Human Development and Family Sciences

Positive Youth Development Lab
To change the world, my friend Sancho, is not madness nor utopia. It's JUSTICE!
~Miguel de Cervantes, 'Don Quixote'
Cure sometimes, treat often, comfort always.
Welcome to Dr. Trejos' Positive Youth Development (PYD) Lab!
Our research focuses on the importance of individual characteristics and contextual influences on youth developmental outcomes, risk-taking behaviors, well-being and resiliency. Our lab seeks to generate knowledge on youth in general with a focus on minority, immigrant, and international understudied youth populations. Our work is informed by multidisciplinary theories and based on cross-cultural/cross-national comparative mixed-methods (qualitative/quantitative), and Participatory Action Research (PAR).
What's the BUZZ?
- Culture, Health, and Wellness: Our Cultural Heritage Affects How We Take Care of Ourselves
- Lubbock Latinas in higher education provide opportunities for all students
- Women Making History: Highlighting women of Texas Tech who are taking their place in history
- Texas Tech Researcher Works to Strengthen Parent-Child Bonds
- Cross-Cultural Studies Program Celebrates Decade of Educating Students on Diversity, Inclusiveness
- University Named 2021 HSI Leader by Fulbright Program
- Animation Isn't All Fun and Games - It Might Just Change Your Life
- Two Fellows Named to Texas Tech Faculty Success Initiative
- Stop Putting Kids Behind Bars, Report Urges
- Report: Youth Justice Policy Ignores Impact of Trauma
- HDFS Associate Chair Assists in Creation and Implementation of Mental Health Programs for Lubbock Community and Law Enforcement
- Janelas do Amanhã: Dialogando Sobre O Futuro Com Adolescentes Privados De Liberdade
- Executive Session on the Future of Justice Policy-Executive Session Members
- Spotlight on Brazil: Opportunities with the US Fulbright Scholar Program
- Human Sciences Fulbright Liaison Uses Passion and Experience to Encourage Future Fulbright Scholars
- Child Abuse & Violence Prevention Week- Semana de Enfrentamento às Violências contra Crianças e Adolescentes, Ponta Grossa, Parana, Brazil, Video
- Human Sciences Professor Wins Fulbright Grant to Work with Brazilian Foster Kids
- Texas Tech University College of Human Sciences, "Two Fulbright Scholars Selected for 2017-2018 Cycle"
- Toxic stress in children and adolescents- Estresse Tóxico em Crianças e Adolescentes- Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa e ao Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico do Maranhão, Brazil
- Texas Tech, Brazilian Researchers Examine Effects of Toxic Stress on Children's Brain Development
- Researchers examine effects of toxic stress on children's brain development-Science Daily
- Research Partnership TTU-Federal Institute of Santa Catarina-Universo IFC
- Texas Tech University International Affairs, "TTU Researchers Awarded Prestigious Colombian National Science Foundation Grant"
- Universidad de Antioquia News, "US Researchers win grant to study effects of violence on brains of Colombian Youth"
- Professor Working with School District to Implement New, Improved Sex Education
Join our PYD Lab
Our lab offers opportunities for Undergraduate and Graduate students excited to gain "hands-on" research experience using mixed-methods (quantitative-qualitative data) and working with diverse national and international projects aimed at supporting positive youth development, resiliency and well-being.
Contact Dr. Trejos at / Office: (806) 834-6080
Elizabeth Trejos-Castillo, Ph.D.
C.R. Hutcheson Professor
Human Development & Family Sciences
College of Human Sciences
Texas Tech University
MS 41230, Lubbock, TX 79409-1230
- Phone: 806-834-6080
- Fax: 806-742-0285
- Email:
Human Development and Family Sciences
Texas Tech University, P.O. Box 41230, Lubbock, TX 79409-1230 -
806.742.3000 -