- February 2013
Paper by Xiaozhen Xue and Akbar Siami Namin: "Measuring the Odds of Statements Being Faulty" is accepted for publication in the European Conference on Ada-Europe, Reliable Software Technology to be held in Berlin, 2013
- 2012
Dr. Namin received recognition as a "most Influential Professor" in 2012 by honor students in Computer Science undergraduate program. Dr. Namin received funding from ACM and NSF to attend the Symposium on Software Engineering Education (SEES) in conjunction with FSE 2012 to be held in Cary, NC, USA - 2012
Dr. Namin and Dr. Hewett received an NSF grant titled were awarded $266,648 by the National Science Foundation. The title of the proposal was "SFS: Capacity Building: Collaborative Project: Cyber-security Education for Community College Faculty in Texas." - August 2012
Delbert Bonner successfully defended his Master's thesis: A Parallel Software Energy Efficient Ratio. Congratulations Delbert. - July 2012
Paper by Delbert Bonner and Akbar Siami Namin: An Energy Model for Applications Running on Multicore Systems is accepted for publication in the International Conference on Cloud and Green Computing (CGC) to be held in China - May 2012
Pulkit Tomar successfully defended his Master's thesis on Test Input Generation for Parallel Applications. Congratulations Pulkit - May 2012
Omar Rosas and Pankaj Sharma successfully defended their joint Masters project on Mutation Tool Support for Effective Testing. Congratulations Omar and Pankaj
- December 2011
Tutorial: "Akbar Siami Namin:" Effective Experimental Design and Statistical Analysis of Software Engineering Data," International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2012), Zurich, Switzerland, June, 2012 is accepted as a full day tutorial. The tutorial will be presented in the International Conference on Software Engineering ICSE 2012, Zurich, Switzerland. - July 2011
Abdullah Muquim, a Master's student joins the AVESTA group. - June 2011
Omary Rosas, Pankaj Sharma, Vinitha Subburaj, and Akbar Siami Namin took the second place award for their work on testing and fault localizing an industrial robot application. The work was awarded at the International Conference on Software Comprehension (ICPC) the Industrial Challenge Track and the title of the problem was: "Robots never Explode." The 2011 ICPC conference was held in Kingston, Canada. Congratulations guys for your excellent work. - May 2011
Pratyusha Madiraju successfully defended her Master's project, "Tool Support for Mutation Testing." Congratulations Pratyusha. - May 2011
Paper: Akbar Siami Namin and Sahitya Kakarla: The use of mutation in testing experiments and its sensitivity to external threats is accepted for the International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA) in Toronto. - April 2011
Omar Rosas, a Master's student joined the AVESTA group. - April 2011
Pankaj Sharma, a Master's student joined the AVESTA group. - March 2011
Shivshankar Kanawade, a Master's student joined the AVESTA group. - March 2011
Delbert Bonner, a Master's student joined the AVESTA group. - February 2011
Paper: Pratyusha Madiraju and Akbar Siami Namin: ParaMu − A Partial and Higher−Order Mutation Tool with Concurrency Operators is accepted for the International Workshop on Mutation (Mutation 2011) in Berlin. - February 2011
Paper: Sahitya Kakarla, Selina Momotaz, and Akbar Siami Namin: An Evaluation of Mutation and Data-flow Testing: A Meta−Analysis is accepted for the International Workshop on Mutation (Mutation 2011) in Berlin.
- December 2010
Kunjal Rathod successfully defended her Master's project, "Tool Support for Testing Multi−threaded Applications." Congratulations Kunal. - October 2010
Selina Momotaz successfully defended her Master's thesis, "Tool Support for Testing Java Generics." Congratulations Selina. - October 2010
Sahitya Kakarla successfully defended her Master's thesis, "An Analysis of Parameters Influencing the Test Suites Effectiveness." Congratulations Sahitya. - October 2010
Xiaozhen Xue, a Ph.D. student joined the AVESTA group. - October 2010
Dr. Namin received $1000 travel support to attend FSE 2010 and SEES (Software Engineering Educators Symposium) in Santa Fe, NM, USA. The fund is jointly provided by NSF and ACM SIGSOFT. - September 2010
Mohammad Siddique, a Ph.D. student, joined the AVESTA group. - September 2010
Paper: Akbar Siami Namin, Barbara Millet, and Mohan Sridharan: Fast Abstract Paper: Stochastic Model−based Testing for Human−Robot Interaction, is accepted to be presented in the 21th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE 2010), San Jose, USA. - September 2010
Paper: Kunjal Rathod and Akbar Siami Namin: Fast Abstract Paper: A Framework for Testing Multithreaded Applications with Interleaving Faults, is accepted to be presented in the 21th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE 2010), San Jose, USA. - August 2010
Pratyusha Madiraju, a Master's student joined the AVESTA group. - August 2010
Paper: Akbar Siami Namin and Mohan Sridharan: Position Paper: Bayesian Reasoning for Software Testing, is accepted to be presented in the International Workshop on the Future of Software Engineering (FoSER) in conjunction with the International Conference on Foundation of Software Engineering (FSE 2010), Santa Fe, USA. - August 2010
Paper: Mohan Sridharan and Akbar Siami Namin: Prioritizing Mutation Operators Using Probabilistic Sampling, is accepted to be presented in the 21th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE 2010), San Jose, USA. - July 2010
Paper: Sahitya Kakarla and Akbar Siami Namin: The Influence of Environmental Parameters on Concurrency Fault Exposures − An Explanatory Study, is accepted to be presented in the 4th International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM 2010), Bolzano−Bozen, Italy. - May 2010
Kunjal Rathod, a Master's student joined the AVESTA group. - March 2010
Pulkit Tomar, a Master's student joined the AVESTA group. - February 2010
Paper: "A.S. Namin, M. Sridharan, P. Tomar: Predicting Multi−Core Performance Using Solaris Containers: A Case Study" is accepted as a full paper to be presented in the third international workshop on Multicore Software Engineering (IWMSE10) co−located with the 32th International Conference on Software Engineering ICSE 2010, Cape Town, South Africa.
- December 2009
Dr. Namin received free registration support to attend ICSE 2010 in Cape Town, South Africa from ICSE organizers. - December 2009
Tutorial: M. Sridharan and A.S. Namin: "Bayesian Methods for Data Analysis in Software Engineering" is accepted as a full−day tutorial to be presented at the 32th International Conference on Software Engineering ICSE 2010, Cape Town, South Africa. - September 2009
Selina Momotaz, a Master's student joined the AVESTA group - September 2009
Sahitya Kakarla, a Master's student joined the AVESTA group. - August 2009
The AVESTA group is established.
Department of Computer Science
Texas Tech University, Box 43104 | Lubbock, TX 79409-3104 -
806.742.3527 -