Texas Tech University

Overview and Points of Pride

Industrial, Manufacturing and Systems engineering studies the design and operation of production and service systems and the people who operate in these systems.

Industrial engineers use the information and techniques from physical, mathematical, biological, behavioral, and engineering sciences to plan, control,


 design, and manage complex organizations and systems. Industrial, Manufacturing & Systems engineering applies the laws of the physical sciences to designing and operating systems in which products are produced and services are provided, as well as to considering the behavior of people as they operate in these systems.

The curriculum provides students with an opportunity to apply their engineering, mathematical, and science knowledge to design systems (production or processes) and solve engineering problems. Students learn to function on teams, 

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to communicate effectively, design and conduct experiments, and to utilize current engineering tools. Students gain an understanding of their professional and ethical responsibilities as they examine contemporary issues and the impact of engineering solutions in the global workplace. Perhaps most importantly, students learn to learn, so that they can continue to update their industrial engineering skills throughout their careers.

Points of Pride

  • Founded in 1934, the department was one of the first IE departments in the nation (seventeenth) and the first in the state of Texas.
  • The 13 tenure-track/tenured faculty include two endowed professors, and four fellows of professional societies.
  • The department enrolls over 200 undergraduate, 160 graduate students and has conferred more than 1,600 B.S., 1,000 M.S., and 200 Ph.D. degrees.
  • Research funding is obtained from a diverse range of agencies, including NSF, ONR, AFOSR, NASA, NIOSH, and DOE.
  • Faculty and students awards include six Best Dissertation Awards from the American Society of Engineering Management (ASEM) and numerous best paper awards.
  • Graduates from the program occupy leadership positions in academia, including numerous IE department heads, several engineering deans, and a university president, as well as in industry and government.

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