Rong Xu and T. F. Wiesner, "Dynamic model of a solar double pipe direct steam generator," 57th Annual ISA POWID
Symposium, International Society of Automation. Scottsdale, AZ. June 1-6 (2014).
T. F. Wiesner and Rong Xu, "A Shell-and-Tube Direct Steam Generator for Concentrated Solar Power
Generation," Annual Fall Meeting-American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Pittsburgh,
PA. October 29-November 2 (2012).
Rong Xu and T. F. Wiesner, "Dynamic Model of a Solar Thermochemical Water-Splitting Reactor with Integrated
Energy Collection and Storage," Annual Fall Meeting-American Institute of Chemical
Engineers.Pittsburgh, PA. October 29-November 2 (2012).
Cho, J-Y., J.G. Duque, Doorn, S.K., M. J. Green, Fenniri, H. "Self-Assembled Rosette Nanotube Encapsulate Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes,"
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Nanotechnology: Fundamentals and
Applications, Montreal, Canada (2012).
R. Khare, "Molecular simulations of thermophysical properties of cross-linked epoxy and its
nanocomposites," Air Force Research Laboratory, Dayton, OH (2011).
R. Khare, "Molecular simulation study of nanoscale heterogeneities in epoxy-carbon nanotube
nanocomposites," AIChE Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN (2011).
R. Khare, "Dynamic arrest and creep in a simulated associative polymer gel," Society of Rheology
Annual Meeting, Cleveland, OH (2011).
R. Khare, "Particle rheology simulations of viscoelastic properties," Society of Rheology
Annual Meeting, Cleveland, OH (2011).
R. Xu, T. F. Wiesner, "Dynamic model of a solar thermochemical water−splitting reactor with integrated
energy collection and storage," International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2011.10.053
R. Khare, "Local viscoelastic properties of polymeric materials from particle nanorheology
simulations," Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD (2011).
R. Khare, "General approach for preparing atomistically detailed model structures of amorphous
polymers," ACS Fall Meeting, Denver, CO (2011).
R. Khare, "Determination of viscoelastic properties of polymeric systems at high strain rates
using active nanorheology simulation technique," 11th US National Congress on Computational
Mechanics Meeting, Minneapolis, MN (2011).
H.P. Chen, D.M. Lentz, A.M. Rhoades, R.A. Pyles, K.W. Haider, S.A. Vanapalli, R.K.
Nunley, R. C. Hedden, "Surface Infusion Micropatterning of Elastomeric Substrates," Microfluidics and
Nanofluidics (2011).
A.S. Wajid, S. Das, F. Irin, H.S.T. Ahmed, J.L. Shelburne, D. Parviz, R. J. Fullerton,
A.F. Jankowski, M. J. Green, R. C. Hedden, "Polymer-Stabilized Graphene Dispersions at High Concentrations in Organic Solvents
for Nanocomposite Production," Carbon (2011).
D.M. Lentz, A.M. Rhoades, R.A. Pyles, K.W. Haider, M.S. Angelone, R. C. Hedden, "Combinatorial Study of a Gold Nanoparticle Infusion Process in a Polymer Film,"
J. Nanoparticle Res., 13(10), 4795-4808 (2011).
D. M. Lentz, H.P. Chen, Z.Y. Yu, H. P. Patil, C.A. Crane, R. C. Hedden, "Influence of Strain Rate and Temperature on Necking Transition in a Polydomain
Smectic Main Chain Elastomer," J. Polym. Sci. B: Polym. Phys., 49(8), 591-598 (2011).
Weiting Tang, N. Karim, "Multi-Model MPC for Nonlinear Systems: Case Study of a Complex
pH Neutralization Process," Proceedings of the 21st European Symposium on Computer
Aided Process System Engineering- ESCAPE 21. (Editors: E.N. Pistikopoulos, M. N. Georgiadis
and A. C. Kokossis) Elsevier B.V.pages 622-627 (2011).
S. Karra, Brian Sager, N. Karim, "A Comprehensive Multi-Scale Modeling of Heterogeneities
in Mammalian Cell Culture Process," Proceedings of the 21st European Symposium on
Computer Aided Process System Engineering- ESCAPE 21. (Editors: E.N. Pistikopoulos,
M. N. Georgiadis and A. C. Kokossis) Elsevier B.V. pages 1311-1315 (2011).
S. A. Vanapalli, "Spatiotemporal dynamics of drops in microfluidic networks for designing fluidic
processors," Department of Mechanical Engineering, Louisiana State University (2011).
R. Khare, "Effect of nanopore confinement on the polymerization rate of linear polymers,"
APS March Meeting, Dallas, TX (2011).
R. Khare, "Multiple particle collision dynamics simulations of the effect of catenation on
the structural and dynamic properties of ring polymers in solution," APS March Meeting,
Dallas, TX (2011).
R. Khare, "Molecular simulations of particle nanorheology," APS March Meeting, Dallas, TX
Khan, Z. S., S. A. Vanapalli, "Hydrodynamic resistance of confined cells in rectangular microchannels," APS Meeting,
Dallas, TX (2011).
R. Khare, "Investigation of glass transition phenomenon in polymers: Molecular simulations
vs. experiments," ACS Joint Southeastern Regional Meeting (SERM) and Southwestern
Regional Meeting (SWRM), New Orleans, LA (2010).
R. Khare, "Effect of nano-confinement on cure kinetics of highly cross-linked epoxy: A molecular
simulation study," AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT (2010).
R. Khare, "Computational studies of free energy calculations of cello-oligosaccharide adsorption
on a cellulose crystal surface," AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT (2010).
Maddala, J. M., B. Srinivasan, Bithi, S., S. A. Vanapalli, and R. Rengaswamy "Simulation studies of active control strategy for sort-synchronization
of droplets in microfluidic loop device using model predictive control," AIChE Meeting,
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake City, UT (2010).
S. S. Bithi, Maddala, J. M., B. Srinivasan, R. Rengaswamy, S. A. Vanapalli, "Experimental and simulation studies of nonlinear dynamics of droplets in a microfluidic
device," AIChE Meeting, November 2010, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake City, UT (2010).
R. Khare, "Local viscoelastic properties of complex fluids from active nanorheology simulations,"
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Tulane University (2010).
R. Khare, "Determination of local viscoelastic properties of confined polymer melts from molecular
dynamics simulations," Society of Rheology Annual Meeting, Santa Fe, NM (2010).
S. S. Bithi, S. A. Vanapalli, "Microfluidic production of self-organized droplet arrays in a fluidic network with
hydrodynamic traps," Society of Rheology Meeting, October 2010, Santa Fe, NM (2010).
R.A. Mrozek, P. J. Cole, S. M. Cole, J. L. Schroeder, D. A. Schneider, R. C. Hedden, J. L. Lenhart, "Design of Nonaqueous Polymer Gels with Broad Temperature Performance:
Impact of Solvent Quality and Processing Conditions," J. Mater. Res. 2010, 25(6),
1105-1117 (2010).
M. A. Iannuzzi, R. Reber III, D. M. Lentz, J. Zhao, L. Ma, R. C. Hedden, "USANS Study of Porosity and Water Content in Sponge-like Hydrogels," Polymer,
51, 2049-2056 (2010).
R. Khare, "Local chain dynamics and dynamic heterogeneity in crosslinked polymers near the
glass transition: A molecular perspective," Department of Materials Science and Engineering,
University of North Texas (2010).
R. Khare, "Dynamic heterogeneity in highly cross-linked epoxy in the vicinity of glass transition,"
APS March Meeting, Portland, OR (2010).
R. Khare, "Viscoelastic properties of complex fluids using active nanorheology simulations,"
AIChE Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN (2009).
R. Khare, "Tuning the thermal and volumetric properties of epoxy nanocomposites: A molecular
simulation study," AIChE Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN (2009).
R. Khare, "Calculation of free energy involved in saccharification of cellulose using molecular
dynamics simulations," AIChE Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN (2009).
S. A. Vanapalli, "Droplet traffic and parking in microfluidic networks," Microfluidics MEMS and Nanostructures
Group, ESPCI, Paris (2009).
S. A. Vanapalli, "Droplet traffic and parking in microfluidic networks," Physics of Complex Fluids
Group, University of Twente, The Netherlands (2009).
R. Khare, "Active nanorheology: Calculation of viscoelastic properties of complex materials
using molecular dynamics simulations," Society of Rheology 81st Annual Meeting, Madison,
WI (2009).
S. S. Bithi, S. A. Vanapalli, "Design of a microfluidic device for droplet capture," Society of Rheology Meeting,
Madison, WI (2009).
R. Khare, "Effect of nanofiller chemistry on thermal and volumetric properties of epoxy nanocomposites:
A molecular dynamics study," 37th Annual Conference of North American Thermal Analysis
Society (NATAS), Lubbock, TX (2009).
S. S. Bithi, S. A. Vanapalli, "Microfluidics to characterize crystallization behavior of lipids," North American
Thermal Analysis Society, Lubbock, TX (2009).
R. Khare, "Hydrodynamic effects in confined nanoparticle suspensions," MESOSOFT: Workshop
on Mesoscale Simulations of Soft Matter Out of Equilibrium, Forschungszentrum Julich,
Julich, Germany (2009).
R. Khare, "Molecular simulation of highly crosslinked epoxy resin and POSS-epoxy nanocomposites,"
APS March Meeting, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2009).
R. Khare, "Molecular hydrodynamics at the nanoscale," National Chemical Laboratory, Pune,
India (2008).
R. Khare, "Molecular hydrodynamics at the nanoscale," Golden Jubilee Visiting Fellowship lecture,
Institute of Chemical Technology (formerly UDCT), Mumbai, India (2008).
R. Khare, "Molecular simulation of nanoscale hydrodynamics in complex fluids," AIChE Annual
Meeting, Philadelphia, PA (2008).
S. A. Vanapalli, A. G. Banpurkar, F. Malloggi, D. van den Ende, M. H. G. Duits and F. Mugele"Controlling
drop generation, size and traffic in microfluidic devices," AIChE Meeting, Philadelphia,
Philadelphia, PA (2008).
R. Khare, "Molecular hydrodynamics in nanoparticle suspensions," The XVth International Congress
on Rheology and The Society of Rheology 80th Annual Meeting, Monterey, CA (2008).
S. A. Vanapalli, A. G. Banpurkar, D. van den Ende, M. H. G. Duits and F. Mugele "Hydrodynamic resistance
of single confined drops in microchannels," International Congress on Rheology, Monterey,
CA (2008).
SR. Patel, NJ Jiang, H.S. Gill, D Ghate, BE. McCarey, DH Geroski, J Nickerson, HF Edelhauser and MR Prausnitz, "Microneedles
for ocular drug delivery," Ophthalmic Drug Delivery Conference (2008).
SN. Andrews, E Jeong, H.S. Gill, and MR Prausnitz, "Transdermal delivery of proteins using microdermabrasion," 35th
Annual Meeting & Exposition of the Controlled Release Society (2008).
J Gupta, H.S. Gill, S Andrews, and MR Prausnitz, "Kinetics of skin resealing after insertion of microneedles
in human subjects," 35th Annual Meeting & Exposition of the Controlled Release Society
SR Patel, NJ Jiang, H.S. Gill, D Ghate, BE McCarey, DH Geroski, J Nickerson, HF Edelhauser, and MR Prausnitz, "Microneedles
for ocular drug delivery," Society for Biomaterials Fall Symposium (2008).
H.S. Gill, B Wang, FS Quan, SM Kang, C Yang and RW Compans, "Virus-like particles as a platform
for novel bionanomaterials," AIChE Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, USA (2008).
H.S. Gill, FS Quan, SM Kang, RW Compans, "Adjuvant characterization for virus-like particle-based
influenza vaccines," AIChE Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, USA (2008).
Swapnil C. Kohale, R. Khare, "Molecular Hydrodynamics in Nanoparticle Suspensions," Proceedings of The XVth International
Congress on Rheology and The Society of Rheology 80th Annual Meeting, CP 1027, American
Institute of Physics, 644-646 (2008).
Swapnil C. Kohale, R. Khare, "Shear Induced Chain Migration in Flowing Polymeric Solutions: A Molecular Dynamics
Study," Proceedings of The XVth International Congress on Rheology and The Society
of Rheology 80th Annual Meeting, CP 1027, American Institute of Physics, 558-560 (2008).
S. Narasimhan, R. Rengasamy, "Multi-objective Optimal Input Design for System Identification," American Control
Conference (ACC), Seattle, USA (2008).
Ulaganathan Nallasivam, R. Rengasamy, "Blind Identification of Stiction in Nonlinear Process Control Loops," American
Control Conference (ACC), Seattle, US (2008).
R. Srinivasan, R. Rengasamy, Vijayabaskar Rajavelu, "Issues in Modeling Stiction in Process Control Valves,"
American Control Conference (ACC), Seattle, USA (2008).
Sang Youp Chae, Debangsu Bhattacharyya, R. Rengasamy, "Detailed Steady State Modeling of An Anode-Supported Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC),"
presented at the Annual AIChE meeting, Philadelphia (2008).
Debangsu Bhattacharyya, R. Rengasamy, Finnerty Caine, "Identification and Control of a Tubular Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC),"
presented at the Annual AIChE meeting, Philadelphia (2008).
Brian Bullecks, Debangsu Bhattacharyya, R. Rengasamy, Gregory A. Campbell, "Development of a Tubular Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell
(PEMFC) –Experimental and Modeling Studies," presented at the Annual AIChE meeting,
Philadelphia (2008).
R. Rengasamy, "Optimization of PEM Fuel Cell Systems," at Indian Institute of Sciences (IISc),
Bangalore, India (2008).
R. Rengasamy, "Sensor Network Design for State Awareness," at the 1st International Symposium
on Resilient Control, Idaho Falls, Idaho (2008).
Older than 2008
R. Khare, "Mechanism of cellulose degradation - Free energy calculations for separation of
cellulose chains using molecular modeling techniques," AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt
Lake City, Utah (2007).
R. Khare, "Molecular hydrodynamics in dilute suspensions near a solid surface," AIChE Annual
Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah (2007).
Sung, K. E., Mukhija, D., S. A. Vanapalli, Mckay, H., Mirecki-Millunchick, J., Solomon, M. J. and Burns, M. A. "Continuous
fabrication of anisotropic particles by microfluidic processing," AIChE Meeting, Salt
Lake City, Utah (2007).
Shabde, V.S., Karlene Hoo, "Designing an Optimum Controller for a Spray Drying Process
that Produces Hollow Micro-particles," IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control,
Suntec City, Singapore (2007).
Zhang, X., Karlene Hoo, "Control of an Integrated Biological Wastewater Treatment
System," IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control, Suntec City, Singapore (2007).
R. Khare, "Molecular hydrodynamics in dilute suspensions," Society of Rheology Annual Meeting,
Salt Lake City, Utah (2007).
S. A. Vanapalli, Y. Li, M. H. G. Duits, F. Mugele "Linking probe transport and dynamics to intracellular
rheology," Society of Rheology Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah (2007).
R. Rengasamy, "Optimization of PEM Fuel Cell Systems," at IIT Madras, Chennai, India (2007).
Wijeratne, N. S., Karlene Hoo, "Understanding the effects of the tumor vasculature
on effective drug transport," Proc. Of 2007 American Automatic Control Conference,
paper WeA18.2, New York, NY (2007).
S. Narasimhan, R. Rengasamy, "Constrained Nonlinear Estimation," at HTSL, India (2007).
R. Rengasamy, "Modeling, Control and Diagnostics of PEM Fuel Cells," at GE John Welch Technology
Center, India (2007).
Sung, K. E., Mukhija, D., S. A. Vanapalli, Mckay, H., Mirecki-Millunchick, J., Solomon, M. J. and Burns, M. A. "On-chip synthesis
of anisotropic microparticles by microfluidic processing," Physics and Chemistry of
Microfluidics, Gordon Research Conference, Waterville Valley, NH (2007).
S. Karra, N. Karim, and B. Han, "Predictive Control of Blood Glucose Concentration
in Type-I Diabetic Patients using Linear Input-Output Models," in Proceedings of the
10th International IFAC Symposium on Computer Applications in Biotechnology, Cancun,
Mexico, pages: 147-152 (2007).
Suma Peri, S. Karra, Y.Y. Lee, N. Karim, "Modeling for Optimization of Enzymatic Hydrolysis
of Cellulose," in Proceedings of the 10th International IFAC Symposium on Computer
Applications in Biotechnology, Cancun, Mexico, pages: 129-134 (2007).
R. Khare, "Molecular hydrodynamics near a solid surface," Science and Engineering Faculty
Day, 3M, St. Paul, MN (2007).
DP Wermeling, S Banks, H.S. Gill, MR Prausnitz and A Stinchcomb, "Successful transdermal delivery of a skin impermeable
molecule using microneedles," ACCP Anuual Meeting, Denver, CO, USA (2007).
J Jiang, SR Patel, H.S. Gill, D Ghate, BE McCarrey, DH Geroski, HF Edelhauser, and MR Prausnitz, "Ocular drug
delivery using microneedles," The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology
Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA (2007).
SL Banks, DP Wermeling, H.S. Gill, MR Prausnitz and AL Stinchcomb, "Microneedle Enhanced Skin Permeation of Naltrexone
Hydrochloride in Human Volunteers," AAPS Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA (2007).
J Jiang, SR Patel, H.S. Gill, D Ghate, BE McCarey, DH Geroski, HF Edelhauser and MR Prausnitz, "Ocular Drug Delivery
Using Microneedles," AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, USA (2007).
J Gupta, H.S. Gill, SN Andrews, and MR Prausnitz, "Kinetics of skin resealing after insertion of microneedles
in human subjects," Trailblazing the Skin Frontier Meeting, Gordon Research Conference,
Newport, RI, USA (2007).
J Gupta, H.S. Gill, SN Andrews, and MR Prausnitz, "Kinetics of skin resealing after insertion of microneedles
in human subjects," Barrier Function of Mammalian Skin Meeting, Gordon Research Conference,
Newport, RI, USA (2007).
H.S. Gill, J Soderholm, B Burris, D Denson, M Sallberg and MR Prausnitz, "Microneedles For
Painless Vaccination In Mice And Human Subjects," AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake
City, UT, USA (2007).
H.S. Gill, S Andrews, A Fedanov, S Sakthivel, I Williams, D Garber, F Priddy, M Feinberg, S
Staprans and MR Prausnitz, "Selective removal of stratum corneum by in vivo microdermabrasion
for transdermal delivery," AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, USA (2007).
B. Unal, R.J. Klein, K.R. Yocca, R. C. Hedden, "Influence of DGEBA Crosslinking on Li+ Ion Conduction in Poly(ethyleneimine) Gels,"
Polymer, 48, 6077-6085 (2007).
H. P. Patil, J. Liao, R. C. Hedden, "Smectic Ordering in Main-Chain Siloxane Polymers and Elastomers Containing p-Phenyleneterephthalate
Mesogens," Macromolecules, 40, 6206-6216 (2007).
J.A. Lenhart, P. Cole, B. Unal, R. C. Hedden, "Non-Aqueous Gels with Broad Temperature Performance," Appl. Phys. Lett., 91 061929
(1-3) (2007).
H.P. Patil, R. C. Hedden, "Effects of Structural Imperfections on the Dynamic Mechanical Response of Main-Chain
Smectic Elastomers," J. Polym. Sci. B: Polym. Phys., 45(24), 3267-3276 (2007).
D. Bhattacharya, R. Rengasamy, C. Finnerty, "Dynamic Simulation and Analysis of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell," in the
proceedings of ESCAPE-17, Bucharest (2007).
B. Bullecks, S. Burnham, G. Campbell, R. Rengasamy, R. K. Mandela, "Control of Temperature Profile in the Injection Molding Process
for Part Consistency," in the proceedings of ESCAPE-17, Bucharest (2007).
R. Rengasamy, "Modeling, Diagnostics and Control of PEM Fuel Cells," GM research center, Honoeye
Falls, NY (2007).
R. Rengasamy, "Fundamental Understanding and Diagnostics of PEM Fuel Cell Behavior," talk to NY
Fuel Cell Network (NYFCN), Alfred University (2007).
S. Narasimhan, R. Rengasamy, "A Convex Programming Approach to Plant Friendly Input Design for System Identification,"
presented at the Annual AIChE Meeting, Salt Lake City (2007).
S. Narasimhan, R. Rengasamy, "Nonlinear Diagonal Observers for Fault Diagnosis," presented at the Annual AIChE
Meeting, Salt Lake City (2007).
Debangsu Bhattacharyya, R. Rengasamy, Caine Finnerty, "Optimization Studies on Anode-Supported Tubular Solid Oxide Fuel
Cells," presented at the Annual AIChE Meeting, Salt Lake City (2007).
Debangsu Bhattacharyya, R. Rengasamy, Caine Finnerty, "Dynamics and Volterra-Model Based Control of a Tubular Solid Oxide
Fuel Cell," presented at the Annual AIChE Meeting, Salt Lake City (2007).
Ulaganathan Nallasivam, Debangsu Bhattacharyya, Madhusudana Rao, R. Rengasamy, "Modeling of Liquid Water in PEM Fuel Cells," presented at the Annual AIChE Meeting,
Salt Lake City (2007).
Ulaganathan Nallasivam, R. Rengasamy, "Diagnostics of PEM Fuel Cells," presented at the Annual AIChE Meeting, Salt Lake
City (2007).
Ulaganathan Nallasivam, Madhusudana Rao, R. Rengasamy, "Optimization of PEM Fuel Cells," presented at the Annual AIChE Meeting, Salt Lake
City (2007).
Debangsu Bhattacharyya, Greg Campbell, R. Rengasamy, Don Rasmussen, "Simulation, Economics and Sensitivity Study of Ethanol Synthesis
from CO2," presented at the Annual AIChE Meeting, Salt Lake City (2007).
Brian Bullecs, Debangsu Bhattacharyya, Greg Campbell, R. Rengasamy, "Development of a Tubular Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell," presented at the
Annual AIChE Meeting, Salt Lake City (2007).
Ravi Kumar Mandela, Shankar Narasimhan, R. Rengasamy, Lakshmi N. Sridhar, "Recursive Nonlinear Estimation in Constrained Reactive Distillation
Systems," presented at the Annual AIChE Meeting, Salt Lake City (2007).
Miguel Bagajewicz, Don Chmielewski, R. Rengasamy, "Realizing Smart Plants Through Smart Design/Upgrade of Instrumentation Networks,"
presented at the Annual AIChE Meeting, Salt Lake City (2007).
R. Khare, "Molecular hydrodynamics near a solid-fluid interface," NATEX Sixth Annual Mini-Symposium,
Dallas, TX (2007).
Sung, K. E., Mukhija, D., S. A. Vanapalli, Mckay, H., Mirecki-Millunchick, J., Solomon, M. J. and Burns, M. A. "Programmable
manufacturing of anisotropic particle assemblies by fluidic processing," Materials
Research Society Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA (2007).
R. Khare, "Molecular hydrodynamics near a solid fluid interface," Mohs Lectures by Placon,
Rheology Research Center Seminar Series, University of Wisconsin-Madison (2006).
R. Khare, "Cross-stream migration of chain molecules in nanofluidic channels," AIChE Annual
Meeting, San Francisco, California (2006).
R. Khare, "Interfacial heat transfer in presence of shear flow," AIChE Annual Meeting,
San Francisco, California (2006).
R. Khare, "Monte Carlo simulations of the glass transition in polyethylene," AIChE Annual
Meeting, San Francisco, California (2006).
S. A. Vanapalli, Ceccio, S. L. and Solomon M. J. "Onset of turbulence and scission in dragreducing
polymer solutions," AIChE National Meeting, San Francisco, CA (2006).
R. Khare, "Molecular simulation investigation of cross-stream migration of chain molecules
in nanofluidic channels," Society of Rheology Annual Meeting, Portland, Maine (2006).
J Jiang, D Ghate, H.S. Gill, BE McCarey, DH Geroski, HF Edelhauser, and MR Prausnitz, "Microneedles for ocular
drug delivery," 33rd Annual Meeting of the Controlled Release Society (CRS, 2006),
Vienna, Austria (2006).
H.S. Gill, MR Prausnitz, "Microneedles for minimally invasive transdermal drug delivery," Proceedings
of the Conference on Drug Delivery, San Diego, CA, USA (2006).
H.S. Gill, D Denson and MR Prausnitz, "Effect of microneedle design on pain in human subjects,"
33rd Annual Meeting of the Controlled Release Society, Vienna, Austria (2006).
H.S. Gill, A Fedanov, SN Andrews, S Sakthivel, I Williams, F Priddy, MR Prausnitz and S Staprans,
"Microdermabrasion of skin to target cutaneous dendritic cells for MVA-based AIDS
vaccines," Proceedings of the AIDS Vaccine International Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands
H.S. Gill, J Soderholm, I Skountzou, R Compans, J Jacob, M Sallberg and MR Prausnitz, "Immunization
via skin using vaccine-coated microneedles," AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco,
CA, USA (2006).
H.S. Gill, D Denson, and MR Prausnitz, "Effect of microneedle design on pain in human subjects,"
AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA (2006).
H.S. Gill, A Fedanov, S Sakthivel, I Williams, S Staprans and MR Prausnitz, "Microdermabrasion
of skin for drug and vaccine delivery," AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA
H.S. Gill, MR Prausnitz, "Coated microneedles for transdermal delivery," AIChE Annual Meeting,
San Francisco, CA, USA (2006).
B. Unal, R. C. Hedden, "Gelation and Swelling Behavior of End-linked Hydrogels Prepared from Linear Poly(ethylene
glycol) and Poly(amidoamine) Dendrimers," Polymer, 47(24), 8173-8182 (2006).
M.S. Silverstein, B.J. Bauer, R. C. Hedden, H.-J. Lee, and B.G. Landes, "SANS and XRR Porosimetry of a Polyphenylene Low-k Dielectric,"
Macromolecules, 39 (8), 2998-3006 (2006).
X. Zhang, D. Overland, Karlene Hoo, "Kinetic-based Modeling and Feedback Control Studies
of an Integrated Bio-reactor System," Proceedings of the 2006 American Control Conference,
Minneapolis, MN (2006).
M.A. Ciskowski, Karlene Hoo, and D. Overland "Process Control for Advanced Life Support:
A Biological Test Bed," 2006 International Conference on Environmental Systems, Orlando,
FL (2006).
R. Khare, "Microscopic mechanisms of cross-stream migration of chain molecules in nanochannels,"
Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering Preprints, 231, 507 (2006).
Y. P. Koh, S.L. Simon , G. McKenna, "The Calorimetric Glass Transition of Free Standing Polystyrene Thin Films," Society
of Plastics Engineers, Annual Technical Meeting Proceedings, SPE ANTEC 2006,1506-150
Rao, M., Oh, T., R. Rengasamy, "Systems engineering aspects in proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs): a
review of opportunities," Proceedings of PSE/ESCAPE, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany,
pp 835-840 (2006).
Srinivasan, R., R. Rengasamy, "Integrating stiction diagnosis and stiction compensation in process control valves,"
Proceedinngs of PSE/ESCAPE, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, pp1233-1238 (2006).
Narasimhan, S., R. Rengasamy, "Multi-Objective Input Design for System Identifdication: Frequency Selection for
Identification of Nonlinear Systems," Invited Paper in a session on Input/Perturbation
Signal Design, SYSID (2006).
Srinivasan, R., M. R. Maurya, R. Rengasamy, "Root Cause Analysis of Oscillating Control Loops," proceedings of ADCHEM 2006,
Brazil (2006).
R. Rengasamy, "Techniques for Stiction Diagnosis and Compensation in Process Control Loops," Special
Invited Tutorial Session, American Control Conference (ACC), Minneapolis, USA, pp
2107-2122 (2006).
Lakshmi Sridhar, R. Rengasamy, Gerardo Ruiz, "The Isothermal Reactive Flash Problem," presented at the Annual AIChE
meeting, San Francisco (2006).
Himabindu Sunnam, R. Rengasamy, Allan Shapiro, Vikas Agarwal, Prasad Dhurjati, "Programmed Cell Death in Plant Defense
Against Bacterial Pathogens," presented at the Annual AIChE meeting, San Francisco
Gerardo Ruiz, Lakshmi Sridhar, R. Rengasamy, "Singularities in Modeling Reactive Flash Systems," presented at the Annual AIChE
meeting, San Francisco (2006).
Madhusudana Rao, R. Rengasamy, "Optimization Study of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFC) for Platinum
Reduction and Performance," presented at the Annual AIChE meeting, San Francisco (2006).
R. Srinivasan, R. Rengasamy, "Stiction Compensation in Process Control Loops," presented at the Annual AIChE
meeting, San Francisco (2006).
S. Narasimhan, R. Rengasamy, Raj Vadigepalli, "Structural Analaysis of Biological Regulatory Networks," presented
at the Annual AIChE meeting, San Francisco (2006).
D. Bhattacharya, R. Rengasamy, Caine Finnerty, "Validation of a Phenomenological Steady-State Model for Solid Oxide
Fuel Cell (SOFC)," presented at the Annual AIChE meeting, San Francisco (2006).
D. Bhattacharya, R. Rengasamy, Caine Finnerty, "A Two-dimensional Dynamic Model for Tubular Solid Oxide Fuel Cell,"
presented at the Annual AIChE meeting, San Francisco (2006).
P. Badrinarayanan, W. Zheng, S.L. Simon , "The Glass Transition Temperature Versus the Fictive Temperature," Society of Plastics
Engineers, Annual Technical Meeting Proceedings, SPE ANTEC 2006, 1669 - 1673 (2006).
Q. Li, S.L. Simon , "Enthalpy Recovery: Do Materials Reach the Equilibrium Line?," Society of Plastics
Engineers, Annual Technical Meeting Proceedings, SPE ANTEC 2006, 1674-1678 (2006).
Y. Meng, S.L. Simon , "Measurement of the Bulk Modulus using Pressurizable Dilatometry," Society of Plastics
Engineers, Annual Technical Meeting Proceedings, SPE ANTEC 2006,1730-1734 (2006).
R. Khare, "Microscopic mechanisms of cross-stream migration of chain molecules in nanochannels,"
ACS National Meeting, Atlanta (2006).
Sadasivan, V. D., Budil, D. E., A. Sacco Jr., Carrier, R. L., "Molecular Modeling of the C-Terminal End of Human Intestinal Mucin
(MUC2) Predicts a Cicteine-Knot Tertiary Structure," Abstracts of Papers, 231st ACS
Meeting, Atlanta, GA (2006).
Jirapongphan, S. S., Warzywoda, J., Budil, D. E., A. Sacco Jr., "Improved Docking Method for Organica Adsorbed in Zeolite Catalysts," Abstracts
of Papers, 231st ACS Meeting, Atlanta, GA (2006).
Richter, C., Ram, B. K., Menon, L., A. Sacco Jr., "Nanowire-Based Energetic Nanocomposites," Abstracts of Papers, 231st ACS Meeting,
Atlanta, GA (2006).
R. Khare, "Chain migration in polymer solutions flowing in nanochannels," Department of Chemical
Engineering Seminar Series, Virginia Tech (2005).
R. Khare, "Force field parameterization and calculation of phase equilibria for organic nitro
compounds," AIChE Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio (2005).
R. Khare, "Microscopic mechanisms of molecule migration in nanochannels," AIChE Annual Meeting,
Cincinnati, Ohio (2005).
S. A. Vanapalli, Solomon M. J. "Universal scaling for polymer degradation in turbulent flows," AIChE
National Meeting, Cincinnati, OH. (2005).
R. Rengasamy, "Modeling, Diagnostics and Control of PEM Fuel Cells," Departmental seminar at Chemical
Engineering, University of Rhode Island (2005).
R. Rengasamy, "Modeling, Diagnostics, Control and Optimization of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel
Cells (PEMFC)," Invited Faculty Speaker at Honeywell, Minneapolis (2005).
Akata, B., Yilmaz, B., A. Sacco Jr., "Microporous Titanosilicate ETS-10 as a Lewis acidic catalyst for Hydrogen Transfer
Reactions," Extended Abstract North American Catalysis meeting, Philadelphia (2005).
Akata, B, A. Sacco Jr., "Control of product selectivity over terrestrial/control and flight zeolite Beta
in the Meerwein-Ponndorf-Verley-Oppenauer Reactions," Extended Abstract North American
Catalysis meeting, Philadelphia (2005).
Akata, B, A. Sacco Jr., "Increasing cis-4-TBCHL selectivity over zeolite Beta in the Meerwein-Ponndorf-Verley
reduction," Extended Abstract North American Catalysis meeting, Philadelphia (2005).
SL Banks, RR Pinninti, H.S. Gill, MR Prausnitz, and AL Stinchcomb, "In vitro permeation studies of naltrexone base
and hydrochloride with microneedle-treated hairless guinea pig skin," 32nd Annual
Meeting of the Controlled Release Society (CRS, 2005), Miami, FL, USA (2005).
SO Choi, JH Park, Y Kim, H.S. Gill, Y Choi, MG Allen and MR Prausnitz, "Microneedle electrode array for electroporation
of skin for gene therapy," 32nd Annual Meeting & Exposition of the Controlled Release
Society (CRS, 2005), Miami, FL, USA (2005).
H.S. Gill, MR Prausnitz, "Drug and vaccine-voated microneedles for delivery to skin," 32nd
Annual Meeting of the Controlled Release Society (CRS, 2005), Miami, FL, USA (2005).
SO Choi, JH Park, Y Choi,Y Kim, H.S. Gill, Y-K Yoon, MR Prausnitz, and MG Allen, "An electrically active microneedle array
for electroporation of skin for gene delivery," Proceedings of the 13th International
Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, pp. 1513-1516 (2005).
H.S. Gill, MR Prausnitz, "Transdermal drug delivery via coated microneedles," AIChE Annual
Meeting (2005), Cincinnati, OH, USA (2005).
R. C. Hedden, M.S. Silverstein, M. Shach-Caplan, B.J. Bauer, H.-J. Lee, and B.G. Landes, "Nanopore
Formation in a Polyphenylene Low-k Dielectric," Macromolecules, 38 (10), 4301-4310
B.D. Vogt, R.A. Pai, R. C. Hedden, H.-J. Lee, C.L. Soles, W.-L. Wu, E.K. Lin, B.J. Bauer, and J.J. Watkins, "Characterization
of Ordered Mesoporous Silica Films Using Small-Angle Neutron Scattering and X-ray
Porosimetry," Chem. Mater., 17 (6), 1398-1408 (2005).
D. H. Huang, S.L. Simon , G. McKenna, "Chain Length Dependence of the Heat Capacity," Society of Plastics Engineers, Annual
Technical Meeting Proceedings, SPE ANTEC 2005, 3007 - 3009 (2005).
Y. Meng, P. O'Connell, G. McKenna, S.L. Simon , "A New Pressurizable Dilatometer for Measuring Bulk Modulus of Thermosets," Society
of Plastics Engineers, Annual Technical Meeting Proceedings, SPE ANTEC 2005, 3256
- 3260 (2005).
Rao, M., R. Rengasamy, "A Dynamic Spherical Agglomerate Model for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFC),"
Proceedings of ESCAPE-15, Barcelona, Spain, pp 541-546 (2005).
Madhusudana Rao, R. Rengasamy, "Study of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFC) Using Detailed Models for
Electrode Structure Optimization," presented at the Annual AIChE meeting, Cincinnatti,
Ohio (2005).
Madhusudana Rao, R. Rengasamy, "Study of Dynamic Interactions of Various Phenomena in Proton Exchange Membrane
Fuel Cells (PEMFC) Using Detailed Models for Multivariable Control," presented at
the Annual AIChE meeting, Cincinnatti, Ohio (2005).
S. Narasimhan, R. Rengasamy, "Development of a Utility Function for Sensor Networks from a Fault Diagnosis Perspective,"
presented at the Annual AIChE meeting, Cincinnatti, Ohio (2005).
S. Narasimhan, R. Rengasamy, "Nonlinear Diagonal Input Observers for Fault Diagnosis," presented at the Annual
AIChE meeting, Cincinnatti, Ohio (2005).
S. Narasimhan, R. Rengasamy, "Optimal Input Design for Identification of Nonlinear Systems," presented at the
Annual AIChE meeting, Cincinnatti, Ohio (2005).
Taehoon Oh, Dongil Shin, R. Rengasamy, "A Neural Network-Based Reduced Order Model for Repetitive and Time-Efficient Prediction
of the Behavior of PEM Fuel Cells," presented at the Annual AIChE meeting, Cincinnatti,
Ohio (2005).
Ranganthan Srinivasan, R. Rengasamy, Randy Miller, "A Novel Procedure for Oscillation Detection and Characterization
of Oscillation in Control Loops," presented at the Annual AIChE meeting, Cincinnatti,
Ohio (2005).
Ranganthan Srinivasan, R. Rengasamy, "An Integrated Framework for Stiction Diagnosis and Compensation," presented at
the Annual AIChE meeting, Cincinnatti, Ohio (2005).
S. Kolla, S.L. Simon , "Volume Recovery and the Tau-Effective Paradox," Society of Plastics Engineers,
Annual Technical Meeting Proceedings, SPE ANTEC 2005, 2365 - 2369 (2005).
S. A. Vanapalli, Islam, M. T. and Solomon M. J. "Polymer chain scission in extensional and turbulent
flows," Annual European Rheology Conference, Grenoble, France (2005).
V.S. Shabde, S.V. Emets, U. Mann, G. Gladysz, N. Carlson, Karlene Hoo, "Modeling of
a Hollow Micro-Particle Production Process," Symposium on Modeling of Complex Processes,
paper 7D, College Station, TX (2005).
R. Khare, "Shear flow induced chain migration in nanochannels," Rheology Research Center Seminar
Series, University of Wisconsin-Madison (2005).
R. Khare, "Molecular simulation of oligomeric nanofilms confined between iron and iron oxide
surfaces," APS March Meeting, Los Angeles, California (2005).
R. Khare, "Shear flow induced chain migration in nanochannels," APS March Meeting, Los Angeles,
California (2005).
R. Rengasamy, "Dynamic Modeling for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFC) for Diagnosis
and Control," at Plug Power, Albany (2004).
R. Khare, "Comparative simulation studies of alcohol and alkane nanofilms confined between
metal oxide surfaces," AIChE Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas (2004).
R. Khare, "Heterogeneous dynamics in thin films of glassy polymers," AIChE Annual Meeting,
Austin, Texas (2004).
R. Khare, "Polymer translocation through a nanoscopic channel," AIChE Annual Meeting, Austin,
Texas (2004).
R. Rengasamy, "Performance Monitoring Issues," web talk delivered to Honeywell, USA (2004).
R. Rengasamy, "PROCISS group research on Modeling and other Topics in Process Systems Engineering,"
at KBR, Houston, USA (2004).
Shabde, V. S., Karlene Hoo, and D. Zheng, "Accelerated Karhunen Loeve Expansion Applied
to Model Reduction," IFAC DYCOPS-7, Boston, MA (2004).
Shu Xia, Alison Carey, Audra Morse, Andrew Jackson, T. F. Wiesner, "Modeling a Biological Closed Loop Water Recycling System for Prolonged Manned Space
Flight," Paper No. 2004-01-2511. 34th International Conference on Environmental Systems
(ICES) Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA (2004).
Shu Xia, Alison Carey, Audra Morse, Andrew Jackson, T. F. Wiesner, "Modeling a Biological Closed Loop Water Recycling System for Prolonged Manned Space
Flight," Paper No. 2004-01-2511. 34th International Conference on Environmental Systems
(ICES), Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA (2004).
Shu Xia, Alison Carey, Audra Morse, Andrew Jackson, T. F. Wiesner, "Modeling a Biological Closed Loop Water Recycling System for Prolonged Manned Space
Flight," Paper No. 2004-01-2511. 34th International Conference on Environmental Systems
(ICES) Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA (2004).
H.S. Gill, MR Prausnitz, "Microneedle technology for transdermal drug delivery with minimal
pain," Proceedings of the Conference on Profit from the Injectables & Self-Injectables
Market, Philadelphia, PA, USA (2004).
MR Prausnitz, SP Davis, H.S. Gill, JH Park, W Martanto, PM Wang and MG Allen, "Rational Design of microneedles for
transdermal delivery," Proceedings of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers
Annual Meeting (2004).
Stumpp, AJ Welch, H.S. Gill, MR Prausnitz, "OCT analysis of microneedle and Er: YAG surface ablation for enhanced
transdermal delivery of hyperosmotic agents for optical skin clearing," Proceedings
of SPIE, Vol: 5319 - Laser Interaction with Tissue and Cells XV: p. 121-129 (2004).
R. C. Hedden, H.-J. Lee, C.L. Soles, and B.J. Bauer, "Characterization of Pore Structure in a
Nanoporous Low-Dielectric-Constant Thin Film by Neutron Porosimetry and X-ray Porosimetry,"
Langmuir, 20(16), 6658-6667 (2004).
R. C. Hedden, H.-J. Lee, and B.J. Bauer, "Measurement of Pore Size and Matrix Characteristics
in Low-k Dielectrics by Neutron Contrast Variation," Langmuir, 20(2), 416 422 (2004).
Vachhani, P., S. Narasimhan, R. Rengasamy, "Recursive State Estimation in Nonlinear Processes," Proceedings of the American
Control Conference, American Control Conference (ACC), Boston, pp 200-204 (2004).
Narasimhan, S., R. Rengasamy, "Multi-objective input signal design for plant friendly identification of process
systems," Proceedings of the American Control Conference, Americal Control Conference
(ACC), Boston, pp 4891-4896 (2004).
Narasimhan, S., R. Rengasamy, "Multi-objective input signal design of multi-harmonic signals for system identification,"
In the Proceedings of Dynamics and Control of Processing Systems, DYCOPS-7, Boston
Vachhani, P., R. Rengasamy, S. Narasimhan, "Nonlinear residual feedback observer for process fault diagnosis,"
In the Proceedings of Dynamics and Control of Processing Systems, DYCOPS-7, Boston
Vachhani, P., S. Narasimhan, R. Rengasamy, "Robust constrained estimation via unscented transformation," In the Proceedings
of Dynamics and Control of Processing Systems, DYCOPS-7, Boston (2004).
Bhushan, M., R. Rengasamy, "Lexicographic optimization based sensor network design for robust fault diagnosis,"
In the Proceedings of Dynamics and Control of Processing Systems, DYCOPS-7, Boston
S. Narasimhan, R. Rengasamy, "Characterization of Value of Sensor Networks for Process Fault Diagnosis," presented
at the Annual AIChE meeting, Austin, Texas (2004).
Miguel Bagajewicz, Donald Chmielewski, R. Rengasamy, "Integrated Process Sensor Network Design," presented at the Annual AIChE meeting,
Austin, Texas (2004).
Madhusudana Rao, R. Rengasamy, "Multivariable Inferential Control of PEM Fuel Cells," presented at the Annual AIChE
meeting, Austin, Texas (2004).
S. Narasimhan, Rajan Mariappan, Gregory Campbell, R. Rengasamy, "Analytical and Numerical Computation of Velocity Profile and Pressure Gradient
for Prescribed Volume Flowrate – Application to Flow Dynamics of Aortal Blood Flow,"
presented at the Annual AIChE meeting, Austin, Texas (2004).
P. Vachhani, S. Narasimhan, R. Rengasamy, "A New Nonlinear Residual Feedback Observer for Process Fault Diagnosis – Theoretical
and Computational Results," presented at the Annual AIChE meeting, Austin, Texas (2004).
S. Narasimhan, R. Rengasamy, "A Novel Integer Programming Approach to System Identification," presented at the
Annual AIChE meeting, Austin, Texas (2004).
Ranganthan Srinivasan, R. Rengasamy, Randy Miller, "Detection of Sticky Control Loops: Data Driven Qualitative Approach,"
presented at the Annual AIChE meeting, Austin, Texas (2004).
R. Srinivasan, R. Rengasamy, Shankar Narasimhan and Randy Miller, "Stiction Detection and Estimation from Routine
Operating Data: A Hammerstein Model Approach," presented at the joint IIChE/AIChE
conference, December, Mumbai, India (2004).
R. Khare, "Viscoelastic properties and glass transition behavior of nanoscopic films," Polymer
Group Seminar Series, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (2004).
R. Khare, "Molecular modeling for nanotechnology applications," Department of Chemical Engineering,
Washington University in St. Louis (2004).
Tian, Z., Karlene Hoo, "A State-Shared Model-Based Control Approach to Transition
Control for MIMO Systems," IFAC ADCHEM, Hong Kong (2004).
Maurya, M. R., R. Rengasamy, V. Venkatasubramanian, "Qualitative Trend Analysis of the Principal Components:
Application to Fault Diagnosis," The 8th International Symposium on Process Systems
Engineering PSE-2003, P.R. China, pp 968-973 (2004).
Maurya, M. R., R. Rengasamy, V. Venkatasubramanian, "A Framework for On-line Trend Extraction and Fault Diagnosis,"
The International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes ADChEM-2003,
Hong Kong, pp 423-428 (2004).
R. Khare, "Simulations of grafted and ungrafted polymeric films near the glass transition,"
AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California (2003).
R. Khare, "Phase equilibria of nitroalkanes," AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California
R. Rengasamy, "Scope for Process Systems Engineering Studies in PEMFCs," at University of Puerto
Rico at Mayaguez (2003).
R. Rengasamy, "Automated Non-Invasive Detection of Stiction in Control Valves for controller performance
monitoring," at IIT Madras, Chennai, India (2003).
S. A. Vanapalli, Islam, M. T. and Solomon M. J. "Effect of flow field on polymer chain scission in
extensional and turbulent flows," 75th Society of Rheology Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh,
PA (2003).
Madhusudana Rao, R. K. Shah, R. Rengasamy, "Scope for Process Systems Engineering Studies in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel
Cells (PEMFC)," in the proceedings of Fuel Cell – Materials, Systems and Accessories,
Ambernath, India, pp 29-45 (2003).
R. Rengasamy, "A Review of Process Fault Detection and Diagnosis," at GE Technology Center, India
R. Rengasamy, "Integrated Sensor Network Design," at GE Technology Center, India (2003).
R. Rengasamy, "A Review of Process Fault Detection and Diagnosis," at HTSL, India (2003).
A. Sacco Jr., Warzywoda, J., Bazzana, J., Miraglia, P., "Fundamental understanding of zeolite
and zeo-type growth mechanisms using AFM and SEM," Oral presentation, 2003 South African
Chemical Engineering Congress, Sun City, South Africa (2003).
Karlene Hoo, William Lan, T. F. Wiesner, "The Virtual Chemical Engineering Unit Operations Laboratory," Multimedia Session,
Annual Meeting of the American Society of Engineering Education, Nashville, TN (2003).
Z. Tian, Karlene Hoo, "State-Shared Model-Based Control Approach to Transition Control,"
Proc. 2003 American Control Conference, session FM18-3, Denver, CO (2003).
Y. Zheng, G. McKenna, "Structural Recovery in a Model Epoxy after Rapid Relative Humidity Changes," Proceedings
61st Annual Technical Conference, ANTEC 2003, Society of Plastics Engineers, 1620-1623
A. Flory, G. McKenna, "The Influence of Finite Step Time on the Measurement of the Viscoelastic Response
Functions," Proceedings 61st Annual Technical Conference, Society of Plastics Engineers,
ANTEC 2003, 1971-1975 (2003).
X. F. Shi, G. McKenna, "Mechanical Hole Burning Spectroscopy: A Comparison of Two Scenarios," Proceedings
61st Annual Technical Conference, ANTEC 2003, Society of Plastics Engineers, 947-951
M. Merzlyakov, Y. Meng, S.L. Simon , G. McKenna, "Evaluation of Different Methods of Measurement for the Isotropic Stress Development
in Curing Thermosets," Proceedings 61st Annual Technical Conference, ANTEC 2003, Society
of Plastics Engineers, 1898-1902 (2003).
Maurya, M. R., R. Rengasamy, V. Venkatasubramanian, "Consistent Malfunction Diagnosis Inside Control Loops using
Signed Directed Graphs," In the proceedings of the 13th European Symposium on Computer
Aided Process Engineering ESCAPE-13, Lappeenranta, Finland, pp. 473-478 (2003).
Maurya, M. R., R. Rengasamy, V. Venkatasubramanian, "Fault Diagnosis by Qualitative Trend Analysis of the Principal
Components: Prospects and some new Results," In the proceedings of the 5th IFAC symposium
on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety of Technical Processes SAFEPROCESS-2003,
Washington D.C., USA, pp. 861-866 (2003).
B. Akata, J. Warzywoda, A.H. Weiss, A. Sacco Jr., "Characterization of acid sites in zeolite Beta by FT-IR and Meerwein-Ponndorf-Verley
reaction," Extended Abstract 18th North American Catalysis Society Meeting, Cancun,
Mexico (2003).
"Synthesis of Multiwalls carbon nanotubes on a nickel thin-film by a CVD process,"
S. Bazzana, P. Miraglia, A. Sacco Jr., Extended Abstract 18th North American Catalysis Society Meeting, Cancun, Mexico
S.L. Simon , T. F. Wiesner, Lloyd Heinze, "Program Improvements Resulting from Completion of One ABET 2000 Assessment
Cycle," Session on Assessment and Advisory Boards, Annual Meeting of the American
Society of Engineering Education. Paper 1638, Session 3413, Nashville, TN (2003).
S.L. Simon , T. F. Wiesner, L. R. Heinze, "Program Improvements Resulting from Completion of One ABET 2000 Assessment
Cycle," Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Engineering Education.
Paper 1638, Session 3413 (2003).
P. Bernazzani, S.L. Simon , D. J. Plazek and K. L. Ngai, "Depression of Tg in Polystyrene by Freeze-Drying,"
Society of Plastics Engineers, Annual Technical Meeting Proceedings, SPE ANTEC 2003,
1987 - 1991 (2003).
S.L. Simon , T. F. Wiesner, and Lloyd Heinze, "Program Improvements Resulting from Completion of One ABET 2000
Assessment Cycle," Session on Assessment and Advisory Boards, Annual Meeting of the
American Society of Engineering Education. Paper 1638, Session 3413 Nashville, TN
Karlene Hoo, William Lan, T. F. Wiesner, "The Virtual Chemical Engineering Unit Operations Laboratory," Multimedia Session,
Annual Meeting of the American Society of Engineering Education, Nashville, TN (2003).
W Martanto, SP Davis, NR Holiday, J Wang, H.S. Gill, MR Prausnitz, "Transdermal delivery of insulin using microneedles in vivo," Proceedings
of the 30th International Symposium on Controlled Release of Bioactive Materials (2003).
R. C. Hedden, H. Koerner, Y. Luo, X. Li, C. Cohen, and C.K. Ober, "Structural Studies of Extension-Induced
Mesophase Formation in Poly(diethylsiloxane) Elastomers: In Situ Synchrotron WAXS
and SAXS," Macromolecules, 36(6), 1975-1981 (2003).
A. Batra, R. C. Hedden, P. Schofield, A. Barnes, C. Cohen, and T.M. Duncan, "Conformational Behavior of
Guest Chains in Uniaxially Stretched Poly(diethylsiloxane) Elastomers: 2H NMR and
SANS," Macromolecules, 36(25), 9458-9466 (2003).
R. C. Hedden, B.J. Bauer, "Structure and Dimensions of PAMAM/PEG Dendrimer-Star Polymers," Macromolecules,
36(6), 1829-1835 (2003).
R. Khare, "Atomistic and mesoscopic modeling of polymers," Rheology Research Center Seminar
Series, University of Wisconsin-Madison (2003).
S. Narasimhan, R. Rengasamy, "Optimal Input Signal Design for System Identification," in the Proceedings of International
Symposium of Process Systems Engineering & Control, Mumbai, India, pp 376-381 (2003).
S. Narasimhan, R. Srinivasan, R. Rengasamy, "Multi-objective Input Signal Design for Plant-Friendly Identification," in the
Proceedings of International SYSID, Rotterdam, Netherlands, pp 923-928 (2003).
Mani Bhushan, R. Rengasamy, "An Optimization Based Approach For Designing Sensor Network for Reliable and Robust
Fault Diagnosis," presented at Annual CSChE meeting, Hamilton (2003).
Shankar Narasimhan, R. Rengasamy, "Sensor Network Design for Integrated Process Management: An Overview and Recent
Results," presented at joint PRES03 and CSChE session, Hamilton (2003).
Manoram Maurya, R. Rengasamy, V. Venkatasubramanian, "Computational Aspects of Trend-Extraction and Trend-Based
Similarity Estimation," presented at Annual AIChE Meeting, San Francisco (2003).
Madhusudana Rao, R. Rengasamy, Ross Taylor, "Operational Diagnostics of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFCs)
Using Detailed Dynamic Models," presented at Annual AIChE Meeting, San Francisco (2003).
Ranganthan Srinivasan, R. Rengasamy, "Automated Noninvasive Detection of Stick-slip in Control Valves," presented at
Annual AIChE Meeting, San Francisco (2003).
Song, H., Ilebusi, O. J., A. Sacco Jr., "Effect of Gravity Level on the Particle Shape and Size During Zeolite Crystal Growth,"
NASA Conference Publication, 521-530 (2003).
B. Lahlouh, T. Rajagopalan, J. A. Lubguban, N. Biswas, S. Gangopadhyay, J. Sun, D.
Huang, S.L. Simon , H. C. Kim, W. Volksen and R. D. Miller, "Creating Nanoporosity by Selective Extraction
of Porogens using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide/Cosolvent Processes," Materials Research
Society Symposium Proceedings no.766, Materials, Technology and Reliability for Advanced
Interconnects and Low-k Dielectrics, 291-296 (2003).
R. Rengasamy, "PROCISS group research on Fault Detection and Diagnosis," web talk delivered to
Plant Automation Services (PAS), Houston, USA (2003).
Mani Bhushan, S. Narasimhan, R. Rengasamy, "Sensor Network Reallocation and Upgrade for Efficient Fault Diagnosis," in the
proceedings of FOCAPO, Coral Springs, Florida, pp 443-446 (2003).
S. Bazzana, A. Sacco Jr., "Formation of carbon nanotubes on nickel films/particles using CVD," 2002 MRS Fall
Meeting, Hynes Convention Center and Sheraton Boston Hotel and Towers, Boston, MA,
Symposium H, Three-dimensional Nanoengineered Assemblies, poster H7.4 (2002).
Y. Shen, M.P. Manning, J. Warzywoda, A. Sacco Jr., "Synthesis of zeolite Y nanocrystals from clear solutions," 2002 MRS Fall Meeting,
Hynes Convention Center and Sheraton Boston Hotel and Towers, Boston, MA, Symposium
I, Nanomaterials for Structural Applications, poster I7.16 (2002).
R. Khare, "New forcefield parameters for vapor-liquid phase equilibria of alcohols, sulfides
and thiols," AIChE Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana (2002).
Islam, M. T., S. A. Vanapalli, Solomon M. J. "Effect of a stagnation point flow field on the mechanochemical degradation
of flexible polymers," AIChE National Meeting, Indianapolis, IN (2002).
R. Rengasamy, "Qualitative Trend Analysis (QTA) for monitoring and fault diagnosis in process
industries," at Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal, Canada (2002).
Smith, C., S. Gyorke, T. F. Wiesner, "Applications of Sensitivity Analysis to Calcium Cycling in Cardiac Myocytes," Proceedings
of the Second Joint EMBS/BMES Conference,Houston, TX, USA, 2219-2220 (2002).
Smith, C., S. Gyorke, T. F. Wiesner, "Applications of Sensitivity Analysis to Calcium Cycling in Cardiac Myocytes," Proceedings
of the Second Joint EMBS/BMES Conference,Houston, TX, USA, 2219-2220 (2002).
C. Smith, S. Gyorke, T. F. Wiesner, "Applications of Sensitivity Analysis to Calcium Cycling in Cardiac Myocytes," Proceedings
of the Second Joint EMBS/BMES Conference, Houston, TX, USA, 2219-2220 (2002).
B. Akata, J. Warzywoda, A.H. Weiss, A. Sacco Jr., "Catalyst structure dependent selectivity using zeolitic materials for ketone reduction,"
Third International Conference on Inorganic Materials, Steigenberger Hotel, Konstanz,
Germany, poster [P171] (2002).
S. Bazzana, S. Dumrul, J. Warzywoda, R.R. Biederman, A. Sacco Jr., "High-resolution scanning electron microscope imaging of zeolite Beta," Third International
Conference on Inorganic Materials, Steigenberger Hotel, Konstanz, Germany, poster
[P176] (2002).
R. Rengasamy, "Review of Process Fault Detection and Diagnosis," and "A Framework for Comprehensive
Fault Detection and Diagnosis," at University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada (2002).
Islam, M. T., S. A. Vanapalli, Solomon M. J. "Stretching and scission of polymer chains in a stagnation point flow
at dilute concentrations," 76th ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium, Ann Arbor,
MI (2002).
R. C. Hedden, B.J. Bauer, A.P. Smith, F. Groehn, and E.J. Amis, "Templating of Inorganic Nanoparticles
by PAMAM/PEG Dendrimer-Star Polymers," Polymer, 43, 5473-5481 (2002).
R. C. Hedden, H. Saxena, and C. Cohen, "Rheological Studies on Mesomorphic Poly(diethylsiloxane)
Melts," J. Rheol., 46(5), 1177-1190 (2002).
D. Zheng, Karlene Hoo, and M. J. Piovoso, "Finite Dimensional Modeling and Control
of Distributed Parameter System," Proc. 2002 American Control Conference, session
FM12-2, Anchorage, AK (2002).
S.L. Simon , J.-Y. Park, G. McKenna, "Enthalpy Recovery of a Glass-Forming Liquid Constrained in a Nanoporous Matrix:
Negative Pressure Effects," European Physical Journal E: Soft Matter, E8, 209 - 216
Maurya, M., R. Rengasamy, V. Venkatasubramanian, "Incipient Fault Diagnosis of Tennessee Eastman Flowsheet
Using Signed Directed Graph and Trend Analysis," in the supplementary proceedings
of ESCAPE-12, Hague, Netherlands (2002).
Manoram Maurya, R. Rengasamy, V. Venkatasubramanian, "Signed Directed Graph and Trend Analysis-Based Framework
for Incipient Fault Diagnosis – Application to TE Case Study," presented at Annual
AIChE Meeting, Indianapolis (2002).
S. Narasimhan, R. Rengasamy, "An Optimization Approach towards Design of Input Signals for Chemical Process System
Identification," presented at Annual AIChE Meeting, Indianapolis (2002).
P. Vachhani, R. Rengasamy, "Nonlinear Unknown Input Observer with Residual Feedback for Robust Fault Diagnosis,"
presented at the Annual AIChE Meeting, Indianapolis (2002).
Madhusudana Rao, R. Rengasamy, A. K. Suresh and K. S. Balaraman, "MPROSIM: A Framework for Multi-Purpose process
Simulation," presented at the Annual AIChE Meeting, Indianapolis (2002).
P. Vachhani, Shankar Narasimhan, R. Rengasamy, "Integrating Diagnostic Knowledge with Nonlinear Programming for Comprehensive
Fault Diagnosis – A Hypothesis Driven Approach," presented at the Annual AIChE Meeting,
Indianapolis (2002).
Suman Roy Choudhury, J. Rengarajan, M. B. Deshmukh, R. Rengasamy, "Study of Steady-State and Dynamic Characteristics of a Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell
(PAFC) through a Two-Dimensional Model," presented at the Annual AIChE Meeting, Indianapolis
Z. Tian, Karlene Hoo, "Transition Control using Multiple Models and an H-infinity
Controller Design," paper TM11-6, Proc. 2002 American Control Conference, Anchorage,
AK (2002).
Smith, C., S. Gyorke, T. F. Wiesner, "Application of Metabolic Control Theory to Calcium Fluxes in Rat Cardiac Myocytes,"
46th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society, Biophysical Journal. 82(1): 72a (abstract)
Smith, C., S. Gyorke, T. F. Wiesner, "Application of Metabolic Control Theory to Calcium Fluxes in Rat Cardiac Myocytes,"
46th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society, Biophysical Journal, 82(1): 72a (abstract)
C. Smith, S. Gyorke, T. F. Wiesner, "Application of Metabolic Control Theory to Calcium Fluxes in Rat Cardiac Myocytes,"
46th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society Biophysical Journal. 82(1): 72a (abstract)
R. Rengasamy, "A Comprehensive Framework for Sensor Network Design for Efficient and Reliable
Fault Diagnosis," at IAC, Honeywell, Phoenix, AZ (2002).
R. Rengasamy, "Review of Fault Detection and Diagnosis," CPMC meeting at University of Delaware,
Newark, DE (2002).
R. Khare, "Molecular simulations and continuum mechanics investigation of shear flow of confined
fluids," Computational Science Seminar Series, San Diego State University, San Diego
R. Rengasamy, "Abnormal Situation Management in Complex Chemical Plants: Data-Based and Model-Based
Methods," at University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada (2001).
R. Rengasamy, "Observer Approaches for Fault Diagnosis in Chemical Engineering Systems," and "MPROSIM
– Multi-purpose Process Simulator," at Matrikon Consulting Inc., Edmonton, Alberta,
Canada (2001).
R. Khare, "Effect of chain length on microscopic density fluctuations and solvation in polymeric
fluids," ACS Meeting, Chicago (2001).
Valcheva-Traykova M., J. Warzywoda, N. Bac, A. Sacco Jr., "Effects of the Growth in the Free Fall Environment of Low Earth Orbit on the Structure
of Zeolite A," 13th International Zeolite Conference, Montpellier, France, accepted
poster session July 2001 (2001).
S. A. Vanapalli, Coupland, J.N. "Freeze-thaw stability of emulsions," Institute of Food Technologists
Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA (2001).
N. Gilra, C. Cohen, R.M. Briber, B.J. Bauer, R. C. Hedden, and A.Z. Panagiotopoulos, "A SANS Study of the Conformational Behavior of Linear
Chains in Compressed and Uncompressed End-linked Elastomers," Macromolecules, 34,
7773-7782 (2001).
R. C. Hedden, H. Tachibana, T.M. Duncan, and C. Cohen, "Effects of Molecular Structure on Segment
Orientation in Poly(diethylsiloxane) Elastomers. 2. NMR Measurements from Uniaxially
Stretched Samples," Macromolecules, 34, 5540-5546 (2001).
R. C. Hedden, E. McCaskey, C. Cohen, and T.M. Duncan, "Effects of Molecular Structure on Segment
Orientation in Siloxane Elastomers. 1. NMR Measurements from Compressed Samples,"
Macromolecules, 34, 3285-3293 (2001).
Garde, S., Hummer, G., R. Khare, "Effect of chain length on microscopic density fluctuations and solvation in polymeric
fluids," Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering Preprints, 85, 449 (2001).
F. Horkay, G. McKenna, E. Geissler, "Structure and Thermodynamic Behavior of Polymeric Gels," 59th Ann.
Tech. Conf., Soc. Plast. Eng., Vol. XLVII, pp. 1886-1990 (2001).
D. Huang, G. McKenna, "On the Correlations between Thermodynamic and Dynamic Fragility of Polymers," Proc.
59th Ann. Tech. Conf., Soc. Plast. Eng., Vol. XLVII, pp. 1491-1495 (2001).
G. McKenna, "Swelling as a Method of Discriminating among Strain Energy Functions," Proc. 59th
Ann. Tech. Conf., Soc. Plast. Eng., Vol. XLVII, pp. 1901-1904 (2001).
G. McKenna, D. Huang, "Isobaric and Isochoric Fragility of Polymers," Proc. 59th Ann. Tech.
Conf., Soc. Plast. Eng., Vol. XLVII, pp. 1496-1500 (2001).
P. A. O'Connell, G. McKenna, "Large Deformation Response of Polycarbonate: Time-Temperature and Time-Strain Superposition,"
Proc. 59th Ann. Tech. Conf., Soc. Plast. Eng., Vol. XLVII, pp. 1481-1485 (2001).
M. Alcoutlabi, S.L. Simon , G. McKenna, "Modeling the development of isotropic (hydrostatic) residual stresses in a novel
(BMI/SOC) thermosetting resin," Proc. Amer. Soc. Composites, 16th Ann. Conf., paper
185 (2001).
M. Alcoutlabi, G. McKenna, S.L. Simon , "Isotropic Residual Stresses in Thermosetting Resins: Modeling of the Effects of
Resin Modification Properties," Proc. 59th Ann. Tech. Conf., Soc. Plast. Eng., Vol.
XLVII, pp. 1795-1799 (2001).
F. Briatico-Vangosa, M. Alcoutlabi, G. McKenna, "The effect of carbon dioxide on the viscoelastic properties of an epoxy resin:
CO2 pressure jumps," Proc.60th Ann. Tech. Conf., Soc. Plast. Eng., paper 1085 (2001).
C.R. Schultheisz, G. McKenna, "Standard Reference Materials: Non-Newtonian Fluids for Rheological Measurements,"
Proc. 59th Ann. Tech. Conf., Soc. Plast. Eng., Vol. XLVII, pp. 1101-1104 (2001).
X. Shi, P. A. O'Connell, G. McKenna, "Rheological Response of Polystyrene/Ortho-terphenyl Solutions," Proc. 59th Ann.
Tech. Conf., Soc. Plast. Eng., Vol. XLVII, pp. 1930-1934 (2001).
Y. Zheng, S.L. Simon , G. McKenna, "Modeling Structural Recovery: Analysis of the Peak Shift Method," Proc. 59th Ann.
Tech. Conf., Soc. Plast. Eng., Vol. XLVII, pp. 1755-1779 (2001).
Sourabh Dash, S. Kantharao, R. Rengasamy, and V. Venkatasubramanian, "Application and Evaluation of a Linear/Restricted Nonlinear
Observer to a Nonlinear CSTR," European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering
- 11, Kolding, Denmark, pp 853-858 (2001).
Sourabh Dash, R. Rengasamy, V. Venkatasubramanian, "A Novel Interval Halving Algorithm for Process Trend Identification,"
in the proceedings of the 4th IFAC Workshop on On-line Fault Detection and Supervision
in the Chemical Process Industries, Korea (2001).
Manoram Maurya, R. Rengasamy, V. Venkatasubramanian, "Systematic Development and Application of Digraphs for Process
Diagnosis and Hazards Analysis," in the proceedings of the 4th IFAC Workshop on On-line
Fault Detection and Supervision in the Chemical Process Industries, Korea (2001).
Mani Bhushan, R. Rengasamy, "A Framework for Sensor Network Design for Efficient and Reliable Fault Diagnosis,"
in the proceedings of the 4th IFAC Workshop on On-line Fault Detection and Supervision
in the Chemical Process Industries (2001).
R. Rengasamy, "A Framework for Sensor Network Design for Efficient and Reliable Fault Diagnosis,"
Keynote Lecture at the 4th International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) Workshop
on On-line Fault Detection and Supervision in the Chemical Process Industries, Korea
Sourabh Dash, R. Rengasamy, V. Venkatasubramanian, "Fault Diagnosis in a Nonlinear CSTR using Observers," presented
in Annual AIChE Meeting, Reno, Nevada (2001).
Manoram Maurya, R. Rengasamy, and V. Venkatasubramanian, "Systematic Development of Digraphs and Application in
Process Operations," presented in Annual AIChE Meeting, Reno, Nevada (2001).
R. Srinivasan, P. Vijaysai, R. D. Gudi, R. Rengasamy, "Design of Input Signals for Fast Identification of Large Multivariable Systems,"
presented in Annual AIChE Meeting, Reno, Nevada (2001).
M. Vaughn, K.-T. Huang, L. Kuo and J. C. Liao, "Erythrocyte consumption of nitric oxide: Competition
experiment and model analysis," NITRIC OXIDE: Biology and Chemistry 5:18-31 (2001).
Angela Sandoval, Mario Beruvides, T. F. Wiesner, "State of the Art Analysis of Current Research Trends in Pipeline Safety," Topical
Conference Proceedings – Process Plant Safety Symposium, Transportation Safety: Safe
Transportation of Hazardous Material by Pipeline, Truck, Railroad and Marine Vessels,
paper number T5a05, Spring 2001 Meeting. American Institute of Chemical Engineers,
New York (2001).
Angela Sandoval, Mario Beruvides, T. F. Wiesner, "State of the Art Analysis of Current Research Trends in Pipeline Safety," Topical
Conference Proceedings – Process Plant Safety Symposium, Transportation Safety: Safe
Transportation of Hazardous Material by Pipeline, Truck, Railroad and Marine Vessels,
paper number T5a05, Spring 2001 Meeting. American Institute of Chemical Engineers,
New York (2001).
Angela Sandoval, Mario Beruvides, T. F. Wiesner, "State of the Art Analysis of Current Research Trends in Pipeline Safety," Topical
Conference Proceedings - Process Plant Safety Symposium, Transportation Safety: Safe
Transportation of Hazardous Material by Pipeline, Truck, Railroad and Marine Vessels,
paper number T5a05, Spring 2001 Meeting. American Institute of Chemical Engineers,
New York (2001).
N. Gaur, V. Lukyanenko, T. F. Wiesner et al., "A novel control framework to interpret luminal calcium-induced calcium release,"
BIOPHYS J 80 (1): 2670 Part 2 (2001).
Coupland, J.N., S. A. Vanapalli, "Emulsions under shear – formation of partially coalesced lipid structures," 5th
International Hydrocolloids Conference, Raleigh, NC (2000).
K. K. Tvarlapati, Karlene Hoo, "A Method of Robust Multivariate Outlier Detection
and Replacement," Proc. International Federation of Automatic Control on Advances
in Chemical Processes (ADCHEM), Pisa, Italy, pp 653--658 (2000).
S. A. Vanapalli, Coupland, J. N. "Crystallization of emulsions under shear," Institute of Food Technologists
Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX (2000).
R. C. Hedden, H. Saxena, and C. Cohen, "Mechanical Properties and Swelling Behavior of Endlinked
Poly(diethylsiloxane) Networks," Macromolecules, 33, 8676-8684 (2000).
R. C. Hedden, C. Cohen, "Preparation of Poly(diethylsiloxane) with the NaOH/12 Crown-4 Catalyst,"
Polymer, 41, 6975-6979 (2000).
Parker, H.W., Karlene Hoo, T. F. Wiesner, "The Virtual Chemical Engineering Unit Operations Laboratory," Topical Conference
Proceedings – Chemical Engineering Education in the New Millennium, pp. 538-552, American
Institute of Chemical Engineers, New York (2000).
G. McKenna, "Size and Confinement Effects on the Glass Transition," ANTEC 2000-Proceedings
of the 58th Annual Technical Conference & Exhibition, Vol. XLVI, Orlando, FL, Society
of Plastics Engineers, pp. 2004-2009 (2000).
G. McKenna, "International workshop on dynamics in confinement: A personal summary," J PHYS
IV 10 (P7): 343-346 (2000).
P. Prasatya, G. McKenna, S.L. Simon , "Modeling Residual Stresses in Thermosetting Materials," ANTEC 2000-Proceedings
of the 58th Annual Technical Conference & Exhibition, Vol. XLVI, Orlando, FL, Society
of Plastics Engineers, pp. 2102-2106 (2000).
C.R. Schultheisz, G. McKenna, "Simultaneous Measurement of Torque, Axial Normal Force and Volume Change in the
NIST Torsional Dilatometer-Experiments and Analysis," SPE ANTEC 2000, 2014-2018 (2000).
C.R. Schultheisz, G. McKenna, "Standard Reference Materials: Non-Newtonian Fluids for Rheological Measurements,"
SPE ANTEC 2000, 1042-1046 (2000).
R. Rengasamy, Robert S. Parker, Francis J. Doyle, "Issues in Design of Input Signals for the Identification
of Nonlinear Models of Process Systems," proceedings of IFAC-ADCHEM, Pisa, Italy,
pp 863-868 (2000).
Sourabh Dash, R. Rengasamy, V. Venkatasubramanian, "Fault Diagnosis Using Analytical and Knowledge-Based Redundancy,"
presented in Annual AIChE Meeting, Los Angeles (2000).
N. Bac, Harpster, J. Maston, R. A., A. Sacco Jr., "A Low Temperature Furnace for Solution Crystal Growth on the International Space
Station," AIP Conference Proceedings (Space Technology and Applications International
Forum), 504, 499-504 (2000).
Parker, H.W., K.A. Hoo, T. F. Wiesner, "The Virtual Chemical Engineering Unit Operations Laboratory," Topical Conference
Proceedings - Chemical Engineering Education in the New Millennium, pp. 538-552, American
Institute of Chemical Engineers, New York (2000).
R. Khare, "Effects of polymer surface interactions on the rheology of confined alkanes," MRS
Meeting, San Francisco (2000).
R. Khare, "Relating solubility of penetrant molecules to the molecular-scale fluctuations
in polymeric systems," AIChE Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas (1999).
Vold, R.E., G.A. Rossetti, Jr., A. Sacco Jr., "Hydrothermal Synthesis of Lead Doped Barium Titanate: A Poster Session," 1999 Annual
AIChE Meeting, Dallas, TX, Materials Science and Engineering Student Poster, Session
08002 (1999).
Richard Tock, James K. Sanders, "Catalyzed Lower Alcohol-Water Based Fuels," U/S. Patent No. 5,951,722
N. Mahadevan, Karlene Hoo, and K. Adzievski, "Model Reduction and Controller Development
for a Class of Distributed Parameter Systems," Proc. American Control Conf., San Diego,
CA, paper TA03-6 (1999).
S. A. Vanapalli, Coupland, J.N. "Measurement of zeta-potential in food colloids by Phase Analysis
Light Scattering," Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL (1999).
R. C. Hedden, C. Wong, and C. Cohen, "Effect of Phenyl Substituents on the Mechanical and Swelling
Properties of Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Networks," Macromolecules, 32, 5154-5158 (1999).
M. L. Cerrada, G. McKenna, "Stress Relaxation of Poly(ethylene Naphthalate): Isothermal, Isochronal and Isostructural
Responses," SPE ANTEC '99, 2378-2382 (1999).
C. R. Schultheisz, G. McKenna, "Thermal Expansion and Its Effect on the Normal Force for a Modified Force Rebalance
Transducer," SPE ANTEC '99, 1142-1145 (1999).
C. R. Schultheisz, G. McKenna, "A Nonlinear Fluid Standard Reference Material: Progress Report," SPE ANTEC '99,
1125-1129 (1999).
S.L. Simon , O. Sindt, G. McKenna, "A Thermoviscoelastic Model for the Modulus of Epoxy During Cure," SPE ANTEC '99,
I, 966-970 (1999).
R. Rengasamy, "Design of Sensor Locations Based on Fault Diagnostic Observability Criteria," at
Rutgers University (1999).
R. Rengasamy, "Selected Topics in Integrated Process Supervision," at UOP, USA (1999).
Richard Tock, Q. Arefeen, and K. Sanders, "Effects of Using Heterogeneous Catalyst and A Chemical
Combustion Promoter on Emissions from Diesel Engines," World Refining, Vol. 9, No.
2, 53-62 (1999).
Gatsonis, N. A., Ongewe, B., Alexandrou, A., A. Sacco Jr., "Particle Simulation of Crystal Growth and Settling Under Varialbe Gravity," Paper
No. AIAA 99-0950, AIAA 37th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, NV (1999).
Gatsonis, N. A., Ongewe, B., Alexandrou, A., A. Sacco Jr., "A Two Phase Fluid Model of Crystal Settling Under Varialbe Gravity," Paper No.
AIAA 99-0955, AIAA 37th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, NV (1999).
Gatsonis, N. A., Ongewe, B., Alexandrou, A., A. Sacco Jr., "Particle Simulation of Crystal Growth and Settling Under Variable Gravity," Paper
No. AIAA 99-0950, AIAA 37th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, NV (1999).
Gatsonis, N. A., Ongewe, B., Alexandrou, A., A. Sacco Jr., "A Two Phase Fluid Model of Crystal Settling Under Variable Gravity," Paper No.
AIAA 99-0955, AIAA 37th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, NV (1999).
S. Subramanian, T. F. Wiesner, S. Gyorke, "A mathematical model for the mechanism of calcium wave propagation in
cardiac myocytes," BIOPHYS J 76 (1): A460-A460 Part 2 (1999).
R. Khare, "Rheological and structural studies of alkanes confined between metal surfaces,"
AIChE Annual Meeting, Miami, Florida (1998).
N. Bac, J. Warzywoda, G. Rossetti, Jr., M. Valcheva-Traykova, A. Sacco Jr., "Zeolite Crystal Growth in Space," Materials Research Society, 1998 Fall Meeting,
Boston, MA, MRS Conference Proceedings, Page 627 (1998).
N. Bac, J. Warzywoda, G. Rossetti, Jr., M. Valcheva-Traykova, A. Sacco Jr., "Zeolite Crystal Growth in Space," Materials Research Society, 1998 Fall Meeting,
Boston, MA, MRS Conference Proceedings, Page 627 (1998).
A. Sacco Jr., "Solution Crystal Growth: Commercial Opportunities," 49th International Astronautical
Congress, IAA-98-IAA.12.1.03, Melbourne, Australia (1998).
N. Bac, J. Warzywoda, A. Sacco Jr., "Experiment III. Zeolite Crystal Growth in Microgravity—The USML-2 Mission," Second
United States Microgravity Laboratory: One Year Report, Volume 1 (1998).
Alexandrou, A., N. A. Gatsonis, H. Shi, A. Sacco Jr., "Sedimentation of Heavy Crystal Particles Under Microgravity Conditions," Paper
No. AIAA 98-0738, AIAA 36th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, NV (1998).
Gatsonis, N. A., Alexandrou, A., Shi H., Ongewe B., A. Sacco Jr., "Modeling of Macroscopic/Microscopic Transport and Growth Phenomena in Zeolite Crystal
Solutions Under Microgravity Conditions," 1998 Microgravity Materials Science Conference,
198-199 (1998).
Alexandrou, A., N. A. Gatsonis, H. Shi, A. Sacco Jr., "Sedimentation of Heavy Crystal Particles Under Microgravity Conditions," Paper
No. AIAA 98-0738, AIAA 36th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, NV (1998).
Gatsonis, N. A., Alexandrou, A., Shi H., Ongewe B., A. Sacco Jr., "Modeling of Macroscopic/Microscopic Transport and Growth Phenomena in Zeolite Crystal
Solutions Under Microgravity Conditions," 1998 Microgravity Materials Science Conference,
198-199 (1998).
R. Khare, "Viscoelastic properties of polymers confined to thin films," AIChE Annual Meeting,
Los Angeles, California (1997).
R. Khare, "Surface segregation behavior of linear and branched alkanes under shear," AIChE
Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California (1997).
R. Khare, de Pablo, J. J., Yethiraj, A., "Dynamics of polymers confined to molecularly thin
films," Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering Preprints, 77, 642 (1997).
Rao Raghuraj, R. Rengasamy, "An framework for location of sensors in chemical plants based on diagnosability
criteria," at the IIChE Golden Jubilee Congress, New Delhi (1997).
R. Khare, "Viscoelastic properties and slip behavior of confined polymer melts," APS Annual
Meeting, Kansas City (1997).
A. Sacco Jr., "Zeolites," Extended Abstracts, American Astronautical Society 35th Goddard Memorial
Symposium, Greenbelt, MD (1997).
Van Dongeren, R. J. Pryputniewicz, A. Sacco Jr., "The Use of Electro-Optic Interferometry to Study Carbon Deposition on Transition
Metal Surfaces: A Preliminary Study," AIChE 1997 Spring National Meeting, Houston,
TX (1997).
R. Khare, "Rheology of confined polymer melts," Rheology Research Center Seminar Series, University
of Wisconsin-Madison (1997).
R. Khare, "Non isothermal planar Couette flow of confined polymers," Society of Rheology Meeting,
Galveston, Texas (1997).
R. Khare, "Molecular modeling of viscoelastic properties of confined polymers," AIChE Annual
Meeting, Chicago, Illinois (1996).
Alexandrou, A., N. A. Gatsonis, W. Durgin, A. Sacco Jr., "Modeling of Macroscopic/Microscopic Transport and Growth Phenomena in Zeolite Crystal
Solutions Under Microgravity Conditions," Microgravity Materials Science Conference
Proceedings, Publ. Huntsville, AL 3342, 457-462 (1996).
Apfel, R. E., Tian, Y., Jankovsky, J., Shi, T., Chen, X., Holt, R. G., Trinh, E.,
Croonquist, A., Thornton, K. C., A. Sacco Jr., Coleman, C., Leslie, F. W., Matthiesen, d. H., "Drops in Space: Super Oscillations
and Surfactant Studies," NASA Conference Publication (third Microgravity Fluid Physics,
Conference), 3338, 1299-1322 (1996).
R. Khare, "Molecular modeling of confined polymer melts in shear flow," APS Annual Meeting,
St. Louis, Missouri (1996).
R. Khare, "Non equilibrium simulations of flow of polymers near a solid surface," AIChE Annual
Meeting, Miami, Florida (1995).
Vandongeren, H., Geurtz, F. W. A. H, A. Sacco Jr., "The Influence of Silicon Contamination on Carbon Deposition Rate," Book of Abstracts,
210th ACS National Meeting, Chicago Il (1995).
Bruley D.F., Kang K.A., Moussy F., T. F. Wiesner, "Symbiosis of Biomedical and Bioprocess Engineering Utilizing TQM for Bioengineering
Education and Research," 1995 Annual ASEE Meeting, Anaheim, California, pp. 1088-1092
Bruley D.F., Kang K.A., Moussy F., T. F. Wiesner, "Symbiosis of Biomedical and Bioprocess Engineering Utilizing TQM for Bioengineering
Education and Research," 1995 Annual ASEE Meeting, Anaheim, California, pp. 1088-1092
D. Mylaraswamy, R. Rengasamy, V. Venkatasubramanian, "Combining Qualitative Models and Syntactic Pattern Recognition
for Process Diagnosis," presented at the AIChE meeting, Houston (1995).
R. Rengasamy, T. Hagglund and V. Venkatasubramanian, "A Qualitative Shape Analysis Procedure for
Automatic Monitoring of Control Loop Performance," presented at the AIChE meeting,
Miami (1995).
D. Mylaraswamy, R. Rengasamy, K. Arzen and V. Venkatasubramanian, "A Model-based Hybrid Neural Network Architecture
for Fault Diagnosis," presented at the AIChE meeting, Miami (1995).
R. Khare, Paulaitis, M. E., "Molecular simulations of phenyl ring flip motion in glassy polystyrene,"
Polymer Preprints, 36, 655 (1995).
R. Khare, "Molecular simulations of phenyl ring flip motion in glassy polystyrene," ACS Meeting,
Anaheim, California (1995).
A. Sacco Jr., N. Bac, E. N. Coker, A. G. Dixon, J. Warzywoda, and R. W. Thompson., "The Growth
of Zeolites A, X and Mordenite in Space," Joint "L+1" Science Review for USML-1 and
USMP-1 with the Microgravity Measurement Group, NASA Conference Publication 3272,
Volume I, Huntsville, AL (1994).
R. Rengasamy, V. Venkatasubramanian, "Framework for Integrated Process Supervision," in the proceedings
of ADCHEM, Kyoto, Japan, pp 120-124 (1994).
R. Rengasamy, "An Overview of Process Fault Diagnosis," presented at the Department of Automatic
Control, Lund, Sweden (1994).
R. Khare, "Molecular simulations of phenyl ring flip motion in glassy polystyrene," MRS Spring
Meeting, San Francisco, California (1994).
R. Khare, Lazaridis, T., Paulaitis, M. E., "An internal coordinate approach to reaction path
determinations for conformational transitions in polymers," Chemical Design Automation
News, 8, 1 (1993).
T. F. Wiesner, Helmlinger, G., and R.M. Nerem, "A Model of Thrombin-Mediated Cytosolic Calcium
Mobilization in HUVECs Responding to Flow," Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 21 (Supp
1), pp. 38. (abstract) (1993).
R. Rengasamy, S.N. Kavuri and V. Venkatasubramanian, "An unified Framework for Integrating Data
Reconciliation, Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis," presented at the AIChE meeting, St.
Louis (1993).
R. Rengasamy, S.N. Kavuri and V. Venkatasubramanian, "Mixture Density Approximation of Process
Data for Process Monitoring and Control," presented at the AIChE meeting, St. Louis
, N. Bac, A. Sacco Jr., R. W. Thompson, A. G. Dixon, and L. McCauley, "Thermal Design of a Novel Furnace
for the Processing of Molecular Sieve Zeolites in Space," 56, S. Guceri (ed.), Proc.
1st International Conference on Transport Phenomena in Processing, Technomic Publishing
Company, Lancaster, PA (1993).
A. Sacco Jr., R. W. Thompson, and A. G. Dixon, "Evaluation of Mixing Techniques and Protocols
for Zeolite A and Zeolite X," NASA Technical Memorandum 4456 - Materials Science on
Parabolic Aircraft (The FY87-89 KC135 Microgravity Test Program), 35 (1993).
Suer, M. G., N. Bac, L. Yilmaz, T. Gurkan, A. Sacco Jr., "Gas Separation with Zeolite Based Polyethersulfone Membranes," International Symposium
on Gas Separation Technology, Proceeds 9, Antwerp, Belgium (1993).
T. F. Wiesner, Helmlinger, G., and R.M. Nerem, "A Model of Thrombin-Mediated Cytosolic Calcium
Mobilization in HUVECs Responding to Flow," Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 21 (Supp
1) pp. 38. (abstract) (1993).
A. Sacco Jr., R. W. Thompson, and A. G. Dixon, "Zeolite Crystal Growth in Space--What Has Been
Learned," 31st Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, NV (1993).
R. Khare, "Molecular simulations of phenyl ring flip motion in polystyrene," AIChE Annual
Meeting, Miami, Florida (1992).
W. W. Durgin, F. J. Looft, A. Sacco Jr., R. Thompson, A. G. Dixon, D. Roberti, R. Labonte, and L. Moschini, L., "Spaceflight
Payload Design Flight Experience G-408," Proceedings of 1992 Shuttle Small Payloads
Symposium, NASA Conference Publication 3171, Lanham, MD (1992).
E. N. Coker, C. H. Sotak, A. G. Dixon, R. W. Thompson, A. Sacco Jr., "An Investigation of Zeolite Synthesis Solution Homogeneity by 27A1 and 1H Nuclear
Magnetic Resonance Imaging," Poster Presentation, Extended Abstracts, Ninth International
Zeolite Conference, Montreal, Canada (1992).
K. E. Hamilton, R. W. Thompson, A. Sacco Jr., A. G. Dixon, "The Factors Affecting the Nucleation of Zeolite X," Poster Presentation,
Extended Abstracts, Ninth International Zeolite Conference, Montreal, Canada (1992).
R. Rengasamy, V. Venkatasubramanian, "An Integrated Framework for Process Monitoring, Diagnosis
and Control Using Knowledge-based Systems and Neural Networks," in the proceedings
of IFAC symposium, Newark, Delaware, USA, pp 325-330 (1992).
V. Venkatasubramanian, R. Rengasamy, "Integrating Monitoring, Diagnosis and Control Tasks for Process Operations Management,"
presented at the AIChE meeting, Miami (1992).
Cnossen, R. G., S. Lee, A. Sacco Jr., "Development of Surface Phase Diagrams for (Fe/Ni/Co)-C-H-O Systems," Extended Abstracts,
20th Biennial Conference on Carbon, Santa Barbara, CA (1991).
Shorey, S. E., A. Sacco Jr., "Morphology Study of Carbon Deposition on Iron from Gas Mixtures of H2-CO-CH4-CO2-H2O,"
Extended Abstracts, 20th Biennial Conference on Carbon, Santa Barbara, CA (1991).
F. W. A. H. Geurts, R. G. Cnossen, S. Lee, A. Sacco Jr., "Carbon Deposition from C, H, O Gas Mixtures over (FeNi) and (FeCo) Alloy as a Function
of Alloy Composition and Gas Phase Carbon Activity," Extended Abstracts, 20th Biennial
Conference on Carbon, Santa Barbara, CA (1991).
F. W. A. H. Geurts, A. Sacco Jr., "The Relative Rates of the Boudouard Reaction and Hydrogenation of CO over Fe and
Co Foils," Extended Abstracts, 20th Biennial Conference on Carbon, Santa Barbara,
CA (1991).
R. Rengasamy, V. Venkatasubramanian, "Extraction of Qualitative Trends from Noisy Process Data
Using Neural Networks," presented at the AIChE meeting, Los Angeles (1991).
R. A. Gately, F. W. A. H. Geurts, S. Lee, A. Sacco Jr., "The Study of Carbon Deposition over Iron-Nickel Alloys," Extended Abstracts, Carbone
90, 1990, Paris, France (1990).
Geurts, F. W. A. H., G. A. Jablonski, A. Sacco Jr., "The Kinetics of Carbon Deposition over Fe, Ni, and Co Foils from CO-CO2, CH4-H2,
and CO-H2-H2O Gas Mixtures," Extended Abstracts, Carbone 90, Paris, France (1990).
Shorey, S. E., A. Sacco Jr., "Carbon Deposition over Fe, Co, and Ni Powders," Extended Abstracts, Carbone 90,
Paris, France (1990).
A. Sacco Jr., "Microgravity Catalyst Synthesis," Extended Abstracts No. 24, Synthesis and Properties
of New Catalysts: Utilization of Novel Materials, Components, and Synthetic Techniques
Editors E. W. Corcoran, M. J. Ledoux, and J. R. Knox, MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA
A. Sacco Jr., F. W. A. H. Geurts, G. A. Jablonski, and S. Lee, "The Initiation and Growth Mechanism
of Filamentous Carbon on Fe, Ni and Co Foil - A Comparative Study," Extended Abstracts
19th Biennial Conference on Carbon, Vol. 19, 366-367, University Park, PA (1989).
G. A. Jablonski ., F. W. A. H. Geurts, A. Sacco Jr., S. Lee, and R. R. Biederman, "Filamentous and Free Carbon Morphologies in the Fe,
Ni, and Co C-H-O System," Extended Abstracts 19th Biennial Conference on Carbon, Vol.
19, 362-363, University Park, PA (1989).
Geurts, F. W. A. H., R. A. Gately, G. A. Jablonski, S. Lee, A. Sacco Jr., "Effect of Fe-Ni Alloys on Filamentous Carbon Nucleation and Growth at Fixed Carbon
Gas Phase Activity," Extended Abstracts 19th Biennial Conference on Carbon, Vol. 19,
414-415, University Park, PA (1989).
S. Lee, A. Sacco Jr., "Generation of the Theoretical (FeNi), (NiCo) and (CoFe) Phase Diagrams for the
Study of Carbon Deposition from H2-CO-CO2-CH4-H2O," Extended Abstracts, Carbone 90,
Paris, France (1989).
A. Sacco Jr., R. Thompson, A. Dixon, G. Scott, Ditr, J., "Growth of Large Zeolite Crystals in
Space," NASA Contract Conference (NASA-CR-183262) (1988).
N. Bac, T. Gültop, A. Sacco Jr., "Breakthrough Prediction in Charcoal Filters," 18th Biennial Conference of Carbon,
Vol. 18, 108-109, Worcester, MA (1987).
A. Sacco Jr., L. B. Sand, D. Collette, K. Dieselman, J. Crowley, and A. Feitelberg, "Growth of
Zeolite Crystals In The Microgravity Environment of Space," Proceedings of the Get
Away Special Experimenter's Symposium, NASA Cont. Public. No. 2401, 133-140 (1985).
A. Sacco Jr., J. L. Hammarstrom, "Hydrogen Pulsing as a Measure of Chemical Activity of ASC Whetlerite,"
Extended Abstracts 17th Biennial Conference on Carbon, Vol. 17, 128, Lexington, Kentucky
A. Sacco Jr., "The Use of Nonequilibrium Phase Diagrams to Investigate Carbon Formation From Multicomponent
Gas Mixtures over Transition Metals," 17th Biennial Conference on Carbon, Vol. 17,
474-475, Lexington, Kentucky (1985).
P. Thacker, A. Sacco Jr., "Coke Filament Formation on Polycrystalline Iron films and Foils in the Carbon-Hydrogen-Oxygen
System," 8th Int. Congr. Catal. Proc (1985).
J. L. Hammarstrom, A. Sacco Jr., "The Use of a Hydrogen Pulse Technique to Monitor the Chemical Activity of ASC Whetlerite,"
Proceedings of the 1983 Scientific Conference on Chemical Defense Research, CRDC-SP-84014,
547 (1984).
J. L. Hammarstrom, A. Sacco Jr., "Magnetic Susceptibility Studies of ASC Whetlerite," Proceedings of the 1983 Scientific
Conference on Chemical Defense Research, CRDC-SP-84014, 563 (1984).
A. Sacco Jr., P. Thacker, "The Formation of Filamentous Carbon on -Iron," Extended Abstracts
16th Biennial Conference on Carbon, Vol. 16, 525-526, San Diego, CA (1983).
Szostak, R., A. H. Weiss, A. Sacco Jr., "EDX Analysis of Whetlerized Charcoal Microareas," Extended Abstracts 16th Biennial
Conference on Carbon, Vol. 16, 373-374, San Diego, CA (1983).
J. L. Hammarstrom, A. Sacco Jr., and N. Bac, "Preliminary Results on the Use of Hydrogen for Nondestructively Determining
the Catalytic Activity of ASC Whetlerite," Proceedings of the 1982 Scientific Conference
on Chemical Defense Research, ARCSL-SP-83030, 369 (1983).
A. Sacco Jr., A. H. Weiss, "Gas Chromatography Principles Applied to Air Filters," Proceedings
of the Chemical Defense Research Conference, ARCSL-SP-83026, 295 (1981).
A. Sacco Jr., A. H. Weiss, "Pulse Test for Measurement of Residual Adsorption Capacity of Air
Filters," Proceedings of the Chemical Defense Research Conference, ARCSL-SP-83026,
307 (1981).
A. Sacco Jr., R. C. Reid, "Limitations on Water Production in the Iron-Catalyzed Bosch Process,"
Intersociety Conference on Environmental Systems, ASME 78-ENAs-4, San Diego, CA (1978).
A. Sacco Jr., M. P. Manning, and R. C. Reid, "The Effect of H2O/H2 and CO2/CO Ratios on the Reduction
of Carbon Dioxide in the Bosch Process," Intersociety Conference on Environmental
Systems, ASME 76-ENAs-7, San Diego, CA (1976).