Texas Tech University

TTU K-12 staff distribute information from their booth.
Around 1,500 visitors attended the free event.

PBS Kids Event Engages TTU K-12 with Local Community

Raider Red hangs out with Clifford and Curious George at the PBS Kids event.

Raider Red hangs out with Clifford and Curious George at the PBS Kids event.

By Leslie Cranford, Section Manager

Raider Red hangs out with Clifford and Curious George at the PBS Kids event.

Raider Red hangs out with Clifford and Curious George at the PBS Kids event.

Wherever Clifford the Big Red Dog, Curious George and Raider Red are, there must be something special going on. 

TTU K-12 joined with Texas Tech Public Media (TTPM) to present the PBS Kids Summer Adventure to the Lubbock community.  

Kids and families were invited to watch free screenings of favorite PBS Kids shows in the Science Spectrum's OMNI Theater and on the science stage. Participants enjoyed hands-on learning activities, science demonstrations, coloring, crafts and games.

Advising staff and others from TTU K-12 administration handed out branded items and information on TTU K-12 courses and enrollment, and the team from TTPM distributed material on school readiness.

Raider Red helps out with activities.

Raider Red helps out with activities.

Raider Red helps out with activities.

Raider Red helps out with activities.

Principal Cari Moye, one of the administrators staffing the TTU K-12 booth, thinks the collaboration with TTUPM and PBS Kids is a natural fit.

“Partnering with PBS is fantastic as we are able to reach potential students and work with an organization that believes in quality education,” Moye said. 

Organizers estimated more than 1,500 people attended the three-hour Saturday event.