Texas Tech University

Human Development and Family Sciences

Human Development and Family Sciences Texas Tech Internship

HDFS Practicum Sites: Students making an impact in their community

The community practicum requirement allows Human Development and Family Sciences seniors an opportunity to work at a site of their choice while gaining course credit. Practicum sites provide valuable hands-on experience that will allow students to see firsthand how lives are impacted in a real-world, professional setting that is unique to their career goals. Seniors should be preparing for their practicum in the semester before they plan to enroll in practicum. The sites are all located in the Lubbock community.

Instructions for Community Practicum HDFS 4314

  1. Complete the HDFS 4314 permit form.
    1. Email the completed form to your HDFS advisor (find their email here) or drop it off in person at the Human Sciences Advising Office in HS 159. A permit will be given to allow you to register for HDFS 4314 in the appropriate section(s).
  2. Register for HDFS 4314.
    1. You DO NOT need to be approved by the practicum site to register for the course HDFS 4314.
  3. Choose a practicum site.
    1. Review the below table for current site locations. Your practicum must be done in the Lubbock area; done for course credit, not for salary- these must be unpaid positions and should not be done at the same place where you are working. 
  4. Contact the approved practicum site that is of interest to you.
    1. Treat any site as a job interview; dress professionally and be prepared to discuss the reasons for your interest. Some sites require contact early in the semester (for example, Child Life) – even before you register for HDFS 4314.
    2. It is important to make arrangements for your practicum the semester before you take HDFS 4314. 

Fall/Spring Practicum

The fall/spring practicum course can be either 90 or 150 volunteer hours. Some sites require a criminal background check for all volunteers. Some sites require a criminal background check for all volunteers. If your practicum site requires a background check but does not provide this service, please contact your fall/spring practicum course instructor

Summer Practicum

Note: The summer practicum course is limited to 90 hours. Students interested in earning the Certified Family Life Education credential will need to complete the 150-hour option in either the fall or spring semesters. Some sites require a criminal background check for all volunteers. If your practicum site requires a background check but does not provide this service, please contact your summer practicum course instructor.

Required Forms for Students

NOTE: Contact persons may have changed since this list was updated. If the person listed is no longer with the organization, ask to talk with someone about doing an internship.

The following is a list of approved community practicum sites for HDFS 4314. Contact the HDFS 4314 practicum instructor if you are interested in doing your practicum at a site that is not on the list.

Are you a business/organization wanting to join our host site list?

Please fill out the below form to be added.