Texas Tech University

Undergraduate Advising & Registration

Tutoring and ChE Study Space Schedule

Need extra help? Tutors are available every evening in ChE101 and Friday afternoons. Be sure to bring your class notes, books and work. No food or drink allowed. Tutor expertise is in the calendars below. Remember that if you need specific help in a course, you may also see the TA for the course.



Advance registration for upcoming semesters occurs in November for the Spring, Summer I and Summer II semester; and in April for the Fall semester. All chemical engineering students will need to be advised by Kristina Thompson (kristina.thompson@ttu.edu), our undergraduate staff advisor, before they will be allowed to register. The advisor office is in Chemical Engineering Building Room 211, and advising hours are 9:00 a.m. − 12:00 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. − 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. She will check your advising sheets and remove your registration holds. She will schedule advising appointments beginning in October for spring and summer registration and beginning in March for fall registration. Please email her for instructions on how to set up an appointment. Please bring your completed advising sheets with you to the appointment.

Academic advising is mandatory every semester prior to registration in order to have your advising hold removed. Prior to meeting with their academic advisor, every undergraduate student must fill out one of the two following advising sheets:

Any advising issues which require faculty input must be referred to Dr. Jeremy Marston, the director of undergraduate studies.

Career Counseling

Career counseling is mandatory for Sophmores,Juniors and Seniors in the fall semester prior to registering for their spring classes. Prior to meeting with their academic advisor, every student must fill out the Chemical Engineering Career Counseling Sheet.

Every Fall, juniors and seniors must select a member of the faculty to be their career counselor. Students should then email their career counselor for an appointment. Take your completed career counseling form and a copy of your Curriculum Vitae (CV) or Résumé to your appointment. After your appointment, turn your completed and signed Career Counseling Sheet to the undergraduate advisor.

Computing, Network, and HYSYS Help

The design software HYSYS is used throughout the Chemical Engineering curriculum. The software is available on computers in the ME 151 computer laboratory. The software can also be installed locally on your computer using these instructions. The tutors can also give you a copy of HYSYS and help you with the installation in Spring 2018 – students must bring a memory stick with them to tutoring.

For errors when accessing HYSYS, see the troubleshooting guide.


New & Transfer Students

You must contact Kristina Thompson, the undergraduate staff advisor, for initial advising and to have the electronic hold on your registration removed.

Currently−Registered Students

If you have any questions or problems with registering, please visit the chemical engineering Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page or contact Kristina Thompson if you can not find your answer listed on that page. To determine which classes you should register for, please refer to the Undergraduate Curriculum & Flowcharts. Go to this page to find the resources you need to select your critical path courses and the courses you need to satisfy the Core Curriculum requirements.

International Experience Requirement

All the students are required to have international experience, see http://www.depts.ttu.edu/coe/iep/index.php for more details.

Transfer Students

Transfer students generally take 3 years to complete the Chemical Engineering BS degree if they are adequately prepared to take ChE 2310 in the fall.Tansfer students must also meet the international experience requirement. The following courses must be completed before tranfering and students must be profficient in computer programming

CHEM 1307/1107 General Chemistry I
CHEM 1308/1108 General Chemistry II
PHYS 1408 Physics I (calculus based)
MATH 1451 Calculus I
MATH 1452 Calculus II
ENGL 1301 English College Rhetoric
ENGL 1302 Advanced College Rhetoric

Students should ideally matriculate in the fall since CHE 2310, which is a prerequisite for all other chemical engineering courses, is offered in the fall semester. 

Transfer students who have already taken chemical engineering courses at another institution will need to have those courses evaluated during the transfer process. Our goal is to ensure that students have the requisite knowledge upon graduation, while at the same time, minimizing the need to retake courses.

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