Texas Tech University

2022 SIBS News Archive

11.16.22-11.19.22: SIBS Lab takes on NCFR in Minneapolis!
Derek Morgan and Dr. Christy Rogers engaged in several research activities at the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) Conference in Minneapolis, MN:

1) Derek won the Student Poster Award for Sibling Relationships Focus Group! Morgan, D. D., Higgins, C. D., Ingram, P. B., & Rogers, C. R. (2022, November). Younger sibling warmth as a buffer between emerging adult prospective uncertainty and substance use.


2)Dr. Rogers won the Professional Paper Award for the Families and Health Section (pictured on the left)! 

Dr. Rogers 

Rogers, C. R., Chen, X., Kwon, S-J., McElwain, N. L., & Telzer, E. H. (2022). The role of early attachment and parental presence in adolescent behavioral and neurobiological regulation. Developmental Cogniti­­­­­­­­­­ve Neuroscience, 53. doi: 10.1016/j.dcn.2021.101046

These awards can be found on the NCFR website at: https://www.ncfr.org/awards/2022-ncfr-award-recipients

3)Dr. Rogers presented a research talk as part of a symposium in the Research and Theories Section:

Rogers, C. R., Higgins, C. D., Morgan, D. D. (2022, November). Adolescent dysregulation during COVID-19: An application of the family stress model. 

4)Dr. Shera Jackson and Dr. Rogers facilitated a workshop with undergraduate, Emma Compton, as part of the Advancing Family Science Section:

Jackson, S., Rogers, C. R., Quintero, M., Compton, E., Langley, K. (2022, November). Recruitment and retention: Exploring creative and inclusive strategies to promote family science.  

5)The Department of Human Development and Family Sciences at Texas Tech University recruited prospective graduate students for the on campus and online programs! Pictured from left to right: Department Chair, Dr. Dana Weiser; grad student, Joanna Cayla; Recruitment Chair, Dr. Christy Rogers; President of Grad Student Association, Derek Morgan.

Prospective Grad Student set up

(Pictured: Dr. Weiser, Joanna Cayla Rivera, Dr. Rogers, Derek Morgan)

11.07.22: SIBS Lab Participates in Family STEM Night!

The SIBS Lab hosted a table at Family STEM Night, a new event for families with children K-12 to engage in STEM activities sponsored by the STEM CORE at Texas Tech. Our table included crafts to create neurons and brain hats, as well as fun facts about the teenage brain!


(Pictured: Annabelle Hays, Tristan Herring, Ashlinn Peters)

11.02.22: Dr. Rogers Presents as Guest Speaker at Sexism Cinema! 

Dr. Rogers was invited to present as the guest speaker at Sexism Cinema, an outreach film series that features a movie with a female protagonist with themes of gender, sexuality, race, class, and ability discussed by a topic expert. Dr. Rogers presented for the film Election (1999) and identified themes specific to adolescent development, challenges, and well-being.

Sexism Cinema 

10.14.22-10.15.22: SIBS Lab Represents at TrUE Transformers! 

Dr. Rogers, Ashlinn Peters, and Tina Greene presented their research activities through a TrUE Transformers grant. Dr. Rogers received this grant titled, “Identifying Neurobiological Profiles of Adolescent Regulation During Family Conflict,” to fund 5 exceptional female students to pursue interdisciplinary research activities during summer 2022. See our presentations below:

1.    Ashlinn Peters presented her research titled, “Problematic Eating Behaviors in Health Teens,” and won 7th place out of over 70 talks at the event for the impact of her work! TrUETrUE

2. Tina Greene presented her research titled, “Convergent Validity of the MMPI-A-RF in a Community Sample of Teens,” as well as her work as a McNair Scholar!


3.  Dr. Rogers presented on the research activities of the TrUE Transformers grant in an impact talk to showcase the stellar work of her undergraduate RAs. Below is a picture of the impact poster that Ashlinn and Tina created for the lab: 

Research activities 

10.08.22: Presenting, Dr. Twyla Hough!

Dr. Rogers had the pleasure of serving as a committee member for Twyla Hough's dissertation, “Career and Education Planning as Experienced by Young Black Women in West Texas.” Twyla defended her dissertation with a compelling presentation with clear implications for supporting professional trajectories for Black youth in our community. Congrats, Dr. Hough! We are so proud of you.


10.01.22: SIBS Lab Engages Teen Girls in Neuroscience at Tech Savvy!

The SIBS Lab felt honored to host a neuroscience workshop called, “Inside Out: The Inner Workings of the Teenage Brain,” for teen girls at Tech Savvy. The STEM CORE at Texas Tech hosts an all-day event on campus every year to engage middle school girls in STEM fields. The SIBS Lab facilitated a variety of activities in neuroscience including crafts (creating neurons and brain hats), movement (pin the spinal cord on the brain and brain anatomy relay races), brain jeopardy, and brief presentations with fun facts about the teenage brain. We loved getting these girls pumped up about neuroscience, and look forward to participating again next year!


09.14.22: Dr. Rogers & Connað Higgins Engage in Grad Recruitment

The HDFS Graduate Recruitment Committee, including Dr. Rogers (chair) and Connað Higgins, hosted a table at the Graduate and Professional Symposium School Fair at Texas Tech. We received a lot of interest from prospective applicants—thank you to our awesome committee!


(Pictured Back Row Dr. Rogers, Connað Higgins, Carrie Badillo, Narges Hadi; Front Row: Jeremiah Ramirez, Gabby Garcia)

05.26.22-05.29.22: SIBS Lab Represents at APS in Chicago! 

Derek Morgan and Dr. Christy Rogers shared research from the SIBS Lab at the Association for Psychological Convention. Specifically, they presented on preliminary findings from Derek's independent study, SONA SIBS. Derek's poster highlighted the protective effect of high sibling relationship quality on emerging adult women's mental health whereas Dr. Rogers' poster emphasized the salient role of siblings for sexually diverse emerging adult experiences.


05.13.22-05.14.22: Dr. Rogers attends Graduation Ceremonies!

As part of Texas Tech's Convocations Committee, Dr. Christy Rogers enjoyed celebrating graduation with the undergraduate and graduate students in the Department of Human Development and Family Sciences.

Graduate students:


Leslie Hasty, Ph.D.


Katheryn Webb, M.S.

Undergraduate Students: 


Rebecca (Becca) Steinman, B.S., served as a research assistant in Dr. Rogers' lab for a year, and notably, conducted a qualitative research study with the guidance of graduate student, Derek Morgan. Becca is continuing her coursework so that she can prepare for applications to medical school.


Angelica Santana, B.S., was an ambitious and interactive student in one of Dr. Rogers' courses and volunteered in her research lab through meaningful research with graduate student, Twyla Hough. Angelica's next steps include applying to nursing school.

Also pictured is Bianca Cervantes, B.S., who was another wonderful student in one of Dr. Rogers' classes. Good luck to both of you in your pursuits! 


Triston Dees, B.S., was a thoughtful and engaged student in one of Dr. Rogers' courses and now volunteers as a research assistant in her lab. He is eager to gain a breadth of research experiences surrounding adolescent development to prepare for graduate school applications.


Paxton Jones, B.S., and Journey Roddie, B.S., were both stellar students in two of Dr. Rogers' courses. Given their engagement and excellent performance, they also served as Dr. Rogers' TAs in spring 2022 for HDFS 3316: Development during Adolescence. Paxton will be attending Occupational Therapy school at Texas Tech in the fall and Journey will serve as a youth pastor in Texas. 

Fellow Colleague: 


Dr. Shera Jackson was also at the College of Human Sciences graduation ceremony! Of note, Dr. Jackson is one of the most involved faculty members in our department and is a huge supporter of undergraduate education research. Thank you so much for celebrating our graduates, Dr. Jackson!

05.11.22: Derek Morgan Receives HDFS Junior Researcher Award!

Derek Morgan was awarded the Junior Researcher Award from the Department of Human Development and Family Sciences. This award highlights the most outstanding graduate student who has attended the program for less than two years for their accomplishments in research activities. We are so proud of your hard work and milestones in research, Derek!


04.28.22: Connað Higgins Receives Letter of Appreciation!

President Lawrence Schovanec presented Connað Higgins with a Letter of Appreciation from the university for his participation in the National Science Foundation's 2022 Graduate Research Fellowship Program application cycle.


04.27.22: Dr. Rogers Graduates from the Institute of Inclusive Excellence!

Dr. Christy Rogers graduated as part of the 2021-2022 Institute for Inclusive Excellence Cohort. Dr. Rogers will continue to serve as a fellow and promote campus access & engagement initiatives through her teaching, research, and service.


03.31.22: Derek Morgan Presents at McKenzie Lecturer Series and Takes 1st Place in Poster Competition!

Derek Morgan presented his research at the regional McKenzie Lecturer Series, which highlights recent research on addition, families, and health. Derek shared his work on how parental mental health affects their adolescent's mental health across time, and how parenting and closeness between adolescents and their parents modulates these associations. He won 1st place in the graduate student poster competition. Congrats, Derek, we are all so proud of you


03.30.22: Dr. Rogers Awarded Texas Tech Alumni Association New Faculty Award!

Dr. Christy Rogers was honored as one of seven recipients of the Texas Tech University Alumni Association New Faculty Award. This award is presented to faculty who have four years, or fewer, of service and who have earned distinction for dedicated service to Texas Tech. Dr. Rogers was chosen to represent the College of Human Sciences.


03.29.22: Rebecca Steinman Presents at the URC and Honored with Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award! 

Rebecca Steinman, fondly known as Becca, conducted an independent research study on the motivation and satisfaction of physician assistant before and after COVID-19. With the enormous support of graduate student, Derek Morgan, she presented her work at the Texas Tech Undergraduate Research Conference and won the Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award. Read more about her research journey and award HERE!


03.03.22-03.05.22: SIBS Lab Presents at SRA in New Orleans!

Derek Morgan presented his research at the Society for Research on Adolescence Conference. Derek's research examined the transmission of mental Illness from parents to their adolescents during COVID-19, as well as the role that parenting and closeness and play in these associations.


03.03.22: Connað Higgins Wins 2nd Place at the Graduate Research Conference!
Connað Higgins submitted his research to the Texas Tech Graduate Research Conference. His research examined how gaming communities can facilitate social interactions and higher quality peer relationships. Connað won 2nd place in the online category for the poster competition. Congrats, Connað!

01.20.22: Grant funded with Dr. Rogers as a Co-Investigator!
The National Natural Science Foundation of China funded a grant that Dr. Rogers will serve as a Co-Investigator on over the next three years. The proposal is titled, “The role of parenting on sibling relationship quality in the two-child family: Inter-brain synchrony in parents-child-sibling interactions,” which is led by Principal Investigator Dr. Bin-Bin Chen, who is a professor at Fudan University in the Department of Psychology, which is in Shanghai China. Dr. Rogers is very excited to support this exciting international research endeavor!

01.19.22: SIBS Lab selected for the TrUE Transformers Award!
Dr. Rogers submitted a proposal to the TrUE Transformers program, which provides funding for innovative and engaging undergraduate research activities. Her proposal, “Identifying Neurobiological Profiles of Adolescent Regulation during Family Conflict,” was selected for the TrUE Transformers Award to provide a mechanism for undergraduates to engage in research with the SIBS Lab during Summer 2022! 

We thank the Center for Transformative Undergraduate Experiences (TrUE) and the Helen Jones Foundation for making this opportunity possible. Click here to learn more about the program.