AVESTA: Funding
- SFS: Capacity Building: Collaborative Project: Cyber Security Education for Community College Faculty in Texas. Drs. Namin and Hewett received a $266,648 NSF grant from the National Science Foundation. The project is for two years. The project offers a summer workshop for community college faculty in the area of Cyber Security. The project is a collaborative work between the Department of Computer Science at Texas Tech and the Center for Security Studies at Angelo State University. More information can be found here
- SEES (Software Engineering Education Symposium) $1,600 to attend the SEES symposium in July 2012 to be held in Cary, NC, USA
- SEES (Software Engineering Education Symposium) $1,000 to attend the SEES symposium in July 2010 to be held in Santa Fe, NM, USA
Department of Computer Science
Texas Tech University, Box 43104 | Lubbock, TX 79409-3104 -
806.742.3527 -