Texas Tech University

Human Development and Family Sciences

Colloquium Series

2020-2021 Series


Dorothy L. Espelage, Ph.D.
Professor | School of Education
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Research-informed bullying prevention: Social-emotional learning & school climate improvement approaches


Richard Slatcher, Ph.D.
Professor | Department of Psychology
University of Georgia

Social Relationships in the Time of COVID


Kristi Gaines, Ph.D., IIDA, IDEC
Associate Dean, Graduate School | Associate Professor, Department of Design
Texas Tech University

Equity and Access through Design: An Integrative Approach to Promote Child Development Introduction


Hiram Fitzgerald, Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor, Emeritus | Department of Psychology 
Michigan State University 

Community Engagement Scholarship: Innovations in Higher Education and an Affirmation of Democracy 



Michael O'Boyle, Ph.D.
Professor, Human Development and Family Sciences

Rich Rice, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of English

Alec Cattell, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Practice, Humanities and Applied Linguistics 

Oak Hee Park, Ph.D.
Research Assistant Professor, Human Sciences and Nutritional Sciences 
Texas Tech University 

How to Write a Successful Grant Proposal 


Monica Martin, Ph.D.
Joey Merrin, Ph.D.
Christy Rogers, Ph.D.
Zhe Wang, Ph.D.

Assistant Professors, Human Development and Family Sciences
Texas Tech University

Academic Publishing Panel