Preliminary Results from USML-1," AIChE Spring
National Meeting, Houston, TX (Won the AIChE Outstanding Paper Award.) (1993).
Al Sacco Jr., "Zeolite Crystal Growth in Space: Preliminary Results From USML-1," (with R. W.
Thompson and A. G. Dixon), ACS Spring Meeting, Denver, CO (1993).
Al Sacco Jr., "Gas Separation with Zeolite Based Polyethersulfone Membranes," (with M. G. Suer,
N. Bac, L. Yilmaz, and T. Gurkan), International Symposium on Gas Separation Technology,
Proceeds 9, Antwerp, Belgium (1993).
Al Sacco Jr., "Zeolite Crystal Growth in Space--What Has Been Learned," (with R. W. Thompson and
A. G. Dixon), 31st Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, NV (1993).
Al Sacco Jr., "Spaceflight Payload Design Flight Experience G-408," (with W. W. Durgin, F. J.
Looft, R. W. Thompson, A. G. Dixon, D. Roberti, R. Labonte, and L. Moschini), NASA
1992 Shuttle Small Payloads Symposium, Lanham, MD (1992).
A. Sacco Jr., "Microgravity Zeolite Crystal Growth," World Space Congress, Washington, DC (1992).
A. Sacco Jr., "The Role of Silica Source Stability and Solubility in Mordenite Synthesis from
Gels," (with J. Warzywoda, R. W. Thompson, and A. G. Dixon), Ninth International Zeolite
Conference, Montreal (1992).
Al Sacco Jr., "An Investigation of Zeolite Synthesis Solution Homogeneity by 27A1 and 1H Nuclear
Magnetic Resonance Imaging," (with E. N. Coker, C. H. Sotak, A. G. Dixon, and R. W.
Thompson), Ninth International Zeolite Conference, Montreal, Canada (1992).
Al Sacco Jr., "The Factors Affecting the Nucleation of Zeolite X," (with K. E. Hamilton, R. W.
Thompson, and A. G. Dixon), Poster Presentation, Extended Abstracts, Ninth International
Zeolite Conference, Montreal, Canada (1992).
A. Sacco Jr., "USML-1: America's First Dedicated Materials Science Mission," Weissberger-Williams
Kodak Lecture Series, Kodak Company, Rochester, NY (1992).
A. Sacco Jr., "U.S. Microgravity Science, the First USML Mission," (with J. Prahl), Carl Gunnard
Johnson Colloquium Series 1991-1992, WPI, Worcester, MA (1992).
A. Sacco Jr., "Space--A Stepping Stone Into America's Future," (Invited Speaker), Connecticut
Young Scholars Program, University of Hartford, West Hartford, CT (1991).
A. Sacco Jr., "Zeolite Crystal Growth in Space," NASA/ASEE Fellows' Seminar Series (Invited Speaker),
Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH (1991).
A. Sacco Jr., "Large Zeolites--Why and How To Grow In Space," SPIE--The International Society
for Optical Engineering Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA (1991).
A. Sacco Jr., "Laser Interferometric Measurement of the Surface Tension of Ni in a Vacuum," (with
G. A. Jablonski) SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering Annual Meeting,
San Diego, CA (1991).
A. Sacco Jr., "Development of Surface Phase Diagrams for (Fe/Ni/Co)-C-H-O Systems," (with R. G.
Cnossen and S. Lee), 20th Biennial Conference on Carbon, Santa Barbara, CA (1991).
A. Sacco Jr., "Morphology Study of Carbon Deposition on Iron from Gas Mixtures of H2-CO-CH4-CO2-H2O,"
(with S. E. Shorey), 20th Biennial Conference on Carbon, Santa Barbara, CA (1991).
A. Sacco Jr., "Carbon Deposition from C, H, O Gas Mixtures over (FeNi) and (FeCo) Alloy as a Function
of Alloy Composition and Gas Phase Carbon Activity," (with F. W. A. H. Geurts, R.
G. Cnossen, and S. Lee), 20th Biennial Conference on Carbon, Santa Barbara, CA (1991).
A. Sacco Jr., "The Relative Rates of the Boudouard Reaction and Hydrogenation of CO over Fe and
Co Foils," (with F. W. A. H. Geurts), 20th Biennial Conference on Carbon, Santa Barbara,
CA (1991).
A. Sacco Jr., "Mechanisms of Ilmenite Reduction and Their Impact on the Design of Effective Reaction
Systems," (with R. Briggs), 2nd Sym. UA/NASA Resources of Near-Earth Space, Tucson,
AZ (1991).
A. Sacco Jr., "Mechanisms of Ilmenite Reduction and Their Impact on the Design of Effective Reaction
Systems," (with R. Briggs), 2nd Sym. UA/NASA Resources of Near-Earth Space, Tucson,
AZ (1991).
A. Sacco Jr., "Microgravity Science on Space Laboratory," (with B. Dunbar), 29th Aerospace Sciences
Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, NV (1991).
A. Sacco Jr., "Reduction of Iron Titanium Oxide for Oxygen Production on the Moon," (with R.
Briggs), Annual AIChE Meeting, Chicago, IL (1990).
A. Sacco Jr., "The Technological Humanist-Engineering and Science at Worcester Polytechnic Institute,"
Annual AIChE Meeting, Chicago, IL (1990).
A. Sacco Jr., "Microgravity Catalyst Synthesis," MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA (1990).
A. Sacco Jr., "Zeolite Crystal Growth in Space," (with N. Bac), Battelle Advanced Materials CCDS
Annual Meeting, Columbus, OH (1990).
A. Sacco Jr., "Space Related Research and Technology Transfer," (Invited Speaker), Connecticut
Young Scholars Program, University of Hartford, West Hartford, CT (1990).
A. Sacco Jr., "Generation of the Theoretical (FeNi), (NiCo) and (CoFe) Phase Diagrams for the
Study of Carbon Deposition from H2-CO-CO2-CH4-H2O," (with S. Lee), Extended Abstracts,
Carbone 90, Paris, France (1990).
A. Sacco Jr., "The Study of Carbon Deposition over Iron-Nickel Alloys," (with R. A. Gately, F.
W. A. H. Geurts, and S. Lee), Extended Abstracts, Carbone 90, Paris, France (1990).
A. Sacco Jr., "The Kinetics of Carbon Deposition over Fe, Ni, and Co Foils from Co-Co2, CH4-H2,
and CO-H2-H2O Gas Mixtures," (with F. W. A. H. Geurts, G. A. Jablonski), Extended
Abstracts, Carbone 90, Paris, France (1990).
A. Sacco Jr., "Carbon Deposition Over Fe, Co and Ni Powders," (with S. E. Shorey), Extended Abstracts,
Carbone 90, Paris, France (1990).
A. Sacco Jr., "Zeolite Crystal Growth in Space - It's Commercial Potential," Commercial Use of
Space Conference, Arlington, VA (1990).
A. Sacco Jr., "Laser Interferometric Surface Free Energy Measurement of Thin Foils," (with G.
A. Jablonski and R. A. Gately), Annual ACS Meeting, Miami, FL (1989).
A. Sacco Jr., "Synthesis of Zeolite Na-A in the Presence of Triethanolamine," (with G. Scott,
A. G. Dixon, and R. W. Thompson), 8th International Zeolite Conference, Amsterdam
A. Sacco Jr., "The Initiation and Growth Mechanism of Filamentous Carbon on Fe, Ni and Co Foil
- A Comparative Study," (with F. W. A. H. Geurts, G. A. Jablonski, and S. Lee), Extended
Abstracts 19th Biennial Conference on Carbon, University Park, PA (1989).
A. Sacco Jr., "Filamentous and Free Carbon Morphologies in the Fe, Ni, and Co C-H-O System," (with
G. A. Jablonski, F. W. A. H. Geurts, S. Lee, and R. R. Biederman), Extended Abstracts
19th Biennial Conference on Carbon, University Park (1989).
A. Sacco Jr., "Effect of Fe-Ni Alloys on Filamentous Carbon Nucleation and Growth at Fixed Carbon
Gas Phase Activity," (with F. W. A. H. Geurts, R. A. Gately, G. A. Jablonski, and
S. Lee), Extended Abstracts 19th Biennial Conference on Carbon, University Park, PA
A. Sacco Jr., "Laser Interferometric Surface Free Energy Measurement of Thin Foils," Auburn University
Lecture Series (1989).
A. Sacco Jr., "Carbon Deposition and Filament Initiation and Growth Mechanisms on Iron Particles
and Foils," Guest Lecturer, NATO Advanced Study Institute, Alvor, Portugal (1989).
A. Sacco Jr., "The Initiation and Growth Mechanism of Filamentous Carbon Over Iron, Nickel, and
Cobalt Foils," 11th North American Meeting of the Catalysis Society, Dearborn, MI
A. Sacco Jr., "Mechanisms of Ilmenite Reduction with Hydrogen," (with R. Briggs), National AIChE
Meeting, Houston, TX (1989).
A. Sacco Jr., "The Modern Chemical Engineer," Guest Lecturer, Northeastern Univ. (1988).
A. Sacco Jr., "The Potential for the Growth of Large Zeolites in Space," Tufts Lecture Series
A. Sacco Jr., "The Initiation and Growth Mechanism of Filamentous Carbon Over Nickel and Cobalt
Foils," SUNY-Buffalo Lecture Series (1988).
A. Sacco Jr., "Lunar Processing: Determining the Answers," (with R. Briggs), The Space 88 Conference,
Albuquerque, NM (1988).
A. Sacco Jr., "Zeolite Crystal Growth in Space," (with A. Dixon, R. Thompson, G. Scott, J. D'Itri),
Gordon Research Conference, New London, NH (1988).
A. Sacco Jr., "Oxidation and Reduction of Ilmenite: Application to Oxygen Production on the Moon,"
(with R. Briggs), Lunar Bases & Space Activities of the 21st Century, Houston, TX
A. Sacco Jr., "Determination of the Catalytic Phase(s) for Filamentous Carbon Formation Over Nickel
and Cobalt Foils," (with F. W. A. H. Geurts, G. Jablonski, S. Lee, and R. A. Gately),
Third Research Symposium of the Catalysis Society of New England, Worcester, MA (1987).
A. Sacco Jr., "Breakthrough Prediction in Charcoal Filters," (with N. Bac and T. Gültop), 18th
Biennial Conference on Carbon, Worcester, MA (1987).
A. Sacco Jr., "Deactivation Mechanism of Cu-Cr-Ag Impregnated Carbon Catalyst," (with J. L. Hammarstrom)
10th North American Meeting of the Catalysis Society, San Diego, CA (1987).
A. Sacco Jr., "Microgravity Processing of Zeolites in Space," (with R. Thompson and A. Dixon),
18th National SAMPE Technical Conference, Seattle, WA (1986).
A. Sacco Jr., "Zeolites and their Potential Role in Industrial Commercialization of Space," Sigma
Xi Faculty Lecture Series, WPI (1986).
A. Sacco Jr., "Commercial Opportunities for Zeolite Growth in Space," (Invited Speaker), Brookhaven
National Laboratory, Long Island, NY (1986).
A. Sacco Jr., "Investigation of the Reaction Between Hydrogen and High Surface Area Transition
Metal Impregnated Charcoal Catalysts," (with J. Hammarstrom), Second Research Symposium
of the Catalysis Society of New England, WPI, Worcester, MA (1985).
A. Sacco Jr., "Zeolite Growth in Space," Boeing Aerospace Company (1985).
A. Sacco Jr., "Growth of Zeolite Crystals in the Microgravity Environment of Space," (with L.
B. Sand et al.), Get Away Special Experimenter's Symposium, Greenbelt, MD (1985).
A. Sacco Jr., "Hydrogen Pulsing as a Measure of Chemical Activity of ASC Whetlerite," (with J.
Hammarstrom), 17th Biennial Conference on Carbon, Lexington, KY (1985).
A. Sacco Jr., "The Use of Nonequilibrium Phase Diagrams to Investigate Carbon Formation from Multicomponent
Gas Mixtures over Transition Metals," 17th Biennial Conference on Carbon, Lexington,
KY (1985).
A. Sacco Jr., "A Transmission Electron Microscopy Study of Evaporated and Sputtered Thin Films
of Fe, Ni, Co and Their Alloys," (with R. Sisson et al.) 13th International Conference
on Metallurgical Coatings (1985).
A. Sacco Jr., "Zeolite Crystal Growth in Space," (with L. B. Sand et al.), National AIChE Meeting,
Houston, TX (1985).
A. Sacco Jr., "The Use of Phase Diagrams to Investigate Complex Heterogeneous Catalyzed Gas Solid
Reactions: Carbon (Coke) Formation," University of Rhode Island Seminar Series (1984).
A. Sacco Jr., "The Use of Hydrogen Reactivity to Measure Losses in ASC Whetlerite Chemical Activity,"
(with J. Hammarstrom), Chemical Research and Development Center Scientific Conference
on Chemical Defense Research (1984).
A. Sacco Jr., "Filamentous Coke Formation on Polycrystalline Iron Foils and Films," US-Hungarian
Workshop, Budapest, Hungary (1984).
A. Sacco Jr., "Filamentous Coke Formation on Polycrystalline Iron Films and Foils in the C-H-O
System," 8th International Congress on Catalysis, Berlin, Germany (1984).
A. Sacco Jr., "Identifying and Quantifying Catalyst Deactivation Using a Probe Gas," (with J.
Hammarstrom), National AIChE Meeting, Anaheim, CA (1984).
A. Sacco Jr., "The Initiation and Growth Mechanism of Filamentous Coke in the C-H-O System," University
of Connecticut, Seminar Series (1984).
A. Sacco Jr., "The Use of a Hydrogen Pulse Technique to Monitor the Chemical Activity of ASC Whetlerite,"
(with J. Hammarstrom), Chemical Defense Research Conference, Aberdeen, MD (1983).
A. Sacco Jr., "The Formation of Filamentous Carbon on -Iron," 16th Biennial Conference on Carbon,
San Diego, CA (1983).
A. Sacco Jr., "EDX Analysis of Whetlerized Charcoal Microareas," 16th Biennial Conference on Carbon,
San Diego, CA (1983).
A. Sacco Jr., "Magnetic Susceptibility Studies of ASC Whetlerite," (with J. Hammarstrom), Chemical
Defense Research Conference, Aberdeen, MD (1983).
A. Sacco Jr., "The Initiation and Growth Mechanism of Filamentous Coke on -Iron," American Chemical
Society Meeting, Seattle, Washington (1983).
A. Sacco Jr., "The Growth of Filamentous Coke on -Iron," Joint Spring Symposium of the New York-New
England Catalysis Societies, Yale University (1983).
A. Sacco Jr., "Preliminary Results on the Use of Hydrogen for Nondestructively Determining the
Catalytic Activity of ASC Whetlerite," (with J. Hammarstrom), Chemical Defense Research
Conference, Aberdeen, MD (1982).
A. Sacco Jr., "Growth of Carbon Filaments in the C-H-O-Fe System," Brown University (1982).
A. Sacco Jr., "Modeling of Adsorption Behavior in Packed Bed Adsorbers," Annual AIChE Meeting,
New Orleans, LA (1981).
A. Sacco Jr., "Pulse Test for Measurement of Residual Adsorption Capacity of Air Filters," (with
A. H. Weiss), Chemical Defense Research Conference, Aberdeen, MD (1981).
A. Sacco Jr., "Gas Chromatography Principles Applied to Air Filters," (with A. H. Weiss), Chemical
Defense Research Conference, Aberdeen, MD (1981).
A. Sacco Jr., "Modeling the Formation of Filamentous Coke," American Chemical Society Meeting,
New York, NY (1981).
A. Sacco Jr., "Modeling the Topochemical Reduction of Hematite in Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen
Mixtures," Cornell University Seminar Series (1981).
A. Sacco Jr., "A Nondestructive Method to Measure Residual Adsorption Capacity of Charcoal Filters,"
National AIChE Meeting, Houston, TX (1981).
A. Sacco Jr., "Undergraduate Research - Myth or Reality?," 88th Annual Meeting of the American
Society of Engineering Education (1980).
A. Sacco Jr., "The Use of Phase Diagrams in Analyzing Complex Heterogeneous Systems," Carnegie-Mellon
University Seminar Series (1980).
A. Sacco Jr., "The Use of Phase Diagrams in Analyzing Complex Heterogeneous Reaction Systems,"
6th North American Catalysis Society Meeting, Chicago, IL (1979).
A. Sacco Jr., "Limitations on Water Production in the Iron-Catalyzed Bosch Process," Intersociety
Conference on Environmental Systems, San Diego, CA (1978).
A. Sacco Jr., "The Analysis of Complex Catalytic Reaction Systems Using Phase Diagrams," Joint
Spring Symposium of the New York-New England Catalysis Societies, Yale University
A. Sacco Jr., "The Effect of H2O/H2 and CO2/CO Ratios on the Reduction of Carbon Dioxide in the
Bosch Process," Intersociety Conference on Environmental Systems, San Diego, CA (1976).