Financial Aid, Scholarships, and Awards
University, College, and Departmental Scholarships
The scholarship coordinator for the Department of Chemical Engineering is Dr. Siva Vanapalli
To be considered for a scholarship from the Department of Chemical Engineering, students must complete a Departmental Scholarship form by the deadline, which is generally in March. In the spring semester, look for an email from Kristina Thompson regarding the deadline for the upcoming year and the current version of the application forms. Students not completing the departmental application by the announced deadline will not be considered except in the most extreme of circumstances.
To see how to apply for college scholarships, visit the Whitacre College of Engineering scholarship page. If you would like to apply for all scholarships available from the university, please visit the Financial Aid Office's website to learn more.
External Scholarships
- Southwest Chemical Association Scholarship
- Interested students must fill out an application and return it to Ms. Kristina Thompson. Look for an announcement in the Spring semester of each year."
- Society of Plastics Engineers Scholarships & Grants
- SPE scholarships are also awarded to members of the Texas Tech chapter of the SPE. Contact Prof. Greg McKenna if you are interested in becoming a member.
- Gas Processors Association: Permian Basin Chapter Scholarship
- Interested students must fill out an application and return it to Ms. Kristina Thompson. Look for an announcement in the Spring semester of each year.
- American Chemical Society (ACS): Rubber Division Scholarships
Award for Academic Excellence in Chemical Engineering
The Award for Academic Excellence in Chemical Engineering is given to the top academic achievers in the undergraduate chemical engineering program.the scholarship committee selects award winners from the finalists that meet the following criteria
- Demonstrate a desire to learn and fully understand chemical engineering concepts and maintain a GPA in ChE course work above 3.
- Be a dedicated and well-rounded scholar with an overall TTU GPA that ranks in the top ten percent of undergraduate students in their respective class in the BSChE program.
- Be a person of such integrity and stature that the faculty, staff, students, and alumni will take pride in and be inspired by his or her recognition.
- Have successfully completed all of the course work at Texas Tech in either the second or third year of the BSChE program, and be enrolled and on track to complete the degree in a timely fashion.
Chemical Engineering
P.O. Box 43121, Lubbock, TX 79409−3121 -
806.742.3553 -